
WPF. Applications = Code + Markup. Чарльз Петцольд

Тема в разделе "Программирование", создана пользователем varictio, 18 ноя 2016.

Цена: 2852р.
Взнос: 2852р.

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  1. 18 ноя 2016
    varictio СкладчикСкладчик

    Складчина: WPF. Applications = Code + Markup. Чарльз Петцольд


    Цитата со StackOverflow:
    Get the definitive guide to the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), the new client programming interface for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 and Windows Vista. Award-winning author Charles Petzold teaches you how to combine C# code and the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) to develop applications for the WPF. Youll get expert guidance and hundreds of practical, hands-on examplesgiving you the skills you need to exploit the new interface and graphics capabilities for Windows Vista.Discover how to:Create and enhance controls including menus, toolbars, tree views, and list viewsUse dynamic layout to automate the positioning of controls and graphics Work with dependency properties and routed input eventsUse XAML resources, styles, and templates to alter the appearance of your UIUse data binding techniques in XAML to help simplify and streamline your applications Create and publish XAML Browser ApplicationsDevelop visually-stunning UIs with interactive graphics, media, and animationPLUSGet code samples on the Web
  2. Последние события

    1. gabriela3
      gabriela3 участвует.
      21 дек 2016
    2. varictio
      varictio участвует.
      18 ноя 2016