
Курс от лучшего в мире тренера по гипнозу

Тема в разделе "Курсы по психологии", создана пользователем krepysh, 31 дек 2016.

Цена: 30500р.-88%
Взнос: 3614р.

Основной список: 10 участников

Резервный список: 4 участников

  1. 31 дек 2016
    krepysh ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: Курс от лучшего в мире тренера по гипнозу

    Who Else Wants To UseThe Power Of PleasureTo Build Better Girls?
    Внимание! Курс на английском языке!
    Описание на русском (машинный перевод):
    Кто еще хочет использовать Силу Удовольствия чтобы заполучить лучших девушек?
    Я заставляю женщин испытывать лучший секс в их жизни, сидя на стуле полностью одетыми!
    Женщин получают лучшие оргазмы своей жизни, сидя в моем кресле под гипнозом, а для меня это просто еще один день в офисе. Звучит безумно?

    Ни для кого не секрет, что женщины более эмоциональны, чем мужчины, но вы можете быть удивлены тем, насколько влияют негативные воспоминания на женщину. Прошлое, разбитые сердца, негативные слова от своего босса, друга или отца. Они имеют сильный эффект на уровне подсознания.

    С этими методами вы можете превратить любую женщину в идеальную девушку для себя или кого-то еще!
    После того, как вы узнаете мои методы, сочетающие гипнотическую технику с силой удовольствия, вы поймете насколько просто гипнотизировать всех на протяжении всей вашей жизни. Процесс гипноза базируется на научных методах.

    Так что "это" работает, независимо от её возраста, материального положения или сраны проживания. У меня есть студенты, которые используют эти методы по всему миру. Это легко изучить и легко применить... Гипноз легкий. Я учу простых людей с улицы, как применять этот материал все время.

    Когда я ушел из моей клинической практики я стал широко известен, как один из лучших тренеров гипноза в мире. Это произошло из-за быстрых результатов, которые дают мои методы, и мой проверенный метод для превращения начинающих в высокоэффективных гипнотизеров. Используя мою проверенную система обучения гипнозу, тысячи людей по всему миру научились гипнотизировать.
    Описание на английском:
    Women having the best orgasms of their lives while sitting in my hypnosis chair was just another day at the office for me. Sounds crazy right? But after my first thousand hours of doing Clinical Hypnosis with middle class housewives, two things became ridiculously obvious...
    It's no secret that women are more emotional than men, yet you might be surprised at how much impact negative memories have on a woman.
    Past breakups, broken hearts, negative comments from her boss, boyfriend, or father. These have a powerful effect at a SUBCONSCIOUS level and show up as behaviors that baffle and frustrate men.
    So I developed a process that ALWAYS did two things. Clear all her stored up negativity, and unleash her ability to be fully sexually responsive.

    No matter if she came to my office to lose 20 pounds, to quit smoking, or stop biting her finger nails... I did negativity clearing and offered her the option to become fully orgasmic (not one ever refused).

    During these hypnosis sessions women would reveal their inner-most secrets to me. Turns out the average suburban housewife has the kind of hot kinky fantasies that would make the author of 50 Shades Of Grey blush.Once you learn my methods of combining cutting edge hypnotic technique with the power of pleasure you will discover is surprisingly simple to have hypnotic influence all throughout your life.So "it" works, no matter what age she is, no matter if she's rich or poor, or even what country she's from.
    Hypnosis is easy. I teach kids and ordinary people off the street how to do this stuff all the time.
    When I retired from my clinical practice I was widely considered one of the top hypnosis trainers in the world. This is because of the rapid results my methods get, and my proven method for turning beginners into highly effective hypnotists.
    Цена: 497$ (на момент создания темы 30500 руб. с комиссией)
    3 пользователям это понравилось.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 31 дек 2016
    Светлейший ЧКЧлен клуба (П)
    Складчина на материал? Перевод панируется?
    1 человеку нравится это.
  5. 31 дек 2016
    Interprete МодерМодератор Команда форума
    Мы планировали переводить курс Renegate Hypnotist в следующем году.
    Только непонятно, это новый материал или то же самое.
    2 пользователям это понравилось.
  6. 1 янв 2017
    good-seller ЧКЧлен клуба
    На сайте 3 темы:
    1. Скрытая ссылка
    2. Скрытая ссылка
    3. Скрытая ссылка

