
Node.js in Action [example-driven tutorial pdf]

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем Пуанкаре, 23 окт 2013.

Цена: 1155р.
Взнос: 1155р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 23 окт 2013
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба
    Node.js in Action
    Mike Cantelon, Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk and Nathan Rajlich
    October, 2013 | 416 pages
    ISBN: 9781617290572

    Node.js in Action
    is an example-driven tutorial that starts at square one and guides you through all the features, techniques, and concepts you'll need to build production-quality Node applications. You'll start by learning how to set up your Node development environment, including loading the community-created extensions. Next, you'll run several simple demonstration programs where you'll learn the basics of a few common types of Node applications. Then you'll dive into asynchronous programming, a model Node leverages to lessen application bottlenecks.

    JavaScript on the server? You bet. Node.js is a JavaScript server capable of supporting scalable, high-performance web applications. Using asynchronous I/O, the server can do more than one thing at a time, a key requirement for real-time apps like chat, games, and live statistics. And since it's JavaScript, you use the same language end to end.

    Node.js in Action shows you how to build production-quality applications. Clear introductions of key concepts and example-by-example coverage take you from setup to deployment. You'll dive into asynchronous programming, data storage, and output templating, and interact with the filesystem to create non-HTTP applications like TCP/IP servers and command-line tools. Perfect for a web developer transitioning from Rails, Django, or PHP. Requires basic knowledge of JavaScript. No prior experience with Node.js needed.

    What's Inside
    • Set up Node and extensions
    • Grok asynchronous programming and the event loop
    • Examples including microblogging, IM, games, and more
    About the Authors

    As skilled practitioners, expert teachers and trainers, and contributors to the core framework, authors Mike Cantelon, Marc Harter, T.J. Holowaychuk, and Nathan Rajlich represent the best of the Node.js development community.
    Part 1 Node fundamentals
    Chapter 1 Welcome to Node.js
    Built on JavaScript
    Asynchronous and evented: the browser
    Asynchronous and evented: the server
    DIRTy applications
    DIRTy by default
    Chapter 2 Building a multiroom chat application
    Application overview
    Application requirements and initial setup
    Serving the application’s HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript
    Handling chat-related messaging using Socket.IO
    Using client-side JavaScript for the application’s user interface
    Chapter 3 Node programming fundamentals
    Organizing and reusing Node functionality
    Asynchronous programming techniques
    Sequencing asynchronous logic
    Part 2 Web application development with Node
    Chapter 4 Building Node web applications
    HTTP server fundamentals
    Building a RESTful web service
    Serving static files
    Accepting user input from forms
    Securing your application with HTTPS
    Chapter 5 Storing Node application data
    Serverless data storage
    Relational database management systems
    NoSQL databases
    Chapter 6 Connect
    Setting up a Connect application
    How Connect middleware works
    Why middleware ordering matters
    Mounting middleware and servers
    Creating configurable middleware
    Using error-handling middleware
    Chapter 7 Connect’s built-in middleware
    Middleware for parsing cookies, request bodies, and query strings
    Middleware that implements core web application functions
    Middleware that handles web application security
    Middleware for serving static files
    Chapter 8 Express
    Generating the application skeleton
    Configuring Express and your application
    Rendering views
    Handling forms and file uploads
    Handling resource downloads
    Chapter 9 Advanced Express
    Authenticating users
    Advanced routing techniques
    Creating a public REST API
    Error handling
    Chapter 10 Testing Node applications
    Unit testing
    Acceptance testing
    Chapter 11 Web application templating
    Using templating to keep code clean
    Templating with Embedded JavaScript
    Using the Mustache templating language with Hogan
    Templating with Jade
    Part 3 Going further with Node
    Chapter 12 Deploying Node applications and maintaining uptime
    Hosting Node applications
    Deployment basics
    Maximizing uptime and performance
    Chapter 13 Beyond web servers
    TCP/IP networking in depth
    Tools for interacting with the operating system
    Developing command-line tools
    Chapter 14 The Node ecosystem
    Online resources for Node developers
    Contributing to the npm repository
    appendix A Installing Node and community add-ons
    appendix B Debugging Node
    appendix C Extending and configuring Express

    Цена: $35.99 eBook Only (includes PDF)
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 23 окт 2013
    Гигант мысли
    Гигант мысли БанЗабанен
    Нашел эту книгу в паблике, с пометкой "MEAP" и большим кол-вом страниц.
  5. 23 окт 2013
    Пуанкаре БанЗабанен
    Мне не удалось в свое время найти. В принципе меня устраивает найденный вами вариант, хотя там не хватает последней главы и последнего приложения. Можно, пожалуй, удалить складчину, если это предусматривается правилами
  6. 23 окт 2013
    Гигант мысли
    Гигант мысли БанЗабанен
    Пусть будет, может найдутся желающие. Я все-таки выложил не полностью такой вариант, который предлагается купить.
  7. 24 окт 2013
    Abdul ЧКЧлен клуба
    Гигант, а что значит MEAP ?
  8. 24 окт 2013
    Гигант мысли
    Гигант мысли БанЗабанен
    Вариант предрелиза, насколько я понял, неокончательная или незаконченная редакция.
  9. 24 окт 2013
    Ember ОргОрганизатор
    книга наверно хорошая :)
  10. 10 дек 2013
    Patison ДолжникДолжник
    В свободном доступе на Avaxhome
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 18 янв 2014
  11. 15 янв 2014
    mikluxo ЧКЧлен клуба
    странно, что до сих пор в паблик не ушла.
  12. 16 янв 2014
    Destructor ЧКЧлен клуба
    уже ушла вообще-то)
  13. 16 янв 2014
    mikluxo ЧКЧлен клуба
    MEAP16 это черновик, а не книга.
  14. 22 янв 2014
    Ember ОргОрганизатор
    Такая уже есть, официальный релиз в апреле 2014
  15. 30 янв 2014
    mikluxo ЧКЧлен клуба
    ребят, можно тему прикрывать, теперь точно паблик.