
[Udemy] Облачная Панель управления с нуля, используя Python / Django

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем freedev, 6 фев 2017.

Цена: 930р.-87%
Взнос: 118р.

Основной список: 30 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 6 фев 2017
    freedev ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: [Udemy] Облачная Панель управления с нуля, используя Python / Django

    Курс свежачок!

    Облачная Панель управления с нуля, используя Python / Django

    Что вы узнаете в этом курсе:

    • Напишем программы на Python.
    • Установка Django, pip и PostgreSQL
    • Использование Bootstrap, Jquery и AJAX для этих приложений.
    • Использование Django ORM для быстрого и легкого взаимодействия с базой данных.
    • Настройка сервера в облаке.
    • Использование Django для создания удивительных веб-приложений.
    • Напишем сервисы и скрипты для контроля над облачными приложениями.
    • Знание, которое поможет в создании автоматизированной системы для бэкенд.
    You want to learn something new today, something off the edge rather than regular social network/ecom websites, something fresh as Cloud Control Panel.

    Technology has made our life simpler since its inception but with the advent of cloud it has touched the human technological existence in many ways. From our IM, email or simple games/apps, whatever we use has some or the other connection with cloud. Either for the need of online storage or for Oauth authentication. In this course we are going to customize a panel which will give us the power to take control over our cloud server/apps.

    This is a course for anyone willing to extend their present skills/knowledge to cloud.Python is being the most evolving language at this time and many support libraries have already been developed to support steadfast development of python applications (business/consumer). Here, we are going to hit the ground with some Python basics for the non-programmer or new Python user, who will probably be the next Py-Geek. This course is not a so-called "Zero to Hero" course but it will definitely give you an overall idea and a kickstart to start playing a "Hero".

    We will start Step-By-Step From Scratch and finally get it done. The course has been designed in such a way that you will not feel somewhere lost in the middle of the course. You will get comfortable with using

    1)Python 2)Bootstrap 3)Django 4)CSS 5)AJAX 6)JSON 7)Cloud App Control.

    You will be deeply benefited from this course:

    1)If you have already planned a develop a website for your own.

    2)If you have planned to move any application on cloud and want control over it.

    3)If you have planned to build a Game Control Panel for your cloud hosted game servers(Counter Strike,Minecraft,etc,etc)

    4)If you are a system engineer/ QA professional and have planned to bring in quick backend automation to your existing system flow.

    5)If you are a University Geek, planning to do something out-of-the-box.

    6)If you are a person with Absolutely No Programming skills but very zealous to learn the NEW.

    Язык: английский
    Лекций: 42
    Видео: 5 часов
    Уровень сложности: Все уровни

    Скрытая ссылка
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 30 авг 2023
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