
[WP] FV Flowplayer - Хватит работать на Youtube!

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем paterfamilias, 16 янв 2016.

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  1. 16 янв 2016
    paterfamilias ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [WP] FV Flowplayer - Хватит работать на Youtube!

    FV Flowplayer
    Лучший из все бесплатных и платных видео плееров.
    Здесь собираемся на версию со своим логотипом и плюшками.

    [​IMG] - 2016/01/12
    • Subtitles - multilingual subtitles support added! - 2016/01/05
    • Bugfix - PHP warnings for websites without permalinks fixed - 2015/12/23
    • Subtitles - added "Subtitles On By Default" setting
    • Subtitles - the subtitles button now uses your language name (as set in WordPress) - 2015/12/15
    • Flash engine - fix for URLs with %2A and %2F in them
    • Playlist tabs - fix for autoplay not working. - 2015/12/09
    • Beta - iframe embedding fixes
    6.0.4 - 2015/12/07
    • Core - upgrade to latest core Flowplayer (6.0.4) - 2015/11/16
    • Fix - applying Flash engine fix for complex URLs - 2015/11/04
    • Fix - autoplay when enabled for multiple videos on a single page
    • Fix - Flash engine bug when using complex file URLs with & and other chars - 2015/10/15
    • Fix - Using safer names for CSS images - 2015/10/08
    • Fix - Playlist tabs - fix for Divi (Elegant Themes) triggering scroll action on tab click
    • Fix - Playlist tabs - fix for pausing the playing video on tab switch event
    • Fix - RTMP playback for streams without extension prefix (where rtmp_path="live" instead of rtmp_path="mp4:live") - 2015/09/10
    • Feature - playlist style "Tabs" added with per player setting in shortcode editor
    • Feature - per player speed buttons setting for shortcode editor - 2015/09/08
    • Making the license field more prominent
    • Bugfix - FV Flowplayer 5 -> 6 update process - 2015/08/28
    • Security fixes - CSFR protection for settings page - 2015/08/20
    • Bugfix - bad logo link for licensed users revised - 2015/08/18
    • Bugfix - bad logo link for licensed users
    • Bugfix - video checker fix - 2015/08/11
    • Bugfix - CSS rewriting fix
    • Bugfix - updated SWF files
    6.0.3 - 2015/08/11
    • Core - upgrade to Flowplayer 6.0.3 - 2015/07/30
    • Bugfix - PHP missing includes - 2015/07/15
    • Bugfix - fix for CSS font paths
    6.0.2 - 2015/07/09
    • Upgrade to Flowplayer 6 core! HLS Flash playback, skin improvements, hover tooltip for seeking and a lot more.
    2.4.2 - 2015/07/22
    • Flowplayer 6 - last preparations for the upgrade
    2.4.1 - 2015/07/20
    • CSS - making sure the CSS writeout uses protocol independent links
    2.4 - 2015/07/15
    • Compatibily - CSS styles are now loaded using WP API wp_enqueue_scripts()
    2.3.17 - 2015/07/07
    • Core - putting in warning for Flowplayer 6 upgrade
    2.3.16 - 2015/05/28
    • Feature - MPEG DASH experimental support
    • Feature - support for translations (covers front-end error messages and shortcode editor)
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 signed URLs - AWS signature version 4 fixes
    • Bugfix - playlist loading improvements
    • Bugfix - styling fixes (for FV Player Pro)
    2.3.15 - 2015/04/24
    • Bugfix - Fix for fancy quotes in shortcode attributes.
    • Bugfix - Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 8.1 pretend to be Android and iPhone - breaking the playback. Fixed.
    • Bugfix - RTMP extension parsing fix for RTMP path like mp4:file.mp4
    2.3.14 - 2015/04/20
    • Feature - speed control buttons - check Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Player Skin - Speed Buttons
    • Feature - support for [video] shortcode - check Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Integrations -> Handle WordPress [video] shortcodes. This will be the new default in a couple of versions.
    • Bugfix - fix for disappearing share bar (caused by new Google Analytics tracking in last version)
    2.3.13 - 2015/04/17
    • Feature - Google Analytics now tracks Video start, first/second/third quartile and completed playback
    • Bugfix - OptimizePress 2 LiveEditor fix - live preview of video disabled for better compatibility
    • Bugfix - RTMP playlist parsing fix is you enter the RTMP path like mp4:file.mp4
    2.3.12 - 2015/02/13
    • Feature - player position setting - lets you change the default centering to left align with no text wrapping
    • Feature - RSS - improving player appearance
    • Bugfix - autobuffering option fixed
    • Bugfix - FV Flowplayer preview in admin screen conflict with WP Media Library fixed
    2.3.11 - 2015/01/30
    • Feature - setting for default splash screen added in Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Sitewide Flowplayer Defaults -> Splash Image
    • Bugfix - iOS 8 playback issues when using Video app
    • Bugfix - playback issues when Google Analytics is configured for FV Flowplayer and it's blocked by some browser extension (like Ghostery)
    2.3.10 - 2015/01/21
    • Fix - admin player preview fixes
    • Fix - code revisions, code optimizations for wp-admin
    • Fix - src attribute parsing when fv_flowplayer_shortcode filter is used
    • Fix - touch devices now use the device native fullscreen playback due to the inperfections in the browser fullscreen modes in different mobile browsers
    2.3.9 - 2015/01/07
    • Fix - added "Region" setting for the Amazon S3 buckets. It's required for AWS Signature Version 4 used by Frankfurt region.