    Здесь собираем на первую она 500$, вторая 600$. Разные они или нет могут сказать только носители языка. Если вторая поглощает первую тогда стоит собирать только на неё . Третья 150$
  7. 3 янв 2017
    DarkEvgen ДолжникДолжник
    Так переведи и мы восхвалим и возрадуемся сразу;)
    2 пользователям это понравилось.
  8. 7 янв 2017
    braver ЧКЧлен клуба
    Особенно полезен будет курс великовозрастным, плохо чего могущим, но желающим своим любимым то, что может нехватать в отношениях. ;) :D
  9. 8 фев 2017
    Pulsann ЧКЧлен клуба
    Это только для мужчин?
  10. 8 фев 2017
    Ромеочныййй ДолжникДолжник
    Мakyл0в нацелен на результат. Его фишка ездить по самым крутым тренингам гипнотерапии и другим видам и в живую брать сессии у этих именитых типов, хотя скелет работы взят у бэньана - там уже за время практики столько мяса нарасло - РАБОТАЕТ!!! Методика одна, а прорабатывается от фобий, страха подходя, препятствий к оргазму, до достижения ох...ших целей. его модуль для клиентов из пяти сессий стоит сейчас 120 штук, не считая, что он работает на бонус от клиента от 30 штук минимум, если достигли результата, а он достигает всегда!!!. И к нему очередь, хотя рекламы особо не было до семинаров - просто сарафанное радио. Результат, а не какой-то там хер, потому что врачей дохрена и в россии и в америке, а РЕЗУЛЬТАТ делают единицы, причем 100% - проверено, даже модный сейчас Бypxaeв у него учился. Поэтому не смешно (научно vs. РЕЗУЛЬТАТ)
  11. 9 фев 2017
    Dagon15 ЧКЧлен клуба
    Речь идет об ОБУЧАЮЩИХ КУРСАХ, а не о результате той или иной коммерческой деятельности.
    Я не отрицаю успешность Макулы в умении зарабатывать. И демонстрировать результат в процессе.
    Но вот в плане качества обучающих курсов он далеко не эталон.
    Он, кстати, на тех же курсах учит одному, а результат погружения показывает по другому.
    Учит подходу Элмана, а сам работает по схеме "подвывай дурным голосом, нарушай личное пространство и раскачивай физически" :cool:
    Каннигем же - чему учит, то и ДЕМОНСТРИРУЕТ. Не рассчитывая на то, что "пипл схавает любую ахинею".
    И ещё раз повторяю - лично я не против складок на Макулу. Но там материал подан иначе, и материалу Каннигема вообще не конкурент )))

    Тем более что не надо путать терапию с эротическим гипнозом.
    4 пользователям это понравилось.
  12. 21 фев 2017
    Белокрылые лошадки
    Белокрылые лошадки ЧКЧлен клуба
    Интересный мужчина. С виду неказистый, зато какой голос. Заслушался :)
    Подскажите, ещё не создавали складчину?
  13. 21 фев 2017
    Interprete МодерМодератор Команда форума
    Пока еще нет.
  14. 21 фев 2017
    Белокрылые лошадки
    Белокрылые лошадки ЧКЧлен клуба
    А всё ещё в силе или передумали? :)
  15. 21 фев 2017
    Interprete МодерМодератор Команда форума
    Ещё в силе :)
    1 человеку нравится это.
  16. 22 фев 2017
    Белокрылые лошадки
    Белокрылые лошадки ЧКЧлен клуба
    А давайте создадим складчину в разделе переводов (я могу) и пусть люди потихоньку подтягиваются? На роль переводчика не претендую, просто чтобы время не терять :)
    1 человеку нравится это.
  17. 1 мар 2017
    kubiks ЧКЧлен клуба
    У меня есть доступ к аккаунту на сайте.
    В essentialrenegadehypnosis запись трех дней семинара.
    В renegadeproject наполнение намного больше - Скрытая ссылка 7 основных частей
    Session 1: Basic Hypnotic Technique

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    Summary: A basic hypnosis session start-to-finish. You'll discover the only fool-proof hypnotic induction, the most powerful “deepening” technique possible, and positive suggestions so she will want to by hypnotized again.

