
Разработка программного обеспечения для наступательной безопасности [Mr.Un1k0d3r]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем Топикстартер, 12 ноя 2024.

Цена: 29500р.-72%
Взнос: 8135р.

Основной список: 4 участников

  1. 12 ноя 2024
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Разработка программного обеспечения для наступательной безопасности [Mr.Un1k0d3r]

    Offensive coding
    Язык английский

    Без имени.png

    85 эпизодов с занятиями по программированию по следующим темам:
    • Introduction to the toolset and core concept.
    • Introduction to assembly language programming and shellcoding core concept.
    • Shellcoding basics: Resolving Windows APIs using loaded modules LDR in the PEB and kernel32 GetProcAddress and LoadLibrary.
    • Remote process injection using the PEB kernelcallbacktable manipulation and SendMessage API.
    • Writing customer shellcode encoder in assembly using key brute force and MMX instructions set.
    • Fooling the EDR using self debugging and DLL loading event to manipulate loaded DLLs.
    • Fileless lateral movement technique using Windows ServiceManager (SVCCTL) in C.
    • Windows APIs EDR evasion using Nt* APIs and direct syscall.
    • Demystifying some C concept.
    • Generic process injection concept in C and C#.
    • C# execute .NET in memory to avoid touching the disk and C# AMSI trick.
    • Attacking the EDR for fun and profit by removing the usermode hooks..
    • C and C# evasion technique to prevent sandbox execution.
    • Basic Command & Control (C2) over HTTP concept in C#.
    • Hooking Windows API for fun and profit.
    • Dropping your initial payload and phishing concept.
    • Cobalt Strike tricks and writing BOF file for Cobalk Strike.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: @byt3bl33d3r is going to present some of his work regarding nim.
    • Windows Internal Useful APIs. Remote information gathering.
    • Resolving syscall dynamically.
    • LDAP and the Windows Active Directory world.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: @waldoirc Understanding ETW, API hooking, and malware analysis.
    • Writing keyloggers using 2 different approaches.
    • The Windows COM world.
    • Linux Shellcoding.
    • Introduction to buffer overflow.
    • Buffer overflow part 2: ROP Gadget.
    • Revisiting ETW and AMSI bypass.
    • PetitPotam and ADCS tricks for Red Teamers.
    • C Obfuscation For Red Teamers.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: @snowscan & Juan Ansible & Terraform automation. NO AUDIO
    • Sandbox detection tricks.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: @waldoirc Hooking Heaps and Living Free.
    • Initial Access payload; Some macro trick and .Net appdomain trick.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: Cobalt Strike version 4.5 pre-release exclusive sneak peak presented by @joevest and Chris Thrope which are both core dev of Cobalt Strike.
    • Patching legitimate software to hide your payload. (code cave)
    • SPECIAL GUEST: Offensive PIC for red teamers presented by @thefLinkk
    • Demystifying Import Address Table and Export Address Table.
    • Update on evasion and unhooking.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: Intro to Cobalt Strike Artifact Kit: Let's add some basic evasion capabilities for our Beacons. Presented by István Tóth aka @an0n_r0
    • SPECIAL GUEST: ETW, more position independent shellcode and BRc4 @NinjaParanoid
    • Using mailslot instead of namedpipe to hide from EDRs. IRP_MJ_CREATE_NAMED_PIPE vs IRP_MJ_CREATE_MAILSLOT. ETW Provider attack to stop feeding at the source.
    • The mystery of DLL side loading. Demystifying how to do it properly.
    • Building your C2 introduction to preludesecurity.com
    • Reflective DLL Loading.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: Meterpreter's Railgun presented by @zerosteiner the lead developer of the Metasploit Framework at Rapid7.
    • The case of TrustedInstaller and some EDRs tricks.
    • MsBuild payload obfuscations and tricks.
    • SPECIAL GUEST: Obfuscation with NIM and NIM packer presented by @ShitSecure
    • Building obfuscation framework to automate the obfuscation process in C#.
    • Hunting for other SMB hash leakage vectors.
    • Killchain for ATP/MDE: firewall, elevate, registry key manipulation all in C.
    • Implementing your own GetProcAddress and LoadLibrary as part of your loader by parsing the PEB.
    • How to Get Started using Jenkins for CI/CD - For Offense & Defense. Presented by Jake.
    • RPC R&D style using impacket and MSDN documentation.
    • The core concept of our C2 written in C#.
    • C# invisible Cobalt Strike beacon in memory.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 1.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 2.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 3.
    • Getting Started with Continuous Security Testing with preludesecurity.com. This session will introduce new concepts and technologies for continuous security testing.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 4.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 5.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 6.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 7.
    • Building your C2 in .Net core part 8.
    • MSIL CIL obfuscation in C#. Obfuscating your code a level below.
    • Adding features to our C2 such as payload obfuscation at rest and new handlers. Switch case obfuscation trick preview.
    • Browser is the new LSASS part 1. Getting the master key.
    • Browser is the new LSASS part 2. Getting the cookie file.
    • Browser is the new LSASS part 3 .Getting the key remotely.
    • Phishing vectors in 2023. Getting code execution on the target.
    • Phishing vectors in 2023 part 2. Code obfuscation at rest.
    • Santa secret sauce: phishing trick to pass reputation and hide your final payload. Special guest: Eqw5
    • Special guest: Waldo-IRC present Introduction to thoughtful and simple debugging.
    • Red teaming and reconnaissance: Building your own C# utility to query LDAP.
    • Azure for red team: Token manipulation and the device code phishing.
    • Special guest: Kumo is presenting devops for red teamers.
    • Initial access: all the techniques we covered and what is efficient against EDRs.
    • Cobalt Strike and modern EDR evasion. The importance of BOF, avoiding Fork & Run and namedpipe.
    • C obfuscation using assembly and compiler shenanigans.
    • Evading EDRs and HoneyPots. What you need to evade them? Learning about EDRs and HoneyPots capabilities.
    Пожизненный доступ к классу кодирования
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    Цена 300$
    Скрытая ссылка
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 15 ноя 2024
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