
Все курсы от Дэвида из элитных торговых методов

Тема в разделе "Инвестиции и криптовалюта", создана пользователем vasilsmirnof, 2 июл 2018.

Цена: 62000р.-78%
Взнос: 13567р.

Основной список: 5 участников

Резервный список: 5 участников

  1. 2 июл 2018
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Все курсы от Дэвида из элитных торговых методов

    Покупаем доступ ко всем видеокурсам Дэвида Валльереса с его сайта

    Элитные торговые методы от Дэвида - это лучшее,что я встречал по трейдингу вообще. В частности в этом курсе
    автор расскрыл несколько так называемых Граалей.

    Меня зовут Дэвид Валльерес. Я начал Tradingology в 2008 году, потому что увидел, что необходимо помочь другим трейдерам понять риски и выгоды от торговли. Я сделал свою первую торговлю в 1974 году. Я начал торговать опционами в 1987 году и с тех пор активно выступаю на рынке трейдером, исследователем и разработчиком торговых систем. Это более 40 лет опыта и знаний на рынке.

    Реальные программы для настоящего успеха на бирже:

    On Volatility Advanced Training - 1.3 часа - Market Timing / Stocks + ETF's Options + Futures - $100
    3 Legged Box Spreads - 6+ часов - Profits / Options - $397
    Monthly Income Trading - 30+ часов - Income / Options - $497
    Winning Trade System - 16 часов - Profits / Stocks + ETF's + Options - $197
    Inside Days Trading System - 3+ часов - Quick Profits / Stocks + ETF's - $297
    The Specialist System - 3+ часов - Market Knowledge - $97
    High Level Mentoring I - 30+ часов - Arbitrage / Options + Futures - $2497
    High Level Mentoring II - 18+ часов - Returns / Stocks + ETF's + Options + Futures - $1997
    One-On-One Coaching** - 1 час - Success In Trading - $250
    Trade Alerts 2-3X Weekly - Stocks + ETF's + Options + Futures - $2500/yr
    Day Trading Masterclass 10 Sessions Futures - $197

    Общая стоимость по отдельности: $9,026

    Вот этот курс High Level Mentoring I - 30+ часов - Arbitrage / Options + Futures - $2497 продается на
    , в продажнике написано, что данный курс нечто сравнимо подготовке
    в военно-морских силах в трейдинге..Даже если вы купите его за 2497$ ,он окупится в 50 раз. Там 3 стратегии, 2 из которых работают на любом рынке. Я так думаю,что он будет даже получше Элитных торговых методов.

    Много очень редких и ценных материалов про волатильность, как работает Специалист, торговля внутри дня и т.д.

    Описание курсов на английском:

    Advanced Volatility Training - The Key To Long Term Trends and Large Market Movements

