
[Udemy] Getting Started with PHP 7

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем Taranis, 11 апр 2017.

Цена: 600р.-43%
Взнос: 342р.

Основной список: 7 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 11 апр 2017
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [Udemy] Getting Started with PHP 7

    Повысьте производительность, изучая новые возможности PHP 7

    When it comes to modern web development, performance is everything. The latest version of PHP has been improvised and updated to make it easier to build for performance, improved engine execution, better memory usage, and a new and extended set of tools. If you’re a web developer, what’s not to love? This course would guide you with the new features of PHP 7, advanced OOP and get equipped with SOLID Principles and Design Pattern.

    PHP is an excellent language for object oriented programming. The new features of PHP 7 makes it more fast and scalable. This video covers the basic concepts of PHP programming in a step-by-step manner.The viewer will be able to improve their productivity by learning design patterns which will promote code reuse and reduce redundancy. The video would go in detail about advance OOP concepts, networking, design patterns, debugging, etc

    This course will show you how to make full use of PHP 7 with a range of practical projects that will not only teach you the principles, but also show you how to put them into practice. It will push and extend your skills, helping you to become a more confident and fluent PHP developer.

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Статус обсуждения:
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