
Modern Drives for POD HD Series [choptones.com]

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем konstantin_k, 8 окт 2023.

Цена: 1414р.
Взнос: 1414р.

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  1. 8 окт 2023
    konstantin_k ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Modern Drives for POD HD Series [choptones.com]


    Modern Drives for Line6 POD HD 500 / 500X / PRO / PRO X / BEAN (Desktop)

    The Choptones Pod Hd Modern Drives is a complete collection of what you need to experience great rock tones for your Line6 device.

    10 High Quality patches, great for rhythm and lead.

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    4. konstantin_k
      konstantin_k участвует.
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