
SparkyGallery-интересный скрипт фотогалареи

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем bekson, 19 апр 2015.

Цена: 2100р.
Взнос: 2100р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 19 апр 2015
    bekson ЧКЧлен клуба
    SparkyGallery-интересный скрипт фотогалареи
    от codebasket
    Скрипт позволит вам создать наполняемый пользователями сайт фотогалареи. На сайте можно создавать категории, загружать неограниченное количество фотографий, оценивать их, делиться в социальных сетях, оставлять комментарии и многое другое. Открытость исходного кода позволить свободно расширять возможности скрипта. Скрипт может быть переведен на любой язык.

    Responsive Layout (Bootstrap 3.0)
    SparkyQuotes is intelligent. It quickly adapts to the screen size of the visitorís device. Be it smartphone, iPad or Tablet, it goes right away with it by adapting to its size and offering best possible web experience.

    Premium Class Support
    Our customer support centre works 24/7 to assist the clients round the globe. Our experts and 1000ís of online users are always here to discuss the problems and issues related to this script.

    Free Future Upgrades

    We just donít sell it and forget it. Once you buy this script, you will be able to access all its future updates for free. So get it once and enjoy for the life time. You can easily upgrade your script to premium features which are added on regular basis.

    Search Engine Optimized
    This outstanding php script has been designed by keeping best SEO practices in mind. This script has ability to work smoothly with all SEO plug-ins and it can help you in getting your website ranked higher in search engines.

    Translation & Multilingual Ready

    The amazing SparkyQuotes script is ready to translate in any language of your choice. Our script is ìMultilingual Readyî. It supports WPML Multilanguage plugin and you can run multiple languages on your website at once.

    Cross Browser Compatibility
    Our SparkyQuotes script is Universal. Yes, it is compatible with all major browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. We have tested this script on multiple browsers and it is perfectly working.

    FontsAwesome Integration
    A complete Font Awesome collection of icons is integrated in this script. Powered with CSS, now you can change the color, style and size of the font icons. No Java script is required to use Font Awesome.

    Advanced Admin Section
    A complete new and easy to operate Admin section is developed in this script to provide you with advanced administrating features including selection of themes, color, disable/ enable function of the website and other controls.

    Facebook Login Enabled
    SparkyQuotes is socio-friendly! This amazing php script is fully social media integrated and your visitors can also login by using their Facebook account. One click process offers simple login to your website.

    Advertisement Zones Integration
    Earn more by displaying relevant ads on your website. We have left Perfect Sized AdSense and other Adnetworks Ad Slots in the script to make you earn more by simply displaying relevant ads. Everything is prepared, just get your AdSense account created and start earning.

    Commenting System Management
    Our script is not STATIC. It is customizable and you can modify it right according to your needs. You can turn on/off the comment system of Facebook, Disqus or simply change your comment system status to NONE.
    Цена: 40$

    1 человеку нравится это.
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