    Here's what you'll see in this session:

    — Setting the frame for understanding the “Mind”, and what is possible.

    — Show you can relax — first test for compliance.

    — “Remember being relaxed and happy” — second level test for compliance.

    — Anyone can be taught to experience anything.

    — The bad news is that what has happened to you so far has been because of your choices.

    — How to select subjects.

    — Characteristics of a good subject.

    — Characteristics of a bad subject.

    — Conversational suggestion for framing of the training experience.

    — Defining extreme sensations as bonding experiences.

    — All hypnotic technique is designed to seem sensible, but is designed to speak to the subconscious Mind.

    — Physical reality can be very different from what you believe to be true.

    — It’s the subject’s job to behave correctly.

    — Establishing the Hypnotic Contract.

    — Eliminating objections.

    — Introducing and demonstrating the only fool-proof hypnotic induction.

    — Inductions are only rituals.

    — The use of tension / release cycles.

    — The use of automatic triggers.

    — Extensive deconstruction of the Elman induction.

    — Building increasing responsiveness into the standard inductions.

    — Specifying what she will bring back from the Trance sessions.

    — Demonstrating the full-speed induction.

    — An accelerated Elman induction.

    — Instant induction trigger for instant somnambulism.

    — Demonstration of emergence with positive suggestions.

    — Post-hypnotic interview with positive suggestions.

    — Repeated inductions equals fractionation, the most powerful “deepening” technique possible.

    — Demonstration and test of the instant induction trigger.

    — What can you do to make her want to be hypnotized by you even more?

    — Every time you tell me the truth you will feel happiness, and if you lie you feel bad.

    — Positive suggestions for how she will be constantly waiting to by hypnotized by me again.

    Session 2: Unleashing Imagination

    Video Player

    Summary: This one is all about imagination, and beginning the imagination training with things that are simple and fun. Also how to use full sensory detail. The result... because of her cool experiences she wants to learn how to use her imagination even more vividly.

    Here's what you'll discover in this session:

    This one is all about imagination.

    — Setting the frame for loving being hypnotized and changing.

    — Why the subject wants to please the hypnotist.

    — “Seeing” as opposed to “knowing” during what hypnotists call visualizations.

    — Slow your sessions down! Pace each session according to your subject’s responses.

    — “Good” has no content — find out what it means.

    — Notice how she slips into Trance just from the sound of my voice and the sensation of my touch — she says they make her feel safe — that’s a key as to why she will do anything I want.

    — Formal induction to make her ready and responsive — note each state and sensation I re-install.

    — Repetition of visualization of an apple to test her Trance responses — she inserts much more detail — switch to an orange to lead, test and increase her sensations.

    — My touching now induces Trance, makes her feel safe and is associated with increased imagination and sensation — I reinforce these through tonality, verbal content and rapport.

    — Intensifying the effect of my hypnotic eyes — useful during the eyes-open somnambulism interludes.

    — Thought-stopping technique — bubbles — as each thought disappears she feels a wave of pleasure because she’s hypnotized by me — making her complete the process herself — expand my voice until all she can feel is my voice inside her mind. I use this access to give her wonderful empowering states — the end goal is that she learns to stop thinking, obey and feel pleasure.

    — I use my access to open up her hidden traumas, remove them and she feels pleasure as she allows this — Imagine how she feels about me now!

    — All my commands become irresistible, she now loves being hypnotized by me — we are no longer imagining physical things, each step leads her to imagine new states instead. I consistently use my influence in powerful positive ways — so of course she is increasingly willing to do anything for me.

    — Harnessing her imagination to perfect my suggestions and increase their effect.

    — Tonality shifts fractionate her between formal and conversational Trance.

    — “Imagine the best feeling on Earth is when I control and hypnotize you”.

    — Comparing her desire to be hypnotized by me to her other desires.

