
[Шитье] Шьем куртку (eng)

Тема в разделе "Хобби и рукоделие", создана пользователем natrium23, 18 июл 2016.

Цена: 1710р.-89%
Взнос: 172р.

Основной список: 30 участников

Резервный список: 3 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 18 июл 2016
    natrium23 ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [Шитье] Шьем куртку (eng)

    Внимание! Продукт на английском языке с английскими субтитрами.

    Шьем Лучше, Шьем Быстрее: Умная Конструкция
    с Джанет Прэй

    Быстро сошьем куртки, которые будут готовы к носке. Используйте лучшую в отрасли скоростную методику пошива безупречных швов, молний, накладкок и многое другое — быстро!

    Создадите модную куртку в мотоциклетном стиле, используя самые эффективные методы пошива верхней одежды. Вместе с Джанет Прэй, вы начнете с выбора идеальной модной ткани и вспомогательных материалов. Затем, изучите экспресс выкройки для быстрого, успешного конструирования. Подобрать молнию для куртки, манжеты и карманы, и пришить их красиво без зазоров. Упростить шаги для облегчения наклеивания на другие выкройки. Применять облицовки рукава и карманы на молнии безупречно. Добавить карманы и втачные рукава без проблем, прежде чем научиться полностью сшить куртку машинкой! Куртку возможно сшить быстрее, чем вы думали.

    Sew Better, Sew Faster: Smart Construction
    with Janet Pray

    Swiftly sew jackets they'll swear are ready-to-wear. Use the industry's best speed tailoring techniques for flawless seams, zippers, linings & more — fast!

    Create a trendy motorcycle-style jacket using the most efficient, effective outerwear tailoring techniques. Alongside industry insider Janet Pray, you'll start by choosing the perfect fashion fabrics and supporting materials. Then, interface and mark your included MotorCity Express Jacket pattern pieces for swift, successful construction. Customize your jacket's zippers, pockets and cuffs, and sew them beautifully without pins. Simplify the steps for easing your lining into your other pattern pieces. Apply facings to your sleeves and zippered pockets flawlessly. Breeze through ready-to-wear zipper installations. Add pockets and set-in sleeves stress-free, before learning how to line a jacket entirely by machine! Construct ready-to-wear jackets faster than you thought possible.

    Lesson plan

    Lesson 1. Overview & Preparing the Jacket (32:20)
    Meet sewing industry veteran Janet Pray and learn more about the MotorCity Express jacket she designed just for you! Janet discusses the fashion fabrics, linings, interlinings and interfacing you might use, from a sophisticated felted wool lined with Bemberg rayon to a fun and funky silk tweed with charmeuse lining. Then, get started with interfacing and marking your pattern pieces.

    Lesson 2. Professional Preparations (30:18)
    Janet shows how to customize your jacket's zippers for the asymmetrical front opening, pockets and cuffs. Then learn to sew efficiently without pins as you assemble the jacket's back panels. You'll also sew the lining pieces, leaving an opening for bagging the lining later.

    Lesson 3. Beginning Jacket Construction (34:05)
    Use Janet's technique for letting your sewing machine's feed dogs ease the lining to the facing along the princess seam for a flattering fit. Then, employ crimping to accomplish the more drastic easing in the sleeve lining at the elbow. You'll learn Janet's professional pressing tips before sewing the lining to the facing at the neckline and shoulder seams with perfect corners.

    Lesson 4. Facings & Pockets (16:46)
    Apply the facings to your sleeves to support the zippers at the cuffs and add the facings for your zippered pockets. When you press your work with Janet's guidance, you'll be impressed with your results!

    Lesson 5. Inserting Zippers (20:15)
    Zip through your zipper installations with ease! Janet shows how to get professional results with the front separating zipper and the sleeve zippers, complete with gussets. You'll also see how to install the window zippers without puckers or dimples.

    Lesson 6. Completing the Jacket Shell (29:06)
    Complete the construction of your jacket, finishing the fronts and sewing them to the backs, sewing the pockets and setting in the sleeves. Janet walks you through step by step. You'll never fear sleeves again!

    Lesson 7. Bagging the Lining & Final Touches (32:38)
    It's time to finish your jacket by attaching and bagging the lining. Janet shows how to attach the lining to your sleeve cuffs and stitch in the ditch around the collar to keep the layers flat. Finally, sew up the last gap in your lining by machine — no hand-stitching needed — and topstitch as desired. Your trendy jacket is ready to wear!

    Цена со скидкой $34,99; без скидки $49,99

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 19 июл 2016
    1 человеку нравится это.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 28 авг 2016
    Zolotce ЧКЧлен клуба
    Сейчас этот курс стоит 25 долларов со скидкой 50%
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