
[XenForo] Ads Manager - автоматизированная продажа рекламных мест

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем AlexBrtn, 7 окт 2015.

Цена: 3200р.-37%
Взнос: 1988р.

Основной список: 2 участников

Резервный список: 3 участников

  1. 7 окт 2015
    AlexBrtn ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: [XenForo] Ads Manager - автоматизированная продажа рекламных мест

    Ads Manager by Siropu - многофункциональный плагин рекламы для XenForo

    [xenForo.Info]_2015-03-31 00-27-38 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-27-00 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-28-06 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-29-02 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-29-22 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-30-27 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-30-48 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-31-23 Скриншот экрана.png 2015-03-31 00-31-49 Скриншот экрана.png

    Основные возможности плагина:

    Менеджер рекламы - это простая и мощная система менеджера рекламы, которая позволяет Вам легко управлять вашими объявлениями, и/или продавать места объявлений используя предварительно настроенные пакеты.

    С ADS Manager вы сможете показать 6 типов объявлений на XenForo:

    1. Пользовательский Код
    Данный вид рекламы позволяет отображать HTML и javascript/Flash-объявлений, таких как партнерские баннеры, product widgets, Adsense и др.

    2. Баннеры
    Этот тип объявления позволяет Вам показывать рекламные баннеры, которые Вы можете загрузить непосредственно.

    3. Текст
    Данный вид рекламы позволяет отображать текстовые объявления с Заголовком и Описанием.

    4. Ссылка
    Данный вид рекламы позволяет отображать ссылки объявлений с пользовательского заголовка. Вы можете использовать его, чтобы построить список ссылок в боковой панели форума.

    5. Ключевые слова
    Данный вид рекламы позволяет Вам трансформировать текст для ключевых слов в потоке постов и диалогов (опционально), в подсказке описание ссылки.
    (как я понял - во всплывающих окнах/подсказках к ключевым словам в постах)

    6. Липкие Нити
    Этот тип объявления позволяет Вам создавать/продавать липкие нити на форумах, которые Вы хотите.
    (имеется ввиду скорее платно закреплять тему делая из неё "важную тему")

    Встроенные системы оплаты:
    Payment Options Supported
    Bitcoin (BitPay, CoinBase, Blockchain & manual mode)
    Bank Transfer/Wire (Manual)

    32 рекламных места.
    1. Above Top Breadcrumb
    2. Below Top Breadcrumb
    3. Below Bottom Breadcrumb
    4. Above Content
    5. Below Content
    6. Sidebar Bottom
    7. Thread View Above Messages
    8. Thread View Below Messages
    9. Thread Post Message Inside (Allows you to add ads inside any thread post(s) message you want) Custom*
    10. Thread Post Message Below (Allows you to add ads below any thread post(s) message you want) Custom*
    11. Thread Post Container After (Allows you to add ads after any thread post(s) container you want) Custom*
    12. Conversation Post Message Inside (Allows you to add ads inside any conversation post(s) message you want) Custom*
    13. Conversation Post Message Below (Allows you to add ads below any conversation post(s) message you want) Custom*
    14. Conversation Post Container After (Allows you to add ads after any conversation post(s) container you want) Custom*
    15. Profile Post Container After (Allows you to add ads after any profile post(s) container you want) Custom*
    16. Forum Category After ID (Allows you to add ads after any forum category you want on forum list page) Custom*
    17. Header
    18. Below Forum List Nodes
    19. Sidebar Top
    20. Sidebar Below Visitor Panel
    21. Forum View Above Node List
    22. Forum View Above Thread List
    23. Thread List Below
    24. Member View Below Avatar
    25. Member View Sidebar Bottom
    26. Member View Above Message
    27. Account Sidebar Bottom
    28. Account Below Content
    29. Page Node Container Article
    30. Message Body
    31. Message Below
    32. Footer

    Ads Manager is a light and powerful advertisement management system that allows you to manage with ease your own ads and/or sell ads using packages.

    With Ads Manager you can display 6 types of ads on XenForo:

    1. Custom Code
    This ad type allows you to display HTML/JavaScript/Flash ads such as affiliate banners, product widgets, Adsense, etc.

    2. Banners
    This ad type allows you to display banner ads that you can upload directly.

    3. Text
    This ad type allows you to display text ads with custom title and description.

    4. Links
    This ad type allows you to display link ads with custom title. You can use it to build link lists in the forum sidebar.

