
Мастер-класс по рисованию: Анатомия фигуры, персонажи и животные [Ava Moradi] [Udemy]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по дизайну", создана пользователем Топикстартер, 17 апр 2023.

Цена: 2490р.-91%
Взнос: 220р.

Основной список: 12 участников

Резервный список: 2 участников

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  1. 17 апр 2023
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба
    Мастер-класс по рисованию: Анатомия фигуры, персонажи и животные. Ava Moradi.Udemy
    Masterclass of Drawing: Figure Anatomy, Characters & Animals
    Курс на английском языке. Будут английские и русские субтитры
    Рисование животных и фигуры человека с помощью простых фигур и форм
    Вы научитесь:
    • Знакомство с различными инструментами и материалами, и как их эффективно использовать
    • Методы наблюдения для упрощения предметов и превращения их в персонажей
    • Изучение форм и форм в 2D и 3D
    • Практика с образцами натюрморта и техника упрощения сюжетов
    • Зарисовка и рисование различных животных, включая волков, кошек и быков.
    • Техники зарисовки человека и рисования фигуры
    • Изучение различных образцов людей, включая мужчин, женщин и известных людей, на различные темы и манеры.
    • Техники преувеличения и рассказывания историй
    • Изучение различных стилей и тем в рисовании фигуры человека.
    • Обзор процесса создания сцены и рассказа истории
    • Заключительный проект и обзор навыков, полученных в ходе курса.
    Вам будут предоставлены четкие и простые объяснения, а также пошаговые инструкции, которые облегчат вам понимание и применение концепций, изучаемых в этом курсе.
    Являетесь ли вы новичком или опытным художником, который хочет улучшить свои навыки,в этом курсе найдется что-то для каждого.
    Используя простые инструменты и методы, вы изучите ряд тем, включая:
    Использование различных инструментов и материалов, таких как пастель, карандаши, маркеры, маркеры, и правильные способы их использования для достижения наилучших результатов.
    Рисование персонажей, в том числе создание различных типов персонажей и использование преувеличений для их оживления.
    Наблюдение, включая то, как наблюдать за своим предметом и упрощать его для создания персонажей.
    Упрощение, в том числе приемы упрощения объектов для создания сильных и выразительных персонажей.
    Фигуративное рисование, включая наброски людей и рисование фигур, а также способы восприятия, упрощения и преобразования того, что вы видите на листе бумаги.
    Создание различных стилей и оригинальных сцен, в том числе как преувеличить и создать сцену и рассказать историю.

    Вы узнаете о различных методах рисования фигур, таких как живое рисование, фотореференс и рисование по памяти. Вы также познакомитесь с различными стилями рисования фигур, включая классический, реалистичный и стилизованный. Узнав о различных методах и стилях рисования фигур, вы сможете разработать свой собственный уникальный стиль и применять его в своих проектах и иллюстрациях.
    В целом, раздел о эскизах фигуры человека обеспечит всестороннее и глубокое понимание человеческой фигуры и того, как ее использовать для создания правдоподобных и динамичных персонажей. К концу этого раздела вы разработаете прочную основу для рисования фигур и сможете применить ее к любому предмету, который вы решите рисовать в будущем.
    К концу этого курса у вас будут навыки создания самых разных персонажей, от животных до людей, в различных позах и стилях. Вы узнаете, как использовать различные инструменты и материалы для достижения различных эффектов, а также как наблюдать, упрощать и преувеличивать объекты, чтобы оживить их. Кроме того, вы научитесь создавать сцены и рассказывать истории с помощью рисунков.

    Описание на английском:
    Welcome to the "Masterclass of Drawing: Figure Anatomy, Characters & Animals" course! This comprehensive course is designed to guide you on an in-depth journey of learning the essential skills and techniques required to start drawing. From the use of different tools and materials, to animal drawing, character drawing, observation, simplifying, exaggeration, figurative drawing and creating different styles and original scenes, you will be exposed to a wide range of topics that will help you develop your drawing skills. You will be provided clear and simple explanations, and step-by-step instructions that will make it easy for you to understand and apply the concepts taught in this course. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist looking to improve your skills, this course has something for everyone.

    Using simple tools and techniques, you will learn a range of topics including:
    • The use of different tools and materials such as pastels, pencils, markers, fineliner, and the proper ways of using them to achieve the best results.