    • Bugfix - audio player responsivendess
    • Bugfix - ratio uses coma instead of dot for decimal numbers on some servers - breaking things
    • Bugfix - some PHP warnings
    • Pro - YouTube Android < 4.3 fixes
    2.3.8 - 2014/12/09
    • Feature - upgrade to latest core Flowplayer (5.5.2 you- fixed for HLS, Flash performance, Windows Phone 8.1)
    • Feature - [fvplayer post="{post id or 'this'}"] shows all the attached video files
    • Feature - caption now shows up even for single videos
    • Feature - live streams now show this message if the loading fails: "Live stream load failed. Please try again later, perhaps the stream is currently offline."
    • Feature - playlist editor now has all the media upload buttons it needs
    • Bugfix - player alignment was aligning it to the wrong/oposite side
    • Bugfix - playlist editor showing duration of the last video added for new items
    • Pro - Vimeo - improved loading for mobile users and quality switching improvements
    2.3.7 - 2014/12/01
    • Fix - changing retina CSS sprites to use a different post-fix. @x2 has issues with "All In One WP Security & Firewall" plugin
    • Pro - fix for Lightbox splash image responsiveness
    2.3.6 - 2014/11/20
    • Bugfix - fix for auto play of playlists affecting other players on the page.
    • Bugfix - fix for handling of videos on attachment pages
    • Bugfix - fix for RTMP URLs with no file type like rtmp://host/live:stream-name
    • Pro - fix for dynamic playlist (Vimeo, CloudFront) autoplay
    2.3.5 - 2014/10/30
    • Feature - added logo position option - see Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Sitewide Flowplayer Defaults -> Logo
    • Feature - added subtitle font size option - see Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Player Skin -> Subitle Font Size
    • Bugfix - bugfix for default volumne setting when set to 0 (mute)
    • Pro - YouTube playlist items duration fix
    2.3.4 - 2014/10/16
    • Feature - add %random% to your ad code to put in a random number if required by the ad provider
    • Feature - added option to skip CSS optimization (see Integrations settings)
    • Feature - shortcode editor now uses the latest Media Library interface to upload the videos
    • Bugfix - ad codes don't need to be responsive now that we check the player size before showing the code
    • Bugfix - fixes for Google Chrome version checks
    • Bugfix - shortcode editor fixes for /"
    • Pro - Vimeo quality switching added (beta)
    2.3.3 - 2014/10/13
    • Feature - ad and popup feature now only loads the HTML content if the event (video playback or video end) occurs - making it more suitable for ads (as they won't load on background)
    • Feature - custom plugin row action links added for easier access to Settings
    • Feature - Scan video length - more information about videos in queue
    • Feature - Scan video length - "Scan Now" button added!
    • Bugfix - Scan video length was using Flash encoded URLs
    • Bugfix - video splash image appearing around the video when video aspect ratio doesn't match the player size
    • Pro - video lightbox links
    2.3.2 - 2014/10/06
    • Bugfix - bad Twitter sharing URLs
    • Bugfix - fix for [fvplayer] shortcode handling in text widgets
    • Pro - fix for start/end time in seconds
    2.3.1 - 2014/10/06
    • Feature - Colorbox compatibility (enhancement for programmers, Pro version has its own video and image lightbox gallery)
    • Bugfix - fix for volume setting (no values above 1)
    • Pro - easier video lightbox - type in click here to play video and it will be open a lightbox with the video playing
    • Pro - fixed YouTube video end bug when using Google Analytics tracking
    • Pro - Quality Switching interface improved
    • Pro (Beta) - added custom video ads (pre-roll, post-roll)
    • Pro (Beta) - added support for custom video start and end time
    2.3 - 2014/09/23
    • Feature - upgreaded to latest core Flowplayer (5.5.0)
    • Fix - fix for Windows Mobile 8.1 Update 1
    • Bugfix - editor bug in rate cases
    • Bugfix - video duratation checker fixes
    • Pro - YouTube - added support for Google Developer API to parse the video durations and splash screens properly
    2.2.22 - 2014/09/05
    • Fix - WordPress 4.0 compatibility fix
    • Fix - logo CSS fix
    • Fix - video checker fixes
    • Feature - playlist_hide added
    2.2.21 - 2014/08/07
    • Fix - mobile video is now used if there is no primary video
    • Fix - UI fade out changed from 2 to 5 seconds for touch devices
    • Fix - improved RTMP URL parsing to support rtmp://server/path/mp4:file-path URLs - however use RTMP server and RTMP path separately if possible
    • Bugfix - sharing buttons were appearing even when disabled globally
    • Pro - YouTube fix for Internet Explorer
    • Pro - Quality switching enabled for HLS and other fixes
    2.2.20 - 2014/08/05
    • Feature - use share="Title;URL" to specify a custom URL for sharing using the video sharing buttons. Use "no" and "yes" to enable/disabled the sharing on the video.
