
Learn Chinese in a Simple and Successful Way (Современный китайский - учи легко и с удовольствием) [Vivienne Zhang]

Тема в разделе "Иностранные языки", создана пользователем Spartacus, 29 янв 2015.

Цена: 1083р.-79%
Взнос: 224р.

Основной список: 13 участников

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Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 29 янв 2015
    Spartacus ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: Learn Chinese in a Simple and Successful Way (Современный китайский - учи легко и с удовольствием) [Vivienne Zhang]

    By: Vivienne Zhang
    Author Vivienne Zhang is a native Chinese speaker fluent in English who has been translating, interpreting and teaching for many years. She has tried, tested and perfected various lessons and techniques that apply well to Chinese studies. These modern techniques are now published in a series of four books.

    Each book teaches the reader both Pinyin and Hanzi (Chinese characters). One of the unique features in these books is the literal translation into English of common Chinese expressions and vocabulary. For example, you can often see the annotation “lit.” with the grammar points in BOOK 1, showing the direct translation of the Chinese text. This technique reinforces an understanding of sentence structure and grammar which has proven to be instrumental in helping the students and readers to retain the Chinese that they have already learned. Other Chinese language books do not use this approach.

    In BOOK 1, Part 1 teaches the Chinese Pinyin system, the Romanization of Mandarin, often considered the foundation for learning the language. After Part 1 is completed, you can move on to Part 2 which provides an understanding of grammar points. There are useful examples to help you grasp each of the grammar points. Part 2 is arranged in such a way that any topic in this part can be studied independently.

    Upon completion of this book, you will attain mastery of Chinese grammar and vocabulary.

    NOTE: After you have learnt Pinyin (initials, finals and tones) in Part 1 of BOOK 1, you are ready to continue studying any books within the Modern Chinese series...BOOK 1, 2, 3 and 4.​

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    Author Vivienne Zhang is a native Chinese speaker fluent in English who has been translating, interpreting and teaching for many years. She has tried, tested and perfected various lessons and techniques that apply well to Chinese studies. These modern techniques are now published in a series of four books.

    Each book teaches the reader both Pinyin and Hanzi (Chinese characters). One of the unique features in these books is the literal translation into English of common Chinese expressions and vocabulary. For example, you can often see the annotation “lit.” with the grammar points in BOOK 2, showing the direct translation of the Chinese text. This technique reinforces an understanding of sentence structure and grammar which has proven to be instrumental in helping the students and readers to retain the Chinese that they have already learned. Other Chinese language books do not use this approach.

    In BOOK 2, Part 1 provides more grammar points which continue from BOOK 1. There are useful examples to help you grasp each of the grammar points. Part 1 is arranged in such a way that any topic in this part can be studied independently.

    Upon completion of this book, you will attain not only mastery of Chinese grammar and vocabulary, but also an expanded knowledge of Chinese writing.

    NOTE: After you have learnt Pinyin (initials, finals and tones) in Part 1 of BOOK 1, you are ready to continue studying any books within the Modern Chinese series...BOOK 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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    67.7*16=1083 рубля

    Обращаю Ваше внимание: курс исключительно для тех, кто владеет английским хотя бы на уровне intermediate!!:)
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 24 мар 2024
    1 человеку нравится это.
  2. Последние события

    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      29 мар 2015
    2. Lenivets
      Lenivets участвует.
      26 мар 2015
    3. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 112р.
      12 мар 2015
    4. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      12 мар 2015

    Последние важные события

    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      29 мар 2015
    2. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 112р.
      12 мар 2015
    3. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      12 мар 2015
    4. skladchik.com
      Сбор взносов начинается 12.03.2015.
      9 мар 2015
  3. Обсуждение
  4. 30 янв 2015
    alenka23 ЧКЧлен клуба
    а перевод с английского будет?
  5. 30 янв 2015
    Spartacus ОргОрганизатор
    Здесь нет. Только если создавать отдельную складчину на перевод.
  6. 1 фев 2015
    Янтарь БанЗабанен
    А превьюшку можно?
  7. 1 фев 2015
    Spartacus ОргОрганизатор
    Сейчас сделаю и скину
  8. 2 мар 2015
    Spartacus ОргОрганизатор
    В связи с тем, что данная тема не пользуется популярностью, отменил вознаграждение оргу. Вопрос к участникам складчины: стоит ли ждать снижения размера взноса, или объявлять дату сбора?
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