    5. Keywords
    This ad type allows you to transform text keywords in thread posts and conversations (optionally), into links with a tooltip description.

    6. Sticky Threads
    This ad type allows you to create/sell sticky threads in the forums you want.

    With Ads Manager you can:
    1. Display ads individually, grouped or in rotation.
    2. Display the same ad(s) on multiple position(s) at the same time.
    3. Rotate multiple ads in any of the 8 available orders: Ad order asc/desc, Ad creation date asc/desc, Ad CTR asc/desc, random.
    4. Manage multiple ads at the same time.
    5. Choose who will see the ads, where and when.
    6. Choose which ad types you want to sell.
    ACP Features:
    1. Create/manage Ads
    2. Create/manage Packages
    3. Create/manage Promo Codes (Allows you to offer discounts to advertisers in a form of a promo code based on different criteria)
    4. Create/manage Positions (32 default positions and you can add more)
    5. Create/manage Positions Categories
    6. Style Properties to customize the Ad Units
    7. Admin Options (Admin, General, Advertisers)
    8. Manage Invoices
    9. User Permissions (Create Ads, View Ads, Use Geo Targeting, View Daily Stats, View Click Stats)
    10. Admin Permissions (Manager Ads Manager)
    Ads Features
    • Set name
    • Select package (optional)
    • Select to inherit or not package settings
    • Select to exclude from package ad slot count (good for backup ads)
    • Select positions (you can select multiple positions)
    • Code (for custom code ads)
    • Upload banner (for banner ads)
    • Title (for text and link ads)
    • Description (for text ads)
    • Keywords (for keywords ads - you can set multiple keywords)
    • Keywords description (If set, it will be displayed in a Tooltip when you hover over the keywords)
    • Target URL
    • Set start date (Allows you to automatically enable the ad at the specified date)
    • Set end date (Allows you to automatically disable the ad at the specified date)
    • Set to count views (Allows you to track how many times the ad has been viewed)
    • Set view limit (Allows you to automatically disable the ad after x views)
    • Set to count clicks (Allows you to track how many times the ad has been clicked on)
    • Set click limit (Allows you to automatically disable the ad after x clicks)
    • Set to enable Daily statistics (Track views and clicks received per hour/day/week/month, for each position that ad uses)
    • Set to enable Click Statistics (Track clicks with the following info (date, page, position, visitor [username, gender, age, ip, device] - if such info is available) for each position that ad uses)
    • Set to enable Google Analytics Statistics (Track views and clicks for each ad for every position used with Google Analytics)
    • Set if the link will be nofollow (Good for SEO)
    • Set if the link will open in new window
    • Set if the ad will be visible to robots (Allows you to hide the ad from Search Engines)
    • Set display order
    • Page criteria (allows you to display ads only on the pages you want)
    • User criteria (allows you to display ads only to the users you want)
    • Date criteria (allows you to display ads only at the time you want)
    • Device criteria (allows you to display ads only to visitors that use desktop/tablet/mobile phone with brand targeting)
    • Geo Targeting (allows you to display ads only to visitors from certain countries)
    • Set status (Active, Inactive, Pending, Approved, Queued, Paused, Rejected)
    Packages Features
    • Set name
    • Set description (for buyers)
    • Select type (custom code, banner, text, link, keyword, sticky)
    • Select positions (you can select multiple positions)
    • Set cost and cost per (day, week, month, year, CPM - views, CPC - clicks)
    • Set a different cost based on keywords or based on forums
    • Set minimum purchase
    • Set maximum purchase
    • Set discount based on the purchase length (you can set multiple discounts)
    • Set maximum ads allowed
    • Set maximum ads display
    • Set ads display order (Ad order asc/desc, Ad creation date asc/desc, Ad CTR asc/desc, and random)
    • Set to rotate ads using JavaScript (No AJAX requests)
    • Set to count views
    • Set to count clicks
    • Set to enable Daily Statistics
    • Set to enable Click Statistics
    • Set if the links will be nofollow
    • Set if the links will open in new window
    • Set if the ads will be visible to robots
    • Page criteria
    • User Criteria
    • Date Criteria
    • Device Criteria
    • Geo Targeting
    • Guidelines (for buyers)
    • Enable/disable package
    Packages can be used for both selling ads and for managing multiple ads at the same time.