    • Fix - admin JavaScript check made less scary - it only shows up if you hover the player (and the JavaScript is broken of course)
    • Fix - relative video paths were not respecting HTTP/HTTPS preference
    • Fix - video checker won't work in IE 9 - added a warnings about that
    • Fix - Android 4.x fullscreen compatibility fix (switch to native full screen mode as it's more compatible)
    • Fix - Windows Mobile 8.1 compatibility fix (set to use inline playback)
    • Fix - RTMP streams without extension now don't need "mp4:" entered at the start of path
    • Pro - YouTube support added (enable in settings first)!
    • Pro - Vimeo splash screen parsing (re-save your post to take effect)
    2.2.19 - 2014/07/21
    • Fix - missing controlbar="no" option for shortcode added
    • Bugfix - video checker display issues
    2.2.18 - 2014/07/16
    • Bugfix - fix for PHP warnings
    2.2.17 - 2014/07/11
    • Fix - plugin HTML made more robust - it won't get damaged by some weird templates which put in P tags anymore
    • Fix - share bar CSS improved to not be affected by template CSS
    • Bugfix - plugin was failing to load its own JavaScript libraries in some rare cases (found on a website with Genesis framework, but we haven't found a compatibility issue when using it)
    2.2.16 - 2014/07/07
    • Feature - better support for Amazon S3 protected URLs and cache plugins - you can force a set expiry time now to match your cache timeout
    • Pro (version 0.1.8) - support for secured CloudFront
    2.2.15 - 2014/07/03
    • Feature - added setting for default volume
    • Bugfix - rare IE 11 issues with splash screen on autoplay videos
    2.2.14 - 2014/06/24
    • Bugfix - important fix for Chrome - share bar embed button was triggering video loading on background and thus causing extra traffic to the server
    • Bugfix - some PHP and admin JS warnings
    2.2.13 - 2014/06/23
    • Bugfix - fix for embed function call when not available (non-fatal JavaScript error)
    • Bugfix - shortcode editor fixes for quotes in file URLs etc.
    • Bugfix - video checker was sometimes listing JavaScript objects
    2.2.12 - 2014/06/19
    • Feature - play button now visible by default. Added option into Player Skin section.
    • Fix - settings screen cleanup
    • Beta feature - video duration scanning (check Integrations)
    • Pro (version - fixing PHP warnings
    2.2.11 - 2014/06/17
    • Bugfix - PHP warnings on fresh install settings save
    • Pro (version - fixing image lightbox to add class only for images.
    • Pro (version - bugfix for quality switching.
    2.2.10 - 2014/06/13
    • Bugfix - compatibility issues with "NextGen Gallery" plugin fixed
    • Bugfix - loading indicator fixes for IE (was causing rendering issues in some configurations)
    • Bugfix - share bar fixes for IE
    • Pro - quality switching now happens live, without reloading of the webpage!
    2.2.9 - 2014/06/05
    • Feature - share bar added!
    • Bugfix - annoying iOS 7 bug where black lines appear after videos - fixed!
    • Bugfix - "Convert old shortcodes with commas" option changed to work with old [flowplayer] shortcodes only
    • Bugfix - Pro extension settings forgotten if Pro extension was deactivated and options saved afterwards
    • Bugfix - shortcode editor fixes for captions
    2.2.8 - 2014/05/30
    • Fix - compatibility issues with "NextGen Gallery" plugin fixed
    • Fix - compatibility issues with "SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam" plugin fixed
    • Fix - Amazon S3 secure URLs in playlists were sometimes failing in Flash
    • Pro - improved Vimeo error messages
    • Pro - video lightbox now autoplays the video
    2.2.7 - 2014/05/15
    • Feature - licensed users automatically get FV Player Pro extension (video lightbox, Vimeo)
    • Feature - video checker now also check RTMP!
    • Fix - playlist style fix - alignment of more than 4 items
    • Bugfix - basic Youtube embed fullscreen function
    • Pro - Pro extension released! Adds support for video lightbox and advanced Vimeo embedding!