    • Character drawing, including creating different types of characters and using exaggeration to bring them to life.

    • Observation, including how to observe your subject and simplify it to create characters.

    • Simplifying, including techniques for simplifying your subjects to create strong and expressive characters.

    • Figurative drawing, including human sketching and figure drawing and how to perceive, simplify and transform what you see on your piece of paper.

    • Creating different styles and original scenes, including how to exaggerate and create a scene and tell a story.
    Each section of the course includes carefully designed assignments to help you master the techniques and practice the points being taught. We will begin by introducing you to the different tools and materials that can be used on this journey, and the proper ways of using them to achieve the best results.

    Observation is an important step in creating characters, and we will teach you how to observe your subject, as this is the first step in simplifying subjects and turning them into characters. To help you do this accurately, we will start by introducing different forms and shapes, first in 2D and then showing you how they turn 3D.

    The next step is to delve into the world of animal drawing. Sketching and drawing animals in different positions is a great way to practise and improve your overall drawing skills. You will learn how to add the touch of exaggeration, which is essential for creating dynamic and expressive characters. The use of exaggeration can help to bring out the unique characteristics of the animal and make them more visually interesting.

    We will begin by focusing on the different animals such as wolves, as they are known for their powerful and majestic presence. This will give you the opportunity to learn how to capture the essence of the animal and create a believable representation of it. Next, we will move on to other animals such as cats and bulls and many more, which are known for their unique characteristics and movements. By studying these animals, you will learn how to capture their unique personalities and movements on paper.

    During this part of the course, you will also learn how to use different tools and materials to achieve different effects, such as creating texture and depth. You will also learn how to use different techniques to create realistic or stylized representations of the animals. You will be given the opportunity to practice and develop your skills through different assignments and exercises, which will help you master the techniques and concepts being taught.

    The next part is dedicated to human sketching and figure drawing. This section is crucial for any artist as the human figure is one of the most challenging and complex subjects to draw. Through this section, you will learn how to perceive, simplify, and transform what you see on your piece of paper, and then how to exaggerate and turn them into different characters.

    One of the key elements of this section is learning how to simplify the human figure. This is the process of breaking down the complex shapes and forms of the human body into simpler shapes and lines, making it easier to understand and draw. You will learn how to use different techniques such as gesture drawing, contour drawing, and blocking in, to simplify the figure.

    You will also learn how to exaggerate the figure, which is essential for creating expressive and dynamic characters. Exaggeration is the process of emphasising certain parts of the figure to create a more visually interesting and dynamic image. You will learn how to use different techniques such as foreshortening, exaggerating proportions, and using dynamic poses to create exaggerated figures.

    Throughout this section, we will work on many different samples, including male, female, or famous subjects in diverse themes and manners, to help you better understand the variety of the subject and the ways of creating types and characters. By working on different samples, you will learn how to create different types of characters and how to apply the techniques and concepts learned in the course to any other subjects you may choose to draw in the future.

    By the end of this section, you will have developed an understanding of how to draw the human figure and how to use simplification and exaggeration to create different types of characters. You will have developed your skills in observation, simplifying, and creating dynamic poses, and will be able to apply these skills to any other subject you choose to draw in the future. This section will also provide a foundation for more advanced figure drawing and character creation techniques, such as drawing the human figure in motion, creating believable facial expressions, and constructing detailed costumes and accessories.

    Additionally, you will learn about the different methods of figure drawing, such as live drawing, photographic reference, and memory drawing. You will also be exposed to different styles of figure drawing, including classical, realistic, and stylized. By learning about the different methods and styles of figure drawing, you will be able to develop your own unique style and apply it to your own projects and illustrations.

    Overall, the section on human sketching and figure drawing will provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the human figure, and how to use it to create believable and dynamic characters. By the end of this section, you will have developed a strong foundation in figure drawing and be able to apply it to any subject you choose to draw in the future.

    By the end of this course, you will have the skills to create a wide range of characters, from animals to humans, in various poses and styles. You will learn how to use different tools and materials to achieve different effects, and how to observe, simplify, and exaggerate your subjects to bring them to life. Additionally, you will learn how to create scenes and tell a story through your drawings.

    This course is designed for both beginners and those with experience in the art world. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of drawing, or an experienced artist looking to improve your skills, this course is suitable for you.
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