
Zend Certification Questions Pack 2014

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем Умка, 5 ноя 2014.

Цена: 1100р.
Взнос: 1100р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 5 ноя 2014
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Zend Certification Questions Pack 2014

    Zend Certified PHP Developer 5.5
    Yesterday I updated my previous ZCE certificate to the Zend Certified PHP Developer qualification (the new ZCE for PHP 5.5 also got a new name). Since the ZCE 5.3 exam is no longer available and I work with various clients to prepare their teams for these certifications, it was important to me that I keep my own certification up to date. Now I've done that, I'd like to share some resources for others doing the same thing.

    Sample Questions Pack
    One really important step in preparing for this exam is to get an idea of what kind of questions you might be asked - in terms of the format of the questions and the topics. I have a pack of 70 questions which I use when delivering ZCE preparation courses, but I also sell it separately and it is now updated for PHP 5.5

    The pack costs $25 - if you bought a previous version of it, send me your previous receipt and I'll get you the updated version of the document. As well as questions, this includes answers with detailed explanations of how those are reached and links to further reading. There is also some advice about the format of the exam and what to expect on the day itself.

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 19 июн 2015
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