    — Cycle back to basic states — relaxation, happiness, craving to be hypnotized, pleasure.

    — Note the description of her new states.

    — Testing the impossible — being her age — test fails so we go through it again with reinforced suggestions — failure is necessary if we are to teach her to accept my new frames and desires — note how happy she becomes when she gets it right!

    — I LOVE working with Emma because she gets it.

    — “Trance Time” — trigger for eyes-open somnambulism.

    — Start the imagination training with things that are simple and fun.

    — Note: She crosses her arms not as a defensive posture but instead to have something to do with her hands. Note how she’s sitting — wide open and relaxed.

    — Because of her cool experiences she wants to learn how to use her imagination even more vividly.

    — We go to the beach — we’re both fair-skinned so no one gets burned on Mark’s Hypno Beach (suggestion of safety) — full sensory detail — utilization of waves to wash away negativity and inhibition — yes, I actually do this on a beach!

    — The permanent enabling states I build within her are to feel smart / strong / sexy / feminine / beautiful, and to be perfectly responsive to me as her natural way of thinking.

    — Counting out to emergence with positive suggestions.

    — She verifies that her training experience was “real”.

    — Setting the frame for future sessions.

    — Conscious recap of the hows and whys of training her imagination.

    — Women want this! Women need this!

    Session 3: Manipulating Sensations

    Video Player

    Summary: This session is about How to create, intensify, anchor, and embed sensations. Key concept — because sensation is a function of the Mind, we can skip the physical reality and go straight to the mental effect, which will still be “real”. (Example: Hypnotic Orgasms)

    Here's what you'll discover in this session:

    — The best part of being hypnotized? Getting out of your reality and getting into a better one that can become your reality.

    — It’s interesting to learn the step by step process a subject wouldn’t normally learn — even when it is overt and explained, the techniques still work.

    — Enhancing reality requires feeling a broad range of sensations.

    — We think of sensation as physical, but it’s an interpretive function of the Mind.

    — “Trance Time” — instant eyes-open somnambulism to achieve maximum sensation and impact.

    — Testing for compliance and imagination — hallucinated touch triggering “real” responsiveness.

    — Key concept — because sensation is a function of the Mind, we can skip the physical reality and go straight to the mental effect, which will still be “real”.

    — Broadening the range and intensity of acceptable sensation — progressive conditioning.

    — Testing with harmless fun — tickling — she passes and volunteers a “happy endorphin” response which I immediately utilize.

    — Overt induction — using tickling to test, build responsiveness and remove resistance.

    — She fails the test, I re-induce her and loop through the suggestions with reasons for compliance.

    — She passes , I frame it as wonderful compliance. Reset her perceptions to normal, and frame it as the power of her Mind.

    — Move to warmth and test. Change to Masculine Energy from my touch and her feminine energy responding. She now feels smart / sexy / strong / feminine from my touch.

    — “I feel more opened up”

    — Any sensation that can be described can be created through suggestion and command.

    — Use of “Trance Time” embedded within a sentence — evoking a non-specific sensation like “happiness” – I don’t have to know what it means to her in order to use it.

    — Each time I explain something to the camera it’s also an indirect suggestion to Emma regarding her anticipated and correct responses — conversational trance is still Trance.

    — Looping through the ways she automatically goes into Trance and responds perfectly.

    — “Feel happiness and even more, because you’re hypnotized by me” — note the scope ambiguity setting up a transition to whatever comes next.

    — Hallucinate my voice triggering her happiness whenever she wants.

    — Make my voice inside her head giving her a range of wonderful enabling suggestions.

    — Note: Watch how when she hears me suggesting anything, she closes her eyes to intensify the effect.

    — Recapitulation and verification.

    — “I feel awesome and grateful”.

    — Testing again and intensification — conditional bind upon eyes opening.

    — Full explanation and demonstration of The Tell Me Game.

    — Who’s in complete control? — “Both of us” — Emma will assume she’s still in control to rationalize her complete responsiveness — Trance Logic!

    — Stacking three increasingly intense levels of Pleasure to build the perfect reward — Yes, I’m touching her to set my touch equal to the verbal trigger.

