
Real-Time Elliott Wave Trading

Тема в разделе "Инвестиции и криптовалюта", создана пользователем Ianuaria, 22 апр 2017.

Цена: 85443р.-72%
Взнос: 23323р.

Основной список: 4 участников

Резервный список: 2 участников

  1. 22 апр 2017
    Ianuaria ЧКЧлен клуба (П)

    Real-Time Elliott Wave Trading

    Real Markets. Real Wave Counts. Real Results.

    • Авторы: Wayne Gorman
    • Оригинальное название: Real-Time Elliott Wave Trading
    • Язык: английский
    • Уровень: продвинутый
    • Формат: видео | 10+ часов

    Описание (перевод):

    Загляни в кабинет к реальному трейдеру, использующему волны Эллиотта, ветерану Уолл-стрит, он шаг за шагом обучит тебя анализу волн Эллиотта и торгам в режиме реального времени. Этот интенсивный курс покажет тебе, используя примеры из реального рынка, как при помощи волн Эллиотта открывать, закрывать и управлять позициями.

    Peek over the shoulder of a real-life Elliott wave trader, a Wall Street veteran, as he walks you through his Elliott wave analysis and trades in real time. This intensive course shows you, using real market examples, how to enter, exit and manage positions using Elliott wave.

    Real-Time Elliott Wave Trading puts you "in the room" with a career Elliott wave trader as he analyzes live markets and makes trades in real time. Win, lose or breakeven, you will see everything he sees and follow all he does. The charts, the Elliott wave counts, when to get in, how to manage risk, when to get out – it becomes yours to observe, dissect and make your own.

    Yet the mechanics are only half the benefit of this course; the rest flows from the intensive lessons offered by your experienced trading instructor, Wayne Gorman.

    In this course, you are virtually at Wayne's side as he talks you through his charts and wave counts, develops his plan and manages his trades as the markets move. Some of the trades you'll observe are simulated to capture important Elliott wave trading lessons. Some are paper trades in real-time markets. Others are in real time with real money. Each trade amounts to a valuable Elliott wave trading scenario you can learn from.

    Section 1: Lay the groundwork – learn what to do when you see these Elliott wave patterns. (3 hours)
    In the first section, Wayne handpicks the most relevant trading lessons from some of his most popular online courses over the past 10 years. Gorman shows you exactly which wave patterns offer the highest risk/reward ratios, how to identify them and how to trade them.

    You'll learn how to:

    • Spot the best waves for trading
    • Trade within a triangle pattern (sometimes called a "wedge")
    • Trade when the market zigzags
    • Trade in a choppy, sideways market
    • Use Fibonacci ratios to set up your trade
    • Use Elliott waves to formulate options trading strategies

    Section 2: Put Elliott wave theory to the real-money test – and watch how it can generate real gains. (5 hours)
    Wayne recreates and reviews three trades, tick by tick, from his career as a professional trader. These are actual trades from Wayne's personal account recreated for you so he can share all of his thoughts and mistakes as he goes along. You get to see and hear Wayne's real decisions and real emotions as his trades unfold.

    Wayne shows you how to:

    • Thoroughly analyze the market
    • Rank preferred and alternate wave counts in terms of probability
    • Manage risk by identifying exactly where the analysis could be proven wrong
    • Scale into trades
    • Move stops as the trade progresses
    • Close each position after the target is met

    Section 3 [Recorded Live]: AAPL, IBM, S&P 500 – trade Elliott wave patterns in some of today's hottest markets. (2 hours)
    To show you how to apply the Elliott wave trading techniques you've learned in the first two sections, Wayne uses his paper-trading account and records his activities for across two weeks. Wayne spells out each step as he identifies and trades opportunities. Most critically, he shows you one of the most vital skills for consistently successful trading: how to closely manage the trades that don't work out.

    You'll see and hear Wayne find actionable, low-risk/high-reward wave patterns as they unfold live in:

    • Apple (AAPL) shares
    • IBM (IBM) shares
    • McDonald's (MCD) shares
    • Trinity Industries (TRN) shares
    • S&P 500 futures
    • Euro futures
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 24 апр 2017
    3 пользователям это понравилось.
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