
Мастер-класс по Hard Surface в Autodesk Fusion 360

Тема в разделе "Курсы по дизайну", создана пользователем Oracle1, 24 мар 2015.

Цена: 24000р.
Взнос: 24000р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 24 мар 2015
    Oracle1 СкладчикСкладчик

    Складчина: Мастер-класс по Hard Surface в Autodesk Fusion 360

    Мастер-класс по hard surface моделлингу в Autodesk Fusion 360
    What is this ?

    This workshop is a 2 hour-per-day, ten-day intensive training workshop focused on creating and visualizing hard surface models for concept art. Schedule is flexible and can be figured out individually. The total cost for this workshop is $400 and the seats are still limited to 20.

    Gimme a short version!

    There is no strict structure to this workshop and the sessions are going to be pretty chill, discussing technical aspects of modeling in Fusion and rendering in Keyshot. Schedule is flexible, assignments are flexible. You can pretty much treat it as a 2 week google hangout session where I will help you get to know Fusion and Keyshot.

    Who should take this workshop?

    It is primarily intended for concept artists who are looking to expand their portfolio with hard surface work. This is not modeling for production but regular 3d artist will surely benefit from taking the workshop.

    Workshop structure and pre-requisites

    Introduction to Fusion 360 interface, beginner's crash-course, hard surface modeling with nurbs, creating kitbash sets to be used as Zbrush IMM brushes, assembly of parts in zbrush, concept interations, advanced techniques for rendering in Keyshot and some post work in Photoshop.

    You will also get some bonuses like a 2000+ library of hard surface references and you will learn where to get over 40 gigs of free HDRIs

    Also lots and lots of feedback on your models and troubleshooting your problems.

    Pre -requisites : Autodesk Fusion 360 ( you can get a free student version for a year on their website), prior knowledge of other 3d software is desired but not mandatory.
    Nice-to-haves: Zbrush, Keyshot, Photoshop

    Язык: English
    Стоимость курса: 400$.
    Автор — Kirill Chepizhko.
    1 человеку нравится это.
  2. Последние события

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    3. Lavalamp
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    4. sergeyfinn
      sergeyfinn участвует.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 15 июл 2015
    Серость ДолжникДолжник
    Жаль что так дорого, народ будет собрать оооочень сложно.
  5. 7 сен 2015
    sever-mv ДолжникДолжник
    как раз недавно начал изучать фьюжен 360. данный материал - эксклюзив, т.к подобных уроков по фьюжену нет в интернете.
    думаю, что народа будет мало. готов брать за 2тр.
    1 человеку нравится это.