
[WP] AmyMovie - Movie and Cinema WordPress Theme. Отличный шаблон для сайта кинотеатра

Тема в разделе "Шаблоны и темы", создана пользователем Тони Старк, 4 сен 2017.

Цена: 3600р.-38%
Взнос: 2205р.

Основной список: 2 участников

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 4 сен 2017
    Тони Старк
    Тони Старк МодерМодератор Команда форума

    Складчина: [WP] AmyMovie - Movie and Cinema WordPress Theme. Отличный шаблон для сайта кинотеатра


    Поставил сборы на неделю, чтобы больше людей увидело. На этот шаблон-то соберёмся давайте. Он реально крутой

    Отличный шаблон с множеством настроек и опций. Позволяет выводить постеры фильмов, идущих в кинотеатрах, указывать время, продавать билеты. Есть возможность импортировать фильмы с IMDB\TMDB, не вбивая их вручную. Два отображения главной страницы.

    Popular WordPress Plugin Integration
    • Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress $34.
    • Breadcrumb NavXT: Adds a breadcrumb navigation showing the visitor’s path to their current location.
    • Contact Form 7: Another contact form plugin. It’s simple but flexible.
    • MailChimp for WordPress: Adds various highly effective sign-up methods to your site.
    • Regenerate Thumbnails: Allows you to regenerate all thumbnails after changing the thumbnail sizes.
    • Slider Revolution: Slider Revolution – Premium responsive slider.
    Powerful AmyTheme Plugins
    • AmyTheme Framework: A Lightweight and easy-to-use WordPress Options Framework.
    • AmyMovie Extends: Displays movies, posts with many layouts, styles, effects.
    • AmyMovie User
    Advanced Theme Options
    AmyMovie Theme Options are global settings that allow you to build custom sites without coding. These options will apply to every page or post on your site, unless overridden by page or post options.
    • IMDb & TMDb Importer Imtegrated
    • Control over the entire layout; site width, content area, sidebars and more
    • Three nice Header styles and ten Footer Styles giving you more choices to build up your nice web pages.
    • Support 5 types of module so that you can easy to add modules are Text, Link, Menu, WP login or Social List to the Topbar and Copyright part.
    • Easy to custom links for movies, cinemas, actors, directors.
    • Support three layouts for your Blog Post page: Grid, List and Masonry layout.
    • Easy to change the webpage’s skin to fit your design (orange is default skin).
    • Easy to config global page title bar by changing background image and color.
    • Google Fonts and Typography supports.
    • Choose the Global layout and features for the General Movie pages (show comments, allow users to rate, limit movies in search page) and Genre Page (choose Sidebar, Layout, number of movies per page, and show/ hide pagination).
    • Social Network Integration (Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest).
    • Easy to create new image size.
    • If you have passion about coding, there is an option to allow you to custom CSS and Javascript, and of course, it is optional.
    Functional and Smart AmyMovie Shortcodes
    AmyMovie shortcodes allow you to display the movies or post with different styles. There are the options help you to order the movies/ posts by Date, Release Date. Movies/ Post ID. Movies/ Post Views, Rate. Title, Comment Count or Random Order and you also can sort them according to Descending or Ascending. AmyMovie shortcodes allows you to add showtime function to each movies, show showtime page and movie-rated page. You also can enable filter module and search module by movies, actors, directors, cinema on your webpages.
    • Amy Tabs: Allows you to add tabs and control the content of your tabs. You can set which tab will be Active Tab Navigation.
    • Amy Movie Blog: Allows you to display your blog posts with 2 nice styles and order the posts as you want.
    • Amy Movie Carousel: Allows you to show multiple movies at once, it’s unlike normal slide show. There are only one layout however, you can set the number of movies will show on the slide.
    • Amy Movie Grid: There are 4 layouts for Movie Grid style and you can set the number of columns as well as the number of movies per page. Show/ hide pagination and filter module.
    • Amy Movie List: Allows you to show movies in the list style. You can decide the number of movies will be per page and show/ hide pagination and filter module.
    • Amy Movie Metro Gallery: Allows you to the gallery with the special style. And the image will display on the popup when you click on it.
    • Amy Movie Rate List: Allows you to arrange movies with the number of rates, pointed rates and stars rate. You can show the top rated movies.
    • Amy Movie Search: Allows visitors easy to search movies by the movie’s name, cinema, actor or director.
    • Amy Movie Showtime: Allows visitors get the movie schedules (date, time) at a particular cinema.
    • Amy Movie Slide: Allows to display movies in the slide, one movie for one slide.
    Intuitive Widgets and Sidebars
    • Support 4 custom widgets from AmyTheme: Amy Movie Coming Soon, Amy Movie List, Amy Movie Comment. Amy Movie Module.
    • Allow to add advertising banners, social network list, nomar Text/ Link to the sidebar.
    • Allow to add contact form, the list of comments to the sidebar.
    • Allow to add the list of movies/ posts to the sidebar.
    • Allow to add the Coming Soon module to your sidebar.
    Advanced Movie options
    • Show/ hide comment field or allow/ not allow visitor to comment on the movies.
    • Set release date and duration.
    • Enter IMDB rating, MPAA and language for the movies.
    • Add multiple images for Gallery and add multiple trailers from Youtube or Vimeo. The number of images and videos will display at Movie Detail page.
    • Add as many cinemas as possible which will show the movie. You also can choose date and exact time the movie will show. These information will display on the showtime part.
    • Enable/ disable Custom Rating part.
    • Select Genres, Actors, Directors for the movie.
    • Add movie banner and movie poster.
    • Support three layouts for Movie Detail page (Left sidebar, Right Sidebar or Full Width).
    • Easy to choose the sidebar for Movie Detail page.
    • Global option at Theme option allow visitor to rate for the movie or not.
    Advanced Actors/ Directors/ Genre options
    • Display Actor/ Directors/ Genre in the particular pages.
    • Add actor/ director name, summary information, biography, avatar, banner.
    • Add more information about their birthday, birthplace, gender, nationality.
    • On the actor/ director detail page, it shows the list of movies by that actor. Director.
    • Global options at Theme options allows to choose the number of movies per page at Genre page, and you can choose Genre page layout with sidebar or no sidebar.
    Advanced Cinema options
    • Enter the short description about the cinema.
    • Option to add cinema banner.
    • Option to add the cinema gallery. The gallery will display on the carousel style.
    • Add extra information (cinema’s address, phone, website, email).
    • Allow to add Google map of the cinema’s location at the cinema detail page.
    Amazing Showtime function
    • At The Movie Detail page, Showtime function allows visitors to select the cinema which will show that movie, then the date and the exact time on that cinema will appear.
    • At The Movie List layout, Showtime function allows visitors to see the time when the movie will show at the cinema on that day.
    • At the Movie Grid layout, showtime function allows to show the exact time (hours and minutes) when the movie with show on that day. It means it will help visitors to know which movies will show on that day. Note that, only the movies which will be shown on that day, will include the time on their posters.
    • At the Showtime page: allow visitors select the movies => select the cinema and the date and time will appear.
    Awesome Showrate function
    • Allows to display the list of movies with the rate information only (number of votes, Pointed rate, star rate).
    • Easy to create the Top Rated movies by “Order By” option.
    Advanced Blog options
    • Support three post types (standard, image, video).
    • Set up blog page or set custom categories per page using AmyMovie Blog shortcode.
    • Support three layouts for your global blog page (grid, list, masonry) and support 2 blog layouts for the custom categories per page using AmyMovie Blog shortcode. All of the layouts can have the left sidebar, right sidebar or no sidebar.
    • Set Featured image per post.
    • Auto generated thumbnails.
    • Easy to set the content position under image or on the right of image.
    • Show/ hide pagination at the blog page.
    Advanced Page Title Bar
    • Allows to enable/ disable the page title bar globally, or per page.
    • Choose the title position on the page title bar (on the left/ right or center).
    • Options to set background color, background image or title text color
    Advanced Topbar/ Header options
    • Smart Topbar allows to insert any widget into; add Text, Link, Login/ Logout module and more,...
    • Support three nice headers layouts (logo and menu on the top left, logo on the top center and module under, logo on the top left and menu on the top right.
    • Fully control logo padding top and logp padding bottom.
    • Include Sticky menu for the width of screen is equal or less than 992px.
    • Allows to add a nice search module on the header.
    Advanced Footer Options
    • Insert custom widgets on Footer Widgets Before and Footer Widgets After.
    • Support 1 – 10 columns for Footer, insert any widgets to each column (add social icons, list of posts, custom menu, contact module, Newsletter module and more).
    • Enable/ disable copyright bar.
    • Control to add modules are text, link, custom menu, social icons, WP login into copyright bar.
    Excellent Contact Form
    • Compatible with Contact Form 7.
    • Use Google Map form on the cinema detail page.
    • Use a sidebar with your contact module.
    • Build in your mailing list with Mailchimp plugin supporting.
    Unlimited Sidebars
    • Create unlimited sidebars for the various sections of the site.
    • Set the global sidebar for Genre detail pages and blog post pages.
    • Set individually sidebar for any page or post.

