
[wp]JetElements - Addon for Page Builder Elementor - дополнение к Элементору

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем Azura, 15 сен 2017.

Цена: 1890р.-89%
Взнос: 202р.

Основной список: 27 участников

Резервный список: 2 участников

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  1. 15 сен 2017
    Azura ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: [wp]JetElements - Addon for Page Builder Elementor - дополнение к Элементору

    Дополнение для прекрасного быстрого (но функционального) создателя страниц Элементора.
    Советую попробовать бесплатную версию:
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    Скидка 60% до 60 клиентов. Уже 41 клиент купили это дополнение.
    JetElements Modules
    • Advanced Carousel Module — Creating stunning Carousel sliders is an easy task with Advanced Carousel module! It allows to set the custom number of slides, apply versatile animation options and spice everything up with the finest backgrounds! And what is the best about the module, is that you can add as many slides as you want to!
    • Brands Module — Looking for a way to showcase brands on your website’s page? JetElements plugin will provide you with the most efficient Brands module to add brands to pages built with Elementor! Use Brands module to add brands, visualize them using attractive logos. You can do all of this in several clicks!
    • Circle Progress — Meet the unique Circle Progress module to display progress in the form of circle bars with multiple style settings! Manage your content style, value type and lots of other features using one of the most bright JetElementsmodules for Elementor live page builder!
    • Pricing Table — Need to showcase the prices and services provided by your company? Then our Pricing Table module is just for you! One of the best things about this module is that the tables are really easy to use! The module showcases services in an attractive way and enables you to manage versatile customization settings.
    • Posts — Here is a really multifunctional tool to bring different post layouts to your website pages! Using JetElements Posts module you’ll be delighted about the way how easy it is to create grid layouts, or create posts carousels and post sliders! The module is invaluable if you strongly need to liven up the pages with dynamics and vividness.
    • Advanced Map — Let us introduce to you the perfect way to add maps with multiple pins in the form of an Advanced Map Jetelements module for Elementor live page builder! When using it you’ll be able to change map styles, enable switching from satellite to common map view. And on the top of it there’s a user-friendly interface allowing you to change settings in several clicks!
    • Countdown Timer — Embed a timer with a countdown to the web page’s structure without messing up with long and complicated lines of code! This efficient JetElements module has lots of easily changable style and content settings, which make customization an easy and creative task! Plunge into the universe of digit colors, gradients and versatile backgrounds!
    • Banner — Have you been looking for a way to add custom banners to your website page to promote services and attract your visitor’s attention? Bannermodule provides you with multiple means to customize backgrounds, titles and apply different options for content like a pro in the matter of minutes!
    • Animated Box — This cute JetElements module will help you create animated info blocks with two sides! Add icons, buttons and titles, fill in your custom content, and the box will become the perfect means to deliver your ideas to your website’s visitors! Every element of Animated Box module is easily customizable and has loads of options to tune up!
    • Animated Text — The module is devised specially for introducing your ideas to your website’s pages in the form of beautifully animated text! Brighten up the pages built with Elementor with animated words and phrases, customize the animation style, speed, and master the module’s settings to create a perfect decoration for your page’s content!
    • Contact Form 7 Module — Adding a contact form is as easy as 1-2-3 with JetElements plugin! All you have to do is select the contact form from the list of the existing ones, and drop the module to the preferable Elementor section! The module will pull up all the data and display a contact form on your website’s page!
    • Product Module — The module is invaluable when you need to add products to your website’s pages practically in several clicks! It integrates with WooCommerce plugin and pulls up your existing products to showcase them on your page!
    • Recent Products Module — Display the recently viewed products on your web pages with the help of this simple and efficient module! Recent Products works together with WooCommerce plugin and allows to showcase and sort products by recent views.
    • Featured Products Module — This easy-to-use module will become your instant helper in adding featured products to the website’s pages! It showcases products in an attractive way and sorts them according to your vision! Try it out and find out how to display featured products in an easy way!
    • Sale Products Module — Whenever you want to engage visitors to buy you might want to display sale products on your website’s page! Just drop the module to the page’s section built with Elementor, and enjoy the simplicity of showcasing sale products!
    • BestSellers Module — Display the most sold products on web pages effectively to make the visitors crave to buy your online store bestsellers! The module will pull up the most sold products using WooCommerce plugins. All you’ll have to do is define the number of products to show and add the module to your page!
    • Top Rated Products — Make the visitors see the best products that were rated high by customers? Use Top Rated Products module to showcase the products with the best rating scores on your website’s pages! Drag and drop the module to the page’s structure, and they will be displayed in the section you’ve defined!
    3 пользователям это понравилось.
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    3. skladchik.com
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 18 сен 2017
    Azura ОргОрганизатор
    Не успели по скидке( Уже 60 продаж и ценник автор поднял.
    Тогда дальше собираемся, пока взнос не будет хороший, да?
    1 человеку нравится это.
  5. 19 сен 2017
    jack160482 ЧКЧлен клуба
    1 человеку нравится это.
  6. 21 сен 2017
    Determined ЧКЧлен клуба
    Определенно стоит того
  7. 21 сен 2017
    Lokky ОргОрганизатор (А)
    29 баксов. Все нормально. Собираемся!
  8. 21 сен 2017
    krot56 ЧКЧлен клуба
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