    2.2.6 - 2014/04/17
    • Fix - compatibility with WordPress 3.9 (it contains new TinyMCE editor version)
    2.2.5 - 2014/04/16
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 protected URLs for Flash only browsers (edge case)
    2.2.4 - 2014/04/11
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 protected URLs failure in edge cases on Flash devices
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 protected URLs in playlists
    • Bugfix - fix for cursor icon on playlist items
    • Bugfix - video checker now properly reports time out
    2.2.3 - 2014/03/28
    • Feature - option to change video watermark logo per video - use logo="Скрытая ссылка" in shortcode. The sitewide logo has to be set for this to work though.
    • Feature - playlist captions added (turn on in Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Post Interface Options)
    • Fix - admin front-end JavaScript checker now uses less aggressive color
    2.2.2 - 2014/03/13
    • Bugfix - OptimizePress 2 integration "admin note" now showing only for admins
    • Bugfix - redirection finally works in Safari - if the popup fails, it opens the link in current window. Users can still use the browser back button.
    2.2.1 - 2014/02/25
    • Feature - added setting for bottom player margin - default to 28px
    • Bugfix - CSS optimization - fix it the original CSS file fails to be opened
    • Bugfix - "no Flowplayer scripts on your site" when there were no videos on homepage
    2.2 - 2014/02/24
    • Feature - attachment pages now work with FV Flowplayer
    • Feature - OptimizePress2 integration - FV Flowplayer handles the videos inserted in OptimizePress Live Edit
    • Feature - plugin skin CSS gets written into the main plugin CSS file to clean up your site header of any unnecessary style tags
    • Feature - support for live streaming (add live="true" in shortcode)
    • Fix - audio - support for Amazon S3 protected links
    • Fix - "Check template" now looks for html5.js compatibility script and users see warnings on front-end if there are issues with JavaScript on the site
    • Fix - "Check videos" button now uses the same code as admin video checker and is more resilient
    • Fix - "Flash streaming server" settings acts as default RTMP server if there is none in the shortcode
    • Fix - JavaScript only loads if the player is in use on the page
    • Bugfix - bug in options initialization causing safety resize script missing on fresh install until save of the settings
    • Bugfix - splash image URL encoding
    2.1.52 - 2014/01/10
    • Bugfix - critical bugfix for playlist parsing
    2.1.51 - 2014/01/09
    • Fix - upgrade to latest core Flowplayer
    • Fix - removed unnucessary warnings from video checker
    • Bugfix - Foliopress WYSIWYG compatibility
    2.1.50 - 2013/12/06
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 bug after the JS optimization
    • Bugfix - fix for PHP warnings
    • Bugfix - Flashfit needs to be off by default to allow responsiveness
    • Bugfix - HLS type in video source tag
    2.1.49 - 2013/11/21
    • Fix - Flowplayer configuration JS moved into footer
    • Bugfix - Playlist - RTMP parsing issues
    • Bugfix - Video Checker - disabled for PHP with Safe Mode On
    2.1.48 - 2013/11/14
    • Fix - playlist editor lets you specify all the required formats for the playlist items
    • Fix - playlist thumbnails are 3:2 aspect ratio by default
    • Fix - upgrade to latest core Flowplayer (5.4.4) fixing a lot of bugs (iOS7, RTMP ghost connections, ...)
    • Bugfix - Post Interface Options saving
    2.1.47 - 2013/11/05
    • Fix - licensed users are required to agree on the automatic license key updates (required by WordPress.org policy)
    • Fix - embed code libraries linked from the site hosting the plugin (required by WordPress.org policy)
    2.1.46 - 2013/11/04
    • Bugfix - playlist (beta) - improved HTML structure - fixes any playlist thumbnails display issues and responsiveness
    2.1.45 - 2013/10/31
    • Feature - Vimeo support - for now just a basic iframe embed - enter your Vimeo URL or ID as the video source
    • Feature - Youtube support - for now just a basic iframe embed - enter your Youtube URL or ID as the video source
    2.1.44 - 2013/10/22
    • Bugfix - playlist (beta) - fix for splash image sizing
    • Bugfix - playlist (beta) - shortcode editor was inserting empty playlist="" attributes when no playlist entered.
