
Плагин магазина на WP - WP-estore

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем AnyMe, 11 мар 2014.

Цена: 1750р.-70%
Взнос: 520р.

Основной список: 5 участников

  1. 11 мар 2014
    AnyMe ЧКЧлен клуба (А)

    Складчина: Плагин магазина на WP - WP-estore

    Простой способ добавить продукты на вашем сайте WP.
    Интеграция с другими плагинами и сервисами.
    Дополнительные возможности с интеграцией плагина WP Affiliate. Для создания партнерской программы.
    Страница с описанием:

    Plugin Features
    Below are just some of the notable features of the WP eStore Plugin (you can view a full list of features here):

    • [​IMG]
      Security of Your Digital Asset
      Automatic instant digital product delivery upon payment through dynamically generated encrypted download link. This way the actual location of your digital product never gets revealed. The link expires after a configurable amount of time or specified number of downloads which ensures the security of your digital asset.

    • [​IMG]
      Sell Anything
      Sell services, tangible and non-tangible products from your site. For example, you can sell digital downloads, videos, music, photos, subscriptions, tickets, serial numbers, web hosting, collect membership fees, and much more.

    • [​IMG]
      Secure Download Manager
      WP eStore allows you to embed secure download now buttons for your free downloads (this will prevent hot linking to your files). You can also collect the user’s email address in exchange for the download (helps you build an email list).

    • [​IMG]
      Easy Streamlined Checkout
      Simplest one-click checkout through PayPal, 2Checkout, Authorize.net or Manual Payment. Customers can pay using a credit card or PayPal account. Don’t lose your customers to a complicated checkout system. Read the benefits of an express checkout system.

    • [​IMG]
      Light Weight Shopping Cart
      WP eStore is a light weight shopping cart solution. This ensures that the plugin will not slow your site down.

    • [​IMG]
      Multi Site License
      When you buy the WP eStore plugin you can use it on as many sites as you own (you gotta love that!). There is no “Developer Option” here. One low price entitles you to use the plugin on all of your sites.

    • [​IMG]
      Ease of Design and Usage
      WP eStore seamlessly blends into your existing WordPress theme. You have the freedom of placing a Buy or Subscribe button for a product or service anywhere on your blog. Read the design overview here.

    • [​IMG]
      Autoresponder Integration
      It can be integrated with Autoresponders (AWeber, MailChimp, GetResponse). This way the customers automatically get signed up to your list/campaign for email marketing purpose.

    • [​IMG]
      Elegant Product Display
      WP eStore comes with elegant product display templates which you can use to display your products. Checkout the available fancy product display templates here.

    • [​IMG]
      Extensive Shortcode Library
      With the library of shortcodes WP eStore provides, you can customize your WordPress ecommerce store exactly the way you want it. Designing your online store has never been easier. Checkout the available eStore shortcodes here.

    • [​IMG]
      Lots of Free Addons
      You get access to all the WP eStore’s free addons and extensions when you purchase the eStore plugin. See the addons list here.

    • [​IMG]
      Plugin Stability
      Our plugin code-base is very stable. We put a lot effort into testing and developing our plugins so it doesn’t break your site after you upgrade.

    • [​IMG]
      Save and Retrieve Cart
      Ability to allow your customers to save their shopping cart content so that it can be retrieved at a later time.

    • [​IMG]
      Sell License or Serial Keys
      You can configure a product with a bunch of serial numbers or license keys and the plugin will dispatch it to the customers upon purchase of that product. This feature can be useful to sell tickets too. View details here.

    • [​IMG]
      Discount Coupons
      Create standard or conditional discount coupons using the discount coupon functionality. Use it to allow your customers to buy your products at a discount.

    • [​IMG]
      Customer Purchase History
      Show customers their purchase history. They will be able to see which products they purchased from you in the past. Also allow them to re-download the digital items they purchased.

    • [​IMG]
      Amazon S3 Integration
      Can be integrated with Amazon S3 so that the downloadable files can be stored on your Amazon S3 account and served via secure encrypted download links.

    • [​IMG]
      NextGen Gallery Integration
      Can be integrated with the NextGen Gallery Plugin to create a Digital Photo Store from the NextGen Gallery to sell photos from your WordPress site. View integration details here.

    • [​IMG]
      WP Security Plugins
      WP eStore is compatible with most popular WordPress security plugins (including our free All In One WordPress security plugin).

    • [​IMG]
      WP eMember Integration
      Can be integrated with the WP eMember plugin to create a WordPress store with membership capability. Creating a membership site with the WP eMember plugin is very easy.

    • [​IMG]
      Affiliate Software Integration
      Can be integrated with the WordPress Affiliate Software Plugin. So if you decide to boost your sales by introducing an Affiliate Program later then you just have to activate the affiliate plugin.

    • [​IMG]
      Detailed Documentation
      Scared of getting worthless product documentation after you purchase the product? Checkout the shopping cart documentation before you make a purchase.

    • [​IMG]
      Great Support
      Tired of listening to fake support promises? Checkout our customer only forum to see how we handle product related issues (usually within 24 hours). Our support forum is moderated by the developers who created the plugin(s).
    1 человеку нравится это.
  2. Последние события

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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 8 апр 2014
    Дмитриевич ЧКЧлен клуба
    Добавил в подпись. Хотелось бы организовать эту складчину. Никто не против?
    1 человеку нравится это.
  5. 17 июл 2014
    Sv9tka ЧКЧлен клуба
    а что все приутихло?
  6. 11 окт 2015
    bower ДолжникДолжник
    Я прикупил данный плагин , для связки пользователя и заказа нужен еще один плагин
  7. 12 фев 2017
    sherola БанЗабанен
    Приглашаю в складчины в подписи ;)
  8. 7 фев 2018
    Anyaax ЧКЧлен клуба