
[quantinsti] Dr. Ernest P. Chan - Mean Reversion Strategies In Python

Тема в разделе "Инвестиции и криптовалюта", создана пользователем Knowledge, 27 сен 2017.

Цена: 13600р.-85%
Взнос: 1970р.

Основной список: 14 участников

Резервный список: 1 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 27 сен 2017
    Knowledge ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: [quantinsti] Dr. Ernest P. Chan - Mean Reversion Strategies In Python

    Mean Reversion Strategies In Python
    (Торговые стратегии на основе возвращения к среднему (на языке Python)
    by Dr. Ernest P. Chan

    Learn the concepts, coding, and implementation of four mean reversion strategies in Python by Ernest Chan


    This course covers basic concepts, exercises and practical implementation of four mean reversion trading strategies. It has a mix of videos, eBooks, MCQs, iPython notebook documents and Interactive coding exercises to enhance your learning experience.

    Краткое содержание (полное - см.под спойлером ниже)
    1. Стационарность временных рядов
    2. Коинтеграция
    3. Триплеты (синтетические фин.инструменты, линейн.комбинация трёх инструментов)
    4. Период полужизни
    5. Риск-менеджмент
    6. Лучшие рынки для парного трейдинга
    7. Индексный арбитраж
    8. Портфель
    9. Выводы и исходные тексты программ

    Видеокурс на англ. языке + субтитры (оригинальные авторские, а не машинный перевод)

    This is a certification course by Quantinsti - Asia’s pioneer Algorithmic Trading Research and Training Institute focused on preparing financial market professionals for the contemporary field of Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading.
    This is the first time we are launching the course in collaboration with Ernest Chan who is the managing director of QTS Capital Management, on Quantra. This course will discuss four types of mean reverting trading strategies.
    First, we will discuss stationarity for a single price series, and create a mean-reverting trading strategy if the price series is stationary.
    Second, we will learn about a portfolio of instruments that are cointegrated and create a mean-reverting strategy on pairs and triplets.
    The third strategy which we will discuss in this course is for a basket of stocks, that is Index Arbitrage strategy, which is also an extension of pairs and triplets.
    The final strategy that we will learn is Long-Short Portfolio, which is based on cross-sectional mean reversion.
    Along with these strategies, we will also discuss different statistical techniques namely Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, CADF test, Half-life, Johansen test, etc. for detecting stationarity and cointegration of a portfolio of instruments.
    Apart from the theoretical concepts, a downloadable Python code is provided for all the four strategies along with lots of hands-on-coding in interactive coding exercises.

    Course Modules

    Section 1: Stationarity of Time Series
    Prologue 3min 39sec
    Introduction to stationarity 2min 18sec
    Quiz: Stationarity 2min
    Quiz: Mean reversion trading 2min
    Quiz: Temporary mean reversion 2min
    Quiz: Statistical test 2min
    ADF test 3min 45sec
    Math behind ADF Test (optional) 5min 0sec
    IE: Import library and read CSV 5min
    IE: Test statistics 5min

    Mean reversion strategy 1min 58sec
    Mean Reversion Strategy Code 10min 0sec
    IE: Moving average and std dev 5min
    IE: Upper and lower band 5min
    IE: Long entry and exit 5min
    IE: Short entry and exit 3min
    IE: Long and short positions 5min
    IE: Forward fill missing positions 5min
    IE: Consolidate the positions 5min
    IE: Compute pnl 5min
    Recap 1min 47sec

    Section 2: Cointegration

    Quiz: Cointegration 2min
    Introduction to cointegration 3min 12sec
    Quiz: Correlation 2min
    Hedge Ratio 5min 48sec
    Quiz: Hedge Ratio 2min
    Hedge Ratio Code 2min 26sec
    IE: Import library nullhrs 5min
    IE: Hedge Ratio 5min
    CADF Test 3min 44sec
    IE: CADF Test 5min
    Order dependence of CADF Test 5min 0sec
    Mean Reversion Strategy 2min 55sec
    Mean Reversion Strategy Code 10min 0sec
    IE: Long Entry and Exit 5min
    IE: Pnl Pairs 5min
    Recap 2min 16sec