    2.1.43 - 2013/10/22
    • Fix - improved JavaScript - much less code in your site footer for each player
    2.1.42 - 2013/10/18
    • Bugfix - playlist (beta) - fixed CSS when more than 4 items in playlist
    • Bugfix - playlist (beta) - fixed support for secure Amazon URLs - once more
    2.1.41 - 2013/10/11
    • Bugfix - bbPress compatibility fix - issues with some templates
    • Bugfix - playlist (beta) - fixed support for secure Amazon URLs
    2.1.40 - 2013/10/09
    • Feature - playlist support - initial version, please let us know about any issues
    • Fix - not using wp_get_headers() in video checker anymore - it was causing issues on some servers
    • Fix - changed mime type and seeking points warnings in video checker to yellow warnings instead of errors
    • Fix - added MPEG-1 warning to video checker
    • Bugfix - RTMP parsing
    2.1.39 - 2013/09/30
    • Bugfix - Google Chrome preload disabler fix
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 signed URLs - fix for + symbols in the URL
    2.1.38 - 2013/09/26
    • Bugfix - 3GP file parsing
    • Bugfix - 3GP video checker messages - shows warnings to provide a HTML5 version of the video
    2.1.37 - 2013/09/25
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 protected video length checking was interfering with some of the post saves in some cases
    2.1.36 - 2013/09/23
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 secure link generator was suddenly failing for links without the bucket name in path part of URL
    • Bugfix - typo in OGV video parsing resulting in bad video type
    • Bugfix - shortcode parsing when using oggtheora
    2.1.35 - 2013/09/17
    • Fix - added class fv-flowplayer-mobile-switch to the mobile switch message P element
    • Fix - adjusted text of the template checker
    • Bugfix - changed name of the RELATIVE_PATH constant for better compatibility
    • Bugfix - video aspect ratio calculation for vertically oriented videos
    • Bugfix - "Send to Foliovision" function of video checker - switched to use same From address as the WordPress site
    2.1.34 - 2013/08/23
    • Feature - template checker now also checks for working wp_footer hook in template
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 settings interface
    • Bugfix - video player sizing in weird templates
    2.1.33 - 2013/08/22
    • Bugfix - fix for parsing of splash images (space characters)
    2.1.32 - 2013/08/21
    • Feature - better use of WordPress filters - for programmers. Read the guide here:Скрытая ссылка
    • Feature - support for Amazon S3 secured URLs!
    • Fix - controlbar hides after 2 seconds of no mouse movement, it was 5 seconds before
    • Fix - new structure of the Settings screen
    • Fix - options and settings screen layout revised - engine preference, fixed player size and video checker preference changed to simple checkboxes
    • Bugfix - autobuffering now works only for first 2 videos also in HTML5
    • Bugfix - autoplay now works only for the first video on the page (use fv_flowplayer_autoplay_limit filter)
    • Bugfix - comma parsing turned off by default - it was causing issue with googlevideo.com URLs
    • Bugfix - global variable name $scripts changed to $fv_fp_scripts
    • Bugfix - video checker on WordPress Multisite media files
    2.1.31 - 2013/08/09
    • Fix - fixed dimension ads are now responsive - only part which first into the video player is shown
    • Bugix - better Flash fallback for Google Chrome and Chromium - was not working without autobuffering ong
    2.1.30 - 2013/08/08
    • Fix - autobuffering now works only for first 2 videos on page ('fv_flowplayer_autobuffer_limit' filter) - to save your bandwidth.
    • Fix - better Flash fallback for Google Chrome and Chromium - MP4 files just won't play for some people, so we detect this problem and reload the player in Flash mode - better than preferring Flash for all Chrome browsers
    • Fix - player position is now calculated using JS if the player is too small - fixes issues with some of the themes, or when placing player into table with too many columns and no column width specified
    • Fix - various finish events now don't use JS but CSS - popup, splashend.
    • Bugfix - loop function in Flash player fixed
    • Bugfix - player dimensions dropdown on settings screen
    • Bugfix - splashend function in Flash player fixed* Bugfix - splashend function in Flash player fixed
    • Bugfix - fix for rare occurrences of decimal numbers when fetching the video size in insert video dialog
    2.1.29 - 2013/08/02
    • Bugfix - two boxes below each video removed - result of alpha version of playlist feature in our plugin. Sorry about the inconvenience.
    • Bugfix - Chrome check breaking the plugin JS
    2.1.28 - 2013/08/01
    • Bugfix - we set Flash as preference in Chrome < 28 on Windows and Chrome < 27 on Linux. This tweak combined with disabled auto buffering on Chrome/Chromium should minimize issues with these browsers.
    • Bugfix - loading indicator was in way of the play button - making it impossible to click in the middle of it. This was originally tweaked to avoid issues with some templates on iDevices (we registered 1 user having issues with this)
    2.1.27 - 2013/07/31
    • Feature - styling presets for ad - let's you edit the ad CSS on the plugin settings screen
    • Fix - auto buffering is disabled for MP4 in Google Chrome and Chromium, as therse browsers sometimes don't play MP4 and this seems to help
    • Bugfix - auto buffering was not working properly and now it's fixed. It will be disabled after you upgrade this plugin. Please test it carefully before enabling it back on, mainly check your hosting bandwidth.
