
[WP] WooCommerce Notification - стильная мотивация покупки

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем NovatorMira, 4 дек 2016.

Цена: 1405р.-92%
Взнос: 106р.

Основной список: 46 участников

Резервный список: 5 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 4 дек 2016
    NovatorMira ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: [WP] WooCommerce Notification - стильная мотивация покупки

    Отличный плагин для мотивации покупок с широким функционалом:
    выбором времени показа, выбором места на экране для объявления, статистикой и т.д.


    WooCommerce Notification - отображает "последние заказы" в вашем интернет-магазине.
    Создает эффект срочности и "напряженности" - показывает потенциальным клиентам, что товар,
    который они присмотрели - только что кто-то купил.

    • Show Notify from specific pages: You can use “conditional tags” option to show notification on a particular page depending on what conditions that page matches. Simply indicate ID or tittle of page that you want to show notification. For Example, is_page(50) or is_page( array(50, 75) ) with page what IDs are 50 and 75 .​
    • Works on mobile! Choose how your notifications are displayed on mobile, or turn them off for mobile devices.​
    • Custom message purchased: There are available shortcodes to use in order to build the content of the notification. Customer shortcode available as first name, customer city, customer country, tittle product, with links tittle product, time after purchase. Just simply select shortcodes without do anything else then the system will automatically take off these information the same as your configuration.​
    • Custom message checkout.
    • Get real products from order what is processing or completed: Allows system to select products from billing to show information related to real purchased products such as name of customer, name of purchased product, address of customer.. from bill to show in front-end of form notification.​
    • Set time threshold to get recent product from order: with option “Order Time” allows to configure time to products get from order. Mean that purchased products will be randomly displayed in notification form, just show the products are purchased repeatedly since it has been purchased until the end of time “Order Time”.​
    • Up sales with special product: For special products such as new products, or best-selling products, or high quality products etc, you can choose the name of these products to display related information in notification.​
    • Auto detect real address with ipFind AP: By intergrating ipfind into WooCommerce Notification plugin, you can simply fetch an end point with the IP and receive an instant JSON response with the location data you need.​
    • ipFind auth key: after have sign up and enter your key into field “ipFind auth key”, system will auto detect your IP address for notification.​
    • Make virtual address of customer and name: Sometimes, it is not necessarily a real customer buying any product then system creates a notification. This feature allows an administrator to set virtual customer names purchased specific product with different address, in order to attract attention to a new product.​
    • Set Virtual Time to auto get random: Similar to the virtual name or virtual address, you can also set the virtual time to determine how long ago someone purchased a specific virtual product.​
    • Unlimited color of highlight, text, background: WooCommer Notification plugin provides unlimited colors and skins to help you configure color of highlight, text, background.​
    • Available 4 styles position, 2 image positions to show notification and more on demand.​
    • Sound effect when show notification: you can choose an available audio so that the notification will be appeared along with an audio in front-end.​
    • Set time to display notification, delay time to wait from showing, loop time.​
    • Save Logs: Save logs helps system stores information when visitors click on notification. Then admin site could be statistic of number clicks and analysis fluctuation sales. Report system allows to statistic number clicks by date or by product.​
    • See users interact with your notifications in real time: with featured save logs, admin site will learn more about attitudes and behavior of customer for product showed on notification.​
    • FAST. Notify is lightweight and built to scale, so it won’t slow down your site (which can hurt your Google rankings).​
    • Easy to use
    Цена: 20$
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 21 дек 2016
    2 пользователям это понравилось.
  2. Последние события

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    2. skladchik.com
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      shadowproper хранитель.
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    4. skladchik.com
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  3. Отзывы участников

    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      Работает!!! первые несколько часов стабильно. дальше посмотрим.
      Обновление последнее в библиотеке, как зашел
      17 авг 2019
  4. Обсуждение
  5. 4 дек 2016
    illuzia1 ДолжникДолжник
    За минималку интересно было бы
Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.