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 28 фев 2020
    4 пользователям это понравилось.
  2. Последние события

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      В складчине участвует 5 человек(а).
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    3. wagana
      wagana не участвует.
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    4. skladchik.com
      В складчине участвует 5 человек(а).
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    2. skladchik.com
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    3. skladchik.com
      Цена составляет 3600р.
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    4. skladchik.com
      Назначен организатор.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 15 сен 2017
    ДзяСюй ДолжникДолжник
    Русский язык есть в этом шаблоне?
  5. 19 сен 2017
    Тони Старк
    Тони Старк МодерМодератор Команда форума
    Перевод сделаем
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 20 сен 2017
    3 пользователям это понравилось.
  6. 16 янв 2018
    LarryLarson ДолжникДолжник
    Цена устраивает вполне!) Есть ли возможность запустить складчину ?)
  7. 16 окт 2018
    htrmaster ОргОрганизатор
    еще один неудачный старт(
    1 человеку нравится это.
  8. 27 янв 2020
    wagana ЧКЧлен клуба
    Тема жить будет?
  9. 31 янв 2020
    Kolsok ЧКЧлен клуба
    Может возьмем шаблон? Цена не прям велика
  10. 28 фев 2020
    Организатор ОргОрганизатор
    Поставил сборы на неделю, чтобы больше людей увидело. На этот шаблон-то соберёмся давайте. Он реально крутой