    2.1.26 - 2013/07/26
    • Fix - improved vidoe checker appearance
    • Fix - player buttons fixed for white background
    • Fix - play icon changed to striked-over play icon on video error
    • Fix - video checker now detects bad mime type for WebM
    • Bugfix - video checker fixed for big files
    2.1.25 - 2013/07/18
    • Bugfix - PHP warnings
    2.1.24 - 2013/07/17
    • Fix - added warning for Youtube videos (we don't have support for their embeding yet)
    • Fix - ad and popup background color moved from inline style attribute to header, so you can use your template CSS to alter it now
    • Fix - video checker warning about bad MOV mime type fixed. It only caused the playback issues with video/quicktime on Windows Firefox
    • Bugfix - a glitch in iPad and iPhone rendering was causing our player to hide the entire post content when using certain templates (ThemesIndep, CSS .fp-waiting can't use display none there)
    • Bugfix - Amazon S3 signed URL parsing for Flash player - thanks goes out to Jeremy Madison for his contribution!
    • Bugfix - video checker now works with Amazon S3 signed URLs
    • Bugfix - parsing of video type from Amazon S3 signed URLs
    2.1.23 - 2013/07/11
    • Fix - added warning for AVI videos - not supported by neither HTML5 nor Flash
    • Fix - m3u8 parsing
    • Fix - video checker now shows a tooltip that it's visible to admins only
    • Bugfix - fix for editing of alternative video sources in "Add FV WP Flowplayer" dialog
    2.1.22 - 2013/07/10
    • Feature - video checker now also suggests when the video should be re-encoded or an alternative format provided (simple checks)
    • Fix - you can now enter your RTMP server and RTMP video path independently for each video. Just click "Add RTMP" in the "Add FV WP Flowplayer" dialog.
    • Fix - iPad, iPhone and Android users are no longer advised to download Flash if their device doesn't support the video. The notice now says: "Unsupported video format. Please use a Flash compatible device."
    • Fix - Update to Flowplayer 5.4.3
    • Bugfix - video checker "Send report to Foliovision" now doesn't interfere with Flowplayer shortcuts
    2.1.20 - 2013/07/03
    • Feature - added setting for player border (on by default for upgrades from 1.x version)
    • Feature - added shortcode attribute for player alignment (enable in Interface Options)
    2.1.19 - 2013/07/02
    • Feature - added setting for ad text and link color
    • Bugfix - video checker fix for Windows servers
    2.1.18 - 2013/06/29
    • Bugfix - fix for bad MOV parsing for HTML5 playing
    2.1.17 - 2013/06/28
    • Feature - Ad support! You can enter the global ad for your videos in plugin settings. Enable Interface options -> "Show Ads" to be able to specify ad in the video shortcode.
    • Feature - Mobile video support! You can specify the low-bandwidth version of the video. We are working on recommended encoding settings and better mobile detection.
    • Bugfix - fix for JetPack plugin conflict (After The Deadline)
    2.1.16 - 2013/06/25
    • Fix - video checker now requires a comment for the video issue submission
    • Bugfix - video checker styling in older templates (no #content element)
    • Bugfix - video checker URL parsing
    • Bugfix - main plugin variable renamed, avoiding weird conflicts with some plugins
    2.1.15 - 2013/06/24
    • Bugfix - "Check template" bugfixes and improvements for WP Minify
    • Bugfix - Fix for fix of Flowplayer preventing window.onload from firing on iPad
    • Bugfix - Fix for RTMP streams with no extension
    • Bugfix - Fix for video checker redirection and issues on some servers (which don't use DOCUMENT_ROOT)
    • Bugfix - Settings screen moved to options-general.php?page=fvplayer
    2.1.14 - 2013/06/12
    • Feature - Added support for audio! Just put your MP3, OGG, or WAV into your shortcode.
    • Feature - Added a function to report video not playing to Foliovision. Thank you for letting us know what videos don't play for you in our player.
