
[Opencart] Менеджер задачь vQmod To Do List Task Manager Pro

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем Marfa Krasa, 21 июл 2014.

Цена: 1260р.
Взнос: 1260р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 21 июл 2014
    Marfa Krasa
    Marfa Krasa ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [Opencart] Менеджер задачь vQmod To Do List Task Manager Pro

    Модуль Менеджер задачь, позволяет создавать и распределять задачи внутри организации.
    Мэйлить участников и контролировать сроки!


    This module allows you ultilize tasks to manage your store in a more organized way. It records all changes made in a task and with a notify option checked sends mail notification to relevant people.

    • 6 months FREE Support included!
    • Easy to install / vQmod / no file overwritten
    • Comes with a widget on the top of the header showing the numbers of open, urgent and overdue tasks
    • Unlimited tasks can be added
    • CK editor utilized for task description
    • Tasks can be associated with an order
    • Add noticeable reminders for orders associated with tasks, which is displayed on the order list page and the order info page
    • Add a link to view & edit an associated order, if there is any, in the task viewing interface for easy order viewing and editing
    • 4 priority classes
    • Open and closed status for a task
    • Notification emails can be sent to creators or executants if tasks are created, updated or reassigned
    • Unlimited Notes can be added for a task for future reference
    • Colorbox quickview popups for task description, note and messages
    • Message system for better communication between creators and executants regarding a task
    • Email notification for new messages
    • Messages sent and received are stored and diplayed in the task viewing interface and can be view easily via a colorbox popup
    • Actions of editing or updating tasks are logged in detail and displayed as task histories in the task viewing interface
    • Advanced filter system to filter tasks
    • Task permission system included
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 12 окт 2014
  2. Последние события

    1. rested
      rested не участвует.
      30 июл 2015
    2. zenseo
      zenseo не участвует.
      20 май 2015
    3. zenseo
      zenseo участвует.
      21 мар 2015
    4. zenseo
      В складчине участвует 3 человек(а).
      21 мар 2015

    Последние важные события

    1. skladchik.com
      Цена составляет 1260р.
      21 июл 2014