
Процедурное моделирование в Гудини [Rohan Dalvi]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по дизайну", создана пользователем Топикстартер, 14 янв 2020.

Цена: 3700р.
Взнос: 3700р.

Резервный список: 4 участников

  1. 14 янв 2020
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Процедурное моделирование в Гудини [Rohan Dalvi]


    Procedural modeling in houdini
    Автор: Rohan Dalvi
    Язык: Английский
    Содержание: видео уроки + hip файлы
    Дата выхода: октябрь 2019

    Внимание! Содержание взято с его официального сайта
    1. Basic body setup - Looking at the basic character model in Daz and exporting to Houdini
    2. Voronoi setup - Setting up basic voronoi fracturing and separating the pieces by building custom attributes
    3. Armour cage - Building the armour cage by separating the chest pieces generated via the voronoi fracture
    4. Armour plates - Making the armour plates on top of the cage. We use clustering to create complex shapes from the basic voronoi pieces
    5. Armour details - Detailing the armour plates using standard and vdb booleans
    6. Connectors - Building an exoskeleton on top of the armour using a combinations of points generated from the centres of the pieces and connecting the adjacent points
    7. Breast plate - Finishing the chest armour by building the armour for the breast
    8. Circuit lines - Making organic lines over the exposed skin via groups and find shortest path
    9. Circuit lines spikes - Making spikes in the centre of the organic lines and adjusting their shapes based on the size of the pieces and having the lines flow around the spikes.
    10. Neck centre cords - Building the neck piece using a combination of Nurbs skinning and carve.
    11. Neck frill base - Making a frill for the base of the neck using skin and adding additional details using polyextrude
    12. Neck frill top - Making a frill for the top of the neck by extracting lines from the voronoi pieces
    13. Neck side muscles - Building the side muscles by skiing the top and base neck curves and extracting lines using carve
    14. Abs - Making armour plating for the abs and torso. We make complex shapes by building custom clustering patterns.
    15. Sides - Making side armour by building controllable voronoi patterns to build a specific design for the sides.
    16. Arms - Generating veins on the arms using find shortest path and controlling the flow of the veins by painting custom attributes.
    17. Heart - Detailing the heart section of the armour
    18. Helmet A - Making the Helmet/crown for the character using a combination of copy stamping and skinning. The we generating varying shapes for the helmet using voronoi fracture.
    19. Helmet jewel - Constructing the centre jewel for the helmet.
    20. Tears - Adding final details to the face.
    21. Baking - A basic class on baking the arm details to the base arm mesh using mantra bake ROP and substance painter and also building a simple shader just for fun.
    22. Skirt - Adding the skirt to character using vellum as a finishing touch

    Цена - 60$


    Последнее редактирование модератором: 15 янв 2020
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 27 фев 2020
    Организатор ОргОрганизатор
    один из топовых авторов и в итоге все разбежались, будем собираться или отменять?
  5. 27 фев 2020
    AustenAveline ОргОрганизатор
    С таким взносом, думаю, лучше пока отменить.
  6. 9 мар 2020
    AustenAveline ОргОрганизатор
    Может, организуете опрос на сумму взноса?
    Вряд ли найдутся ещё заинтересованные.