
Скетчинг - Зима. Sketching - Winter: Capturing the Colours of Snow [Shari Blaukopf]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по дизайну", создана пользователем Teah, 9 янв 2021.

Цена: 2250р.-29%
Взнос: 1591р.

Основной список: 2 участников

  1. 9 янв 2021
    Teah ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: Скетчинг - Зима. Sketching - Winter: Capturing the Colours of Snow [Shari Blaukopf]


    Скетчим зиму и снег!
    Пошаговый процесс создания зимнего пейзажа и теней на снегу.
    В мастер-классе:
    • Планируем свет и тени
    • Контрасты и формы для создания разнообразия в кажущихся монохромными пейзажах
    • Смешиваем удачные комбинации цветов для изображения снега
    • Используем приемы для упрощения

    Для отработки приемов к основному референсу вы получите еще 3
    Раздаточный материал с советами по скетчингу зимой (в частности из машины)

    Sketching Winter:
    Capturing the Colours of Snow

    A Shari Blaukopf online sketching and painting course

    Come take a walk with me through a tiny patch of woods near my house. And while we're there, I'll share with you what I love best about painting winter landscapes.

    I walk through this little wooded area every morning with my dog, Alice. It's beautiful here in all seasons, but especially gorgeous in winter, when the morning sun casts long shadows across the rocks and the fresh snow. I often stop to take a few quick photos (while Alice finds sticks to chew on!). Then, it's back to my studio to paint the scene while the colours of the winter landscape are still fresh in my mind.

    The subtle colours of fresh-fallen snow and branched patterns of light are what I try to capture first — and that's where we'll begin in this course. I'll also show you how to plan the composition, select a limited palette and mix the freshest colours for painting winter trees, rocks and snow.

    And even if you live in a place where, alas, winters are too warm for snow, I encourage you to paint along with me anyway. There's nothing like painting crisp winter whites and blues to help you gain greater mastery in handling brushes and pigments.

    If you love to sketch in watercolour and want a step-by-step process for painting winter landscapes and shadows on snow, this course is for you. In this class you'll learn how to:

    • Plan lights and darks before you put brush to paper
    • Contrast colours and edges to add variety to what can often seem like a monochromatic scene
    • Mix my favourite triad of pigments for painting shadows on snow
    • Use design techniques to improve and simplify the composition
    This course includes:

    • Full-length video demonstrations that illustrate key concepts
    • A downloadable reference image plus three bonus images, so you can practice what you've learned!
    • A detailed list of materials
    • A bonus handout with tips for winter car sketching
    • A comments section for each lesson where you can ask questions and post your finished sketches

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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 9 янв 2021
    iskorka6 ЧКЧлен клуба
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