
[TDD] Python. Пишем свой фреймворк

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем Топикстартер, 25 окт 2019.

Цена: 1300р.-87%
Взнос: 166р.

Основной список: 25 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 25 окт 2019
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [TDD] Python. Пишем свой фреймворк

    обновлено 02.03.2021
    Building Your Own Python Web Framework


    Learn how to build your own Python web framework!

    "Don't reinvent the wheel" is a common programming mantra we hear nearly every day. But what if you want to learn more about the wheel? What if you want to learn how to make the damn wheel itself so you can make the next iteration better, faster, or stronger? It's often a great idea to reinvent the wheel, especially when it comes to learning -- which is exactly what this course is all about!

    In this course, you'll learn how to develop your own Python web framework to see how things work beneath the surface of Flask, Django, and the other Python-based web frameworks.

    First, you'll learn how to build asynchronous web framework based on WSGI, just like Django and Flask. After the main functionality is in place, you'll create a test client and, from that point on, we'll follow basic test-driven development. Once the framework is complete, you'll package it up and upload it to PyPI (the Python Package Index). You'll then develop a small web application with the framework you just built and deploy it to Heroku.

    Most importantly, you, as a developer, will be building something for other developers, which might be a little different from what you do at your day-to-day job and thus you'll learn a lot.

    Learning Objectives
    By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    1. Explain what WSGI is and why it's needed
    2. Build a basic web framework and run it with Gunicorn, a WSGI-compatible server
    3. Develop the core request handlers, routes, and templates
    4. Implement class-based route handlers
    5. Test your framework with unit tests and practice test-driven development
    6. Build a test client to test the API without having to spin up the server
    7. Implement custom exception handlers to ensure 404 (Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) errors are handled gracefully
    8. Develop solutions for managing static files and middleware in the framework
    9. Control allowed methods for your request handlers
    10. Create a custom response class to make response creation easy
    11. Create a Python package and upload it to PyPI
    12. Develop a web application using the framework you built and deploy it to Heroku
    Tools and Technologies
    1. Python
    2. WSGI
    3. Gunicorn
    4. Pytest
    5. PyPI
    6. Heroku
    Table of Contents
    • WSGI
    • Requests and Routing
    • Duplicate Routes and Class Based Handlers
    • Unit Tests and Test Client
    • Django-like Routes and Templates
    • Exception Handlers and Static Files
    • Middleware
    • Allowed Methods
    • Custom Response Class
    • PyPI
    • Web App
    • Deploying to Heroku
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 12 июн 2023
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    4. kaasnake
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    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина доступна.
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    2. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 83р.
      10 ноя 2019
    3. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      10 ноя 2019
    4. skladchik.com
      Сбор взносов начинается 10.11.2019.
      8 ноя 2019
Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.