
[WP] Плагин Thumbnail Gallery

Тема в разделе "Шаблоны и темы", создана пользователем yourmind, 24 фев 2014.

Цена: 600р.
Взнос: 600р.

Основной список: 1 участников

  1. 24 фев 2014
    yourmind ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [WP] Плагин Thumbnail Gallery

    Плагин галерей, которые можно вставить в текст поста, со слайдерами, различными вариантами оформления и вывода фотографий или картинок.

    Front End
    [​IMG]Responsive layout.
    [​IMG]AddThis Social Sharing integrated.
    [​IMG]You can customize each gallery individually.
    [​IMG]You can have a completely customizable lightbox.
    [​IMG]You can embed Youtube & Vimeo videos.
    [​IMG]You can add HTML or Flash.
    [​IMG]You can design your own navigation buttons and use them.
    [​IMG]You can use an unlimited number of galleries into your WordPress website.
    [​IMG]You can display in a gallery an unlimited amount of images.
    [​IMG]Browse the gallery on touchscreen devices using one finger (swipe thumbnails, images or lightbox).
    [​IMG]You can navigate through thumbnails with mouse or arrows.
    [​IMG]Control the slideshow with completly customizable play/pause button.
    [​IMG]Display images at random.
    [​IMG]Completely resizable.
    [​IMG]You can change thumbnails position.
    [​IMG]You can have a slideshow.

    Back End
    [​IMG]AJAX admin.
    [​IMG]You can add images using WordPress native file upload system, a simple AJAX upload, Uploadify for multiple files upload, or FTP.
    [​IMG]You can change background color, image and transparency in the gallery from admin.
    [​IMG]You can change thumbnail size, border, spacing, transparency, ...
    [​IMG]You can change picture size, background, border, spacing, transparency, ...
    [​IMG]You can disable/enable images/media.
    [​IMG]Drag & Release to crop thumbnails.
    [​IMG]Drag & Drop to sort images.
    [​IMG]Easy TinyMCE Editor integration (shortcode generator).
    [​IMG]A gallery settings are saved and can be used on other galleries.
    [​IMG]Widget support.


  2. Последние события

    1. maximf
      maximf не участвует.
      7 сен 2014
    2. MasterP
      MasterP не участвует.
      6 июл 2014
  3. Обсуждение
  4. 24 фев 2014
    bambula БанЗабанен
    Пишите модератору чтобы поправил сообщение, спрятал ссылки "под хайд".