    Promo Codes

    • Code
    • Discount (percent or amount)
    • Set if applies only to selected packages
    • Set minimum invoice value
    • Set valid date
    • Set total usage limit
    • Set user usage limit
    • User Criteria
    • Date Critetia
    A cool feature of promo codes is that it allows you to offer free advertising. All you have to do is create a promo code of 100% discount, and once applied, the invoice will be marked as "Completed" and the ad will be automatically activated. You can give such kind of promo codes as gifts to users when they upgrade their account or as a prize for contests, etc.

    Promo codes can be applied to pending invoices.


    • Email Advertisers (with filters)
    • Change Ad Owner (allows you to easily change the owner of multiple ads at the same time)
    Admin Options Page [Admin]
    1. Create Ads Menu Style (Buttons or Dropdown)
    2. Disable Low CTR Ads after x days
    Admin Options Page [General]
    1. Unique View Count Condition (If set, views from the same users will count again after x hours, instead of counting every view)
    2. Unique Click Count Condition (If set, clicks from the same users will count again after x hours, instead of counting every click)
    3. Display keyword ads in conversations
    Admin Options Page [Advertisers]
    1. Enable user Ads Manager
    2. Link Position (navigation/footer)
    3. Admin Email Notifications (Allows you to receive an email each time someone creates an ad)
    4. Guest Mode (Allows guests to view the available advertising packages but can't create ads. When they click on "Create Ad", they will get redirected to a custom page (Login/Register or any other page you set))
    5. Set ad title maximum length (For text and link ads)
    6. Set ad description maximum length (For text ads)
    7. Set how many stickies are allowed per forum (globally, including moderator made stickies)
    8. Set maximum stickies a user can create per forum
    9. Select forums in which you want to sell sticky threads
    10. Select thread prefix (Optional)
    11. Select actions to be taken when the sticky expires (Close thread, Remove prefix, Remove from public view)
    12. Maximum words in a keyword (For keyword ads)
    13. Allow keyword description
    14. Set keyword description maximum length
    15. Set preferred currency
    16. Invoice Time Limit (If the invoice is not paid within the set hours, the invoice will be cancelled and the ads rejected)
    17. Allow users to pause ads (with length limit)
    18. Terms and Conditions
    There are also options for PayPal, Payza, ROBOKASSA, Bitcoin, Bank Transfer and for custom payment instructions.

    UCP Features for Buyers (Has it's own tab and page):
    • Create/manage Ads
    • View statistics (If enabled and have permissions)
    • Pause Ads for a period of time (If enabled)
    • Extends Ads before they expire
    • Tab and page alerts when Ads are about to expire
    • View/pay invoices
    Payment Options Supported
    1. PayPal
    2. Payza
    4. Bitcoin (BitPay, CoinBase, Blockchain & manual mode)
    5. Bank Transfer/Wire (Manual)

  2. Последние события

    1. TrioC
      TrioC не участвует.
      20 май 2023
    2. DonIvan
      DonIvan не участвует.
      15 май 2020
    3. skladchik.com
      В складчине участвует 5 человек(а).
      15 май 2020
    4. nick_nick
      nick_nick не участвует.
      12 май 2020
  3. Обсуждение
  4. 28 дек 2015
    Rus Ilyasov
    Rus Ilyasov ЧКЧлен клуба
    Ребята, давайте возьмем, вроде цена адекватная.
  5. 6 фев 2016
    Rus Ilyasov
    Rus Ilyasov ЧКЧлен клуба
    Давайте брать систему или есть аналог?
  6. 30 мар 2016
    cocucka ЧКЧлен клуба
    Кто организует! Пригласим corallife ?
  7. 16 апр 2016
    Rus Ilyasov
    Rus Ilyasov ЧКЧлен клуба
    давайте соберемся парни, цена копейки. плагин реально крут для форума, отобьете деньги от рекламодателей.
  8. 16 апр 2016
    Darkcore ЧКЧлен клуба
    здесь нужен человек, у кого есть доступ на официальный форум поддержки, а по другому никак
  9. 4 май 2016
    ftolik ДолжникДолжник
    Брать то будем?
  10. 4 май 2016
    Darkcore ЧКЧлен клуба
    хотелось бы, вкусненький модуль
  11. 5 май 2016
    ftolik ДолжникДолжник
    И еще плагину null
  12. 9 апр 2017
    bonditskii ЧКЧлен клуба
    Друзья, а где вообще можно взять XenForo ?