    Section 3: Triplets

    Breakdown of GLD-GDX 5min 5sec
    Quiz: Breakdown of cointegration 2min
    Quiz: Significance of cointegration 2min
    Surviving breakdown of cointegration 5min 17sec
    Quiz: Surviving breakdown 2min
    Quiz: Breakdown remedies 2min
    Quiz: Optimization problems 2min
    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 2min 0sec
    Johansen Test 6min 27sec
    Quiz: CADF shortcomings 2min
    Quiz: Linear combination 2min
    IE: GLD-GDX cointegration test 4min
    Mean reversion of triplets 4min 12sec
    IE: GLD-GDX-USO cointegration test 4min
    Quiz: Cointegration Test 2min
    Quiz: Taking positions 2min
    Recap 1min 11sec

    Section 4: Half Life

    Practical Importance of Half Life 4min 12sec
    Quiz: Half life 2min
    Quiz: Half life formula 2min
    IE: Computing half-life of GLD-GDX 5min

    Section 5: Risk Management

    Stop-loss 5min 0sec

    Section 6: Best Markets To Pair Trade

    Best Markets To Pair Trade 5min 19sec
    Quiz: ETFs 2min
    Quiz: Stocks 2min
    Quiz: Currencies and Futures 2min
    CL vs BZ 10min 0sec
    Crack Spread 10min 0sec

    Section 7: Index Arbitrage

    Index Arbitrage 3min 49sec
    Quiz: Index Arbitrage 2min
    Quiz: Custom Basket 2min
    Index Arbitrage Strategy Code 10min 0sec
    Difficulties in Index Arbitrage 2min 0sec

    Section 8: Long Short Portfolio

    Long-Short portfolio Strategy 3min 44sec
    Quiz: Long-Short Portfolio 2min
    Quiz: Strategy Formula 2min
    Long-Short Portfolio Strategy Code 10min 0sec
    IE: Stock Returns 5min
    IE: Market Returns 5min
    IE: Dollar Allocation 5min
    IE: Sharpe Ratio 5min
    Analysis of Strategy Performance 5min 0sec

    Section 9: Summary

    Summary 3min 52sec
    Downloadable Resources

    Who can benefit from this course
    The overall aim of this course is to provide a practical guide to mean reverting trading strategies that can be readily implemented by both retail and institutional traders. This course can be used by traders, analysts, researchers, teaching professionals, and students. Anyone who wants to learn about mean reverting strategies and wants to optimize their strategy performance is perfectly suited for this course.

    Pre requisites
    A basic knowledge of financial market and mathematics will boost your understanding of different concepts and strategies taught in this course. Also, all the strategies are implemented in Python so a basic understanding of python will be beneficial. We recommend students with no Python background, to undertake our course “Python for Trading” before enrolling for this course.

    Benefits from enrolling the course
    - Learn about stationarity and test for stationarity of a single price series.
    - Learn about cointegration and test for cointegration of two price series.
    - Learn to create mean reverting strategies and understand practical problems encountered in live trading.
    - Learn about how to create an index arbitrage strategy and understand difficulties in implementing index arbitrage strategy.
    - Learn to create long-short portfolio strategy and understand how to refine the strategy.
    - Learn about the importance of stop loss in implementing Mean Reverting strategies.
    - You will get all the strategy codes in an iPython notebook.
    - You will get your own Python coding environment where you can practice the codes.
    - Opportunity to get certified by QuantInsti.
    - Enroll once and get lifetime access to the course!

    About the author
    Dr. Ernest P. Chan
    Ernie is the Managing Member of QTS Capital Management, LLC., a commodity pool operator and trading advisor. QTS manages a hedge fund as well as individual accounts. More information about his services can be found at Скрытая ссылка. Ernie is the author of “Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business” and “Algorithmic Trading: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale”, both published by John Wiley & Sons. He maintains a popular blog “Quantitative Trading” at epchan.blogspot.com.

    Другие курсы от QUANTRA: https://v21.skladchik.org/tags/quantra/
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    Последнее редактирование модератором: 29 сен 2017
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 28 окт 2017
    valter ЧКЧлен клуба
  5. 4 ноя 2017
    123reit ЧКЧлен клуба
    кажется скидка в 35% уже закончилась..
  6. 26 май 2018
    fiore_ СкладчикСкладчик
    А когда складчину будут закрывать?
  7. 18 июл 2018
    123reit ЧКЧлен клуба
    курс очень полезный, не пора ли начать сбор друзья.
    2 пользователям это понравилось.
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