    Powerful video on volatility described as the "best explanation of volatility I've ever seen" by a mathematics professor at Yale University. A clear, detailed, walk-through of the VIX: How it's caluclated, how to tell when it will spike, why it spikes. Using the VIX to determine S&P500 trading range: The VIX formula we use to determine the S&P500 daily trading range with examples at 23m:01s into the video. A $100 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    3 Legged Box Spreads - Power Option Strategy
    3 Legged Box Spreads are a hybrid option strategy type of box spread that acts like a married put stock position. The advantage of using options is you can get in at a much lower cost than the equivalent stock position. Other benefits include unlimited profit potential, limited and defined risk and the ability to 'dial' your delta. One of my favorite option strategies because there's very little theta decay and it can be used for long-term (6-12 mo) positions. Complete 7 video course.A $397 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    Monthly Income Trading Program
    Learn how selling option premium in spreads can increase your returns. In-depth videos walk you through the strategies for maximizing your option income using options. Discover how the option 'Greeks' - Delta, Theta, Vega and Rho - affect your option positions. Learn how to analyze your positions and determine break-even and maximum profit levels. Use with Strong Market's Market Timer for maximum income. Massive 42 video course, 100's of hours of instruction. Course description: The Greeks, TradingSelection, Portfolio Building, Using TOS, Expiration Weeks, Trade Adjustments, Vix and Greeks, Greek Management , Reviewing Greeks, Price Risk, Introduction to Profits, Closing Theta Decay, Closing Iron Condor, Closing Free Call, Closing Calendars, The Big Picture- Part 1, Big Picture- Part 2 , Wealth Building- Part 1, Wealth Building- Part 2, Wealth Building, Wealth Building- Part 4, Wealth Building- Part 5, Entering Positions, Gamma Scalping, THETA SCALPING, Bonus Content, Victory Spread Variation Case studies... and more. A $497 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    Winning Trade System - Measuring Movements
    A beginner’s course in volatility and price action. One thing we know for sure is that volatility is the key to market movements. In this system we use just two things: price action and ATR to assist in determining future market movements. The easiest way to gain confidence in trading is getting into a trade with a high probability of success. This course will show you the easiest, simplest and most effective method for determining market direction you've ever seen. Trade small, trade well and win. A trend following strategy based on professional methods that just plain works. 16 video course, complete in every way, detailed instruction. A $197 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    Inside Days Trading System - Breakout Profits
    Based on Toby Crabel's Opening Range Breakout method this video course gives you detailed instructions for determining 'inside bar' trade setups, measuring targets and more. While Tobey's orginal method was eye-opening and effective, it needed serious updating for today's markets and that's what you'll find in our version of this money-making setup. Find high probability events based on the relation between high and low opening bar prices. We highly recommend this course for the serious short-term trader. NOTE: Even though this method is for trading daily charts, it can be used in any time frame including H4 and H1 in active markets. Three videos and PDF with details instruction. A $297 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    The Specialist System - Understanding How Markets Are Priced and What Makes Them Really Move
    The Special Study of the Securities Market commissioned by Congress in 1963 is more than just a fascinating historical document: It details exactly how Specialists on the floor of the NYSE control individual stock prices in order to fulfill their function of facilitating a 'fair and orderly' market in listed securities. As the report reveals however, there's a huge conflict in the specialists' role: They are tasked with providing liquidity to the market as a public benefit but they can also use their own capital to step in and buy and sell when their are no buyers or sellers (read: buy low, sell high). Sometimes the Specialists' functions and power to buy and sell for their own account conflict with their public function. This video course examines how markets move based on Specialist and insider interests. Based on Richard Ney's revealing books and studies. Mr. Ney's newsletter and alert services were influencial and counted J. Paul Getty as a subscriber. Mr. Ney had a huge influence on my formation as a trader from 1987 onward and I dedicated this 3 video course to his legacy. Specialists are still operating in the markets today and have as much power as they did in 1963. The information in this series is not found anyhwere else. A $197 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    High Level Mentoring I - Volatility Arbitrage
    This 'live' series of group coaching sessions on volatility arbitrage. Volatility arbitrage is a highly advanced method for profiting from volatility between major market indexes. 24 'live' sessions over 9 months recorded for members exclusive viewing. A $2497 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    High Level Mentoring II - The Business of Trading
    The latest 'live' series of group coaching sessions on how to trade as a business. Structure, profitable trading methods with a focus on consistent and relaible retuns with minimal risk. An excllent series for beginning market players who want to succeed in the business of trading. Includes sessions on digital assets (aka crptocurrencies). A $1999 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    Day Trading Masterclass
    Day trading is extremely risky but also very rewarding if done right. Learn why you should never start a day trading session without knowing the exact amount of money you want to make. Why your mind set about making money trading is probably wrong and is hurting your chances of success. How to measure market movements to know what you need to do to make your goal. Daily sessions looking over my shoulder as I make money in one to two hours max. Out of 10 day trading session I traded 9 days and I made money on all 9 days. One day was not a good day to trade and I show you exactly why you should not trade on days like that. I use just two indicators, that you've probably never thought of, to tell me what to do: Go long or short. Guaranteed to make you a better day trader. A $197 value. INCLUDED WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP

    Option Basics Bootcamp

    Gamma/Theta Scalping Masterclass

    Стоимость: 997$

    2 пользователям это понравилось.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 2 июл 2018
    123reit ЧКЧлен клуба
    он кажется использует стратегию только на фондовом рынке, стоит уточнить про форекс.
  5. 2 июл 2018
    vasilsmirnof БанЗабанен
    точнее на фьючерсах
  6. 3 июл 2018
    vasilsmirnof БанЗабанен
    Надо сделать,чтобы Организатором был модератор. Будут появляться новые курсы на сайте, чтобы наш доступ на сайт не пропал.
  7. 3 июл 2018
    radomir-das ЧКЧлен клуба
    Эти материалы все на английском, правильно?
  8. 4 июл 2018
    karlosonchik ЧКЧлен клуба
    Перевод будет?
  9. 4 июл 2018
    vasilsmirnof БанЗабанен
    Конечно будем переводить
  10. 9 июл 2018
    samokat ЧКЧлен клуба
    Сделай ссылки на проведенные складчины по Дэвиду, чтобы люди могли отзывы почитать.
    1 человеку нравится это.
  11. 5 авг 2018
    AlexZaZ ЧКЧлен клуба
    данная складчина не в разделе перевод, не вводите в заблуждение