    • Styling - added some spacing below the video player
    • Fix - Admin front-end video checker now takes minimum of space
    • Bugfix - PHP warnings
    • Bugfix - for parsing of video with no extension
    • Bugfix - Flowplayer was preventing window.onload from firing on iPad
    2.1.13 - 2013/06/05
    • Feature - Added support for subtitles - first enable "Show Subtitles" in Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Interface options
    • Feature - Added options for what features show up in shortcode editor - check Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Interface options
    • Feature - Added option to allow/disallow embeding per video
    • Fix - Admin front-end video checker is now less obnoxious - shows smaller messages and can be disabled in options
    • Bugfix - for shortcode parsing
    2.1.12 - 2013/05/31
    • Feature - Front-end video checker now detects video codecs and other details (read "How to check my video properties using the built-in checker" in FAQ before we update our documentation )
    • Fix - Firefox on Windows prefers Flash for M4V files (due to issues on some PCs)
    • Styling - Fullscreen background color set to black
    • Styling - Fix for bad fullscreen dimensions in some browsers (Chrome)
    • Bugfix - Template checker bugfix for false positives (jQuery plugins detected as duplicite jQuery libraries)
    2.1.11 - 2013/05/28
    • Fix - more improvements and bugfixes for RTMP handling
    • Fix - for template and videos checker
    2.1.10 - 2013/05/28
    • Fix - Update to Flowplayer 5.4.2
    • Bugfix - more improvements and bugfixes for RTMP handling
    • Bugfix - for popup and redirection in Flash version of the player
    • Bugfix - for admin front-end check of the videos
    2.1.9 - 2013/05/27
    • improvements and bugfixes for RTMP handling
    • improved styling of insert video dialog box
    • bugfix for autoplay is off for video when autoplay is on globally
    2.1.8 - 2013/05/23
    • quick bugfix for Flowplayer script loading
    2.1.7 - 2013/05/22
    • support for responsive layout enabled by default
    • automated check of template added to settings screen - checks if your template loads Flowplayer and jQuery libraries properly
    • automated check of video files added to setting screen - checks if your servers are using right mime type for videos
    2.1.6 - 2013/05/21
    • quick fix for player skin - time values not appearing properly for some font faces
    2.1.5 - 2013/05/17
    • player font face setting
    • improved appearance of the embed dialog
    • improved shortcode editor (does handle iframe in popup correctly)
    • various CSS fixes
    2.1.4 - 2013/05/16
    • quick fix for shortcode parsing when there is a newline after src parameter
    2.1.3 - 2013/05/15
    • Flowplayer now by default uses Flash (for better compatibility)
    • shortcode editor fixes
    • when using HTML5, admins get warnings about videos with bad mime type as they browse the site.
    • logged in admins see warnings above MP4 videos with bad mime type
    2.1.2 - 2013/05/10
    • fix for player alignment (center by default)
    • fix for volume bar alignment (was not working properly when using obsolete <center> tags)
    2.1.1 - 2013/05/08
    • fix for browser caching
    • upgrade to latest core Flowplayer (5.4.1)
    • additional fixes for smooth install (more compatible default settings)
    • lightening of branding
    • apologies to anyone who faced difficulties with the initial 2.1 version: FV Flowplayer 5 should work for you now
    2.1 - 2013/05/02
    • small interface changes
    2.0 - 2013/05/02
    • upgrade to Flowplayer 5
    • fixes in the shortcode editor
    • bugfix for wp-content paths
    • fix for some warnings
    • bugfix for popups and splash image at the end
    • Flowplayer shortcodes and placeholders removed from feed
    • Fixed Sharing permalink
    • Option in settings to prevent doubling the link in the popup box, default option is set to false (do not double)
    • Loading javascripts only when video is present on the page - optional, see settings page
    • XSS fix
    • FV Flowplayer removed from RSS feeds
    • fix for HTTPS, thanks to Scott Elkin
    • Bug with flush rules fixed
    • added options for default video size
    • problem with splasscreen at the end fixed
    • audio plugin installed foraudio tracks
    • Problem with widgets fixed
    • Support functions for future extensions added
    • Support functions for future extensions added
    • Wizard fixes
    • Added option for showing splash image at the end
    • HTML 5 suport for mobile browsers (Thanks for donation from enterpriseIT)
    • incorrect paths fixed
    • Option for keeping the aspect ratio of videos
    • Class 'flowplayer_frontend' not found bug fixed
    • License key entering fixed
    • Color entering fixed
    • Compatibility with the commercial version - possibility to insert licence key and get completely unbranded version
    • Fixed the conflict with media library
    • Flowplayer logos reintroduced at request of WordPress.org
    • widgets problems with splash image and controlbar fixed
    • cyan background color fixed
    • compatibility fixes
    • HTTPS support added
    • compatibility fixes
    • configuration file replaced by WP options
    • white spaces causing errors on some servers fixed
    • redirect feature added (Thanks for donation from Klaus Eickelpasch)
    • more bug fix for wp shortcodes api to be compatible with commas in shortcodes
    • fixed the absolute paths
    • bug fix for wp shortcodes api to be compatible with commas in shortcodes
    • autoplay option for single videos
    • show/hide control bar
    • show/hide fullscreen option
    • connected with wp media library, video and image upload is supported now (Thanks for donation from Kermit Woodhall)
    • added button & dialog window for easy video adding and editing
    • minor bug fixes
    • support for widget use and template use
    • Added a possibility to forbid the popup boxes.
    • Some output validation.
    • Minor visual improvements.
    • Added "Replay" and "Share" buttons to the popup box after video finishes.
    • Some performance tweaks concerning popup box.
    • First stable version ready to be published.
    • Removed farbtastic colour picker using jQuery from settings menu. Substituted by jscolor.

    Цена 75$
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 5 фев 2016
    3 пользователям это понравилось.
