
The rawfit diet+the rawfit diet cookbook

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем padnk, 13 май 2016.

Цена: 3900р.-59%
Взнос: 1579р.

Основной список: 3 участников

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  1. 13 май 2016
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: The rawfit diet+the rawfit diet cookbook

    Автор - тренер звезд, спортсменов, а также моделей из агентства img models
    Английский язык. Формат EPUB

    The Rawfit Diet: Longevity, Beauty, Detox, Raw Food, Fitness and Weight Loss


    The Rawfit Diet Cookbook: Longevity, Beauty, Detox, Raw Food, Fitness and Weight Loss



    Ricardo Riskalla is an Australian celebrity trainer who has been featured in the major Australian magazines and newspapers. He has effectively trained a variety of high profile clients including famous actors, top models and Olympic level athletes. He is also the creator of the awarded application "A Million Workouts By Rawfit" available for Apple iOs and Android and the best selling book "The Rawfit Diet" available on iTunes store, Amazon and Kobo.

    In this book he reveals all his secret Raw Food recipes that transformed many famous bodies around the globe.

    "I fell and look better than I ever have." Vogue

    "Ricardo Riskalla, the go-to guy for models, actors, marathon competitors and Olympic rowers. Thankfully he also trains mere mortals”. Harper's Bazaar

    "Genius!" ESPN

    “Forget busting a gut for hours to get great results”. Cleo Magazine

    “He makes lasagne using shaved zucchini, spaghetti from shredded vegetables and spring rolls wrapped in watermelon shavings”. Sunday Telegraph

    “Riskalla compares eating raw food to putting the best possible fuel you can into your body”. Sunday Telegraph

    “The anti-ageing effects are one great side effect of a raw food diet. Ageing is synonymous with a reduction in metabolic and digestive enzymes and raw food replaces these enzymes”. Sunday Telegraph

    “The diet can be delicious and the health benefits are sublime”. Sunday Telegraph

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 13 сен 2017
    3 пользователям это понравилось.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 19 май 2016
    mintan ДолжникДолжник
    А перевод будет ?
  5. 19 май 2016
    padnk БанЗабанен
    это надо в другом разделе складчину делать и искать переводчика
  6. 31 май 2016
    Otto БанЗабанен
    Отзывы на Амазоне — крайне позитивные.
    Народ, записывайтесь смелее, прокачаете свой английский.
    Книжки короткие, но концентрированные, всё по делу.