  2. Последние события

    1. skladchik.com
      LexKirov не участвует.
      7 июл 2017
    2. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      14 фев 2016
    3. vlad80
      vlad80 оставил отзыв "Отлично".
      10 фев 2016
    4. Serggio
      Serggio оставил отзыв "Отлично".
      9 фев 2016

    Последние важные события

    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      14 фев 2016
    2. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 176р.
      5 фев 2016
    3. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      5 фев 2016
    4. Цена составляет 6000р.
      5 фев 2016
  3. Отзывы участников

    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      Спасибо. Плеер хороший
      10 фев 2016
    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      Плейер перспективный. Организатор - выше всяких похвал
      9 фев 2016
    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      Большое спасибо. Отличный плеер. Функций больше чем достаточно. Использую не более 10%-20% функций.
      8 фев 2016
  4. Обсуждение
  5. 16 янв 2016
    Kovboj87 ЧКЧлен клуба
    Судя по тексту на главной странице плагина, нужен опытный орг.
    1 человеку нравится это.
  6. 17 янв 2016
    Dr House
    Dr House ОргОрганизатор
    а загружать видео себе на хостинг нужно будет?
  7. 17 янв 2016
    paterfamilias ЧКЧлен клуба
  8. 17 янв 2016
    GreatMonster ЧКЧлен клуба
    Куда же, кроме своего хостинга, можно заливать видео? Из облака будет играть?
  9. 17 янв 2016
    dotWizard ЧКЧлен клуба
    Вам же выше даже подсказали, что бы не искали: Vimeo и YouTube. Так же можете лить на амазон.
  10. 17 янв 2016
    corallife ОргОрганизатор (А)
    почему в теге стоит вордпресс, вроде это для любого сайта?
  11. 19 янв 2016
    Руляка2015 БанЗабанен
    Господа Складчики! Так и неясно все равно и есть вопросы:
    Данный плеер будет куплен в максимальной комплектации?
    Данный плеер будет крякнут для личного пользования?
    Как будут организованы обновления плеера?
    Будет ли данный плеер переведен на родной язык?
    Поддерживает ли он ссылки с других ресурсов, что бы не лить видео себе на хост (в пробной версии этой функции нету!!!)
    Поддерживает ли он брендирование?
  12. 19 янв 2016
    inpakeo ДолжникДолжник
    1. Да максимальная (на один домен один платеж на 75$)
    2. Естественно (изначально лицензия на один домен)
    3. Через организатора
    4. Это уже каждый сам решил, если только кто-то из складчиков в последствии выложит файлы перевода
    5. Там есть поддержка залития видео youtube, vimeo, amazon
    6. Этот вопрос не смогу уточнить.
  13. 19 янв 2016
    mastah ЧКЧлен клуба
    кто пробовал пробную: он не режет просмотры на ютубе, все считается отлично? и реклама (судя по таблице) адсенса там тоже показывается, как просто на ютубе?
    мне важно, т.к. монетизирую ролики
  14. 19 янв 2016
    onishenko ДолжникДолжник
    Можно ли налаживать свою рекламу перед просмотром видео с того-же ютуба или Vimeo ?
  15. 20 янв 2016
    paterfamilias ЧКЧлен клуба

    Просьба будущему организатору не спешить со сборами. Чем ближе к минималки - тем лучше :)
  16. 21 янв 2016
    svarog162 БанЗабанен
    Это если видосы твои или не шибко претендуют на авторство, а если делаешь типа сайт фильмов или что-то наподобие, то Ютюб и Вимео как раз обрадуются твоим роликам)))
  17. 22 янв 2016
    inpakeo ДолжникДолжник
    Разница два разных разработчика + тот плеер только для ЧК был. Этот плеер под ваши требования подойдет. Единственное по поводу массово, все ручками.
  18. 2 фев 2016
    paterfamilias ЧКЧлен клуба
    Пора начинать. Судя по активности ниже 100р уже точно не будет...
  19. 2 фев 2016
    paterfamilias ЧКЧлен клуба
    В админке выводится инфа о скидках
  20. 4 фев 2016
    Breaking News
    Breaking News ЧКЧлен клуба
    Если брать видео с закрытой ссылки с Ютуба и транслировать через плеер, то сможет пользователь узнать ссылку на юутубе и скачать это видео? Скачать скажем благодаря плагину браузера, который видит все ссылки Скрытая ссылка. Если транслировать через HLS то уже проблематично для 90% публики.
  21. 5 фев 2016
    pensionary ОргОрганизатор (А)
    При переходе цена не меняется - рождество прошло :)
  22. 5 фев 2016
    pensionary ОргОрганизатор (А)
    Если встроить видео с ютюба, то выглядит оно так - лого ютюба есть, но не кликабельное, перейти нельзя.
    Но все же ссылка на сам ролик видна в исходном коде страницы.
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