    — Conditional bind –eyes open only as she’s hypnotized more deeply than before.

    — Compliance testing plus adding my eyes as a Pleasure trigger.

    — “Try to resist me” — resistance just makes my commands stronger, that just makes sense (!).

    — Crazy Pleasure once her resistance is gone — “sleep now” her most powerful trigger.

    — Looping through Tell Me again.

    — “Tell me you’ll change anything for me” — removing anything that stands between us.

    — Correctly framing orgasms and their beneficial effects.

    — Tell Me to set her up, then pure orgasms — including harvesting all her unfulfilled desires.

    — Ambiguity — “get hot for me” – desire for me, or desire because I command it? — all ambiguities get resolved in my favor.

    — Powerful suggestions for change during orgasm because she cannot think, only accept.

    — Your desire for (—–) grows stronger.

    — She explains the fireworks going on inside her during her orgasms — external reactions are not a true clue to her responsiveness — always have them self-verify.

    — “Trance Time” — amplification of physical sensations and responses on command.

    — Compliance testing — orgasm control — amplifying her desires.

    — Note: You can hear camera crew noise yet she remains oblivious and compliant — they won’t willingly break out of Trance.

    — Imagine I’ve hypnotized you ten times — respond ten times stronger.

    — Cumming your way into a bright and wonderful future.

    — She defines and verifies what “do anything for me” means to her.

    — Prompting her to imagine all the ways large and small to please me — she loves pleasing me and feeling Pleasure.

    — Demonstrating coupling sensations to any trigger or action.

    — Demonstrating coupling her differing emotional responses to her commanded orgasms.

    — Everything makes her sexual desire grow uncontrollably stronger.

    — Happiness-gasms!

    — Regardless of how she edits my commands I keep driving to get the desired responses.

    — “Tell me you’re a grateful girl”.

    — Ok, so she won’t orgasm like a porn girl — but I don’t care because I’m getting everything else I want. If it were important, I’d train for it.

    — Note my exit explanations — which are also recurring suggestions for her.

    — The price of admission is obedience to me.

    — Classic emergence, pulling all the experiences together.

    — Anytime she deviates from her training she’ll hear my voice entrancing her and giving her the correct commands.

    Session 4: Time Distortion

    Video Player

    Summary: This session is an exploration in utilizing the concept of Time, and the ways in which we can use it to enhance and accelerate the training process. Key Concept: Time is an arbitrary construct that we all distort according to our own needs.

    Also you'll see the "Tell Me" game in action. This is a very powerful technique. (Side Note: You can use the tell me game during sex. It drives women wild.)

    Here's what you'll discover in this session:

    — Time is an arbitrary construct that we all distort according to our own needs.

    — She wants everything in her life to be useful — a clue as to her value system, and how to make her changes meaningful and permanent.

    — Find a vivid memory — move to overt induction — Trance Time trigger fails — move to Sleep Now, the most powerful and overt Trance trigger for her.

    — Disguised regression using the Affect Bridge (explained later) — first she “recalls” the memory, so I prompt her to go into full sensory immersion into the memory.

    — She affirms that her recall is much clearer now — going back in time with immersion allows her to remember everything.

    — Note: A secondary benefit is she is also rehearsing having vivid experiences, with high emotional charge, when she is in Trance with me.

    — Become even more hypnotized — going back to a happy emotionally charged memory.

    — My touch coincides with her feeling excited, girly, etc. — reclaiming “crush” feelings — transfering it to me — a test of compliance in an emotionally improbable scenario, while also accessing a resource from her past.

    — Explanation of reclaiming / harvesting resources out of the past.

    — Hallucinating emotional and energetic connections between us. Yes, it’s hallucinated. Yes, they are “real”.

    — Exploring her actual past, but there are more interesting things to do.

    — Tell Me game to test and reinforce compliance — reinforcing obedience / Pleasure. Compliance must be there if we are to successfully install major changes in a single session.

    — Overt induction within Trance — again, unstoppable induction, dissociation and deepening.

    — “Door” — multiple dissociative technique as a bridge to experiencing alternate “Time” — exploring while remaining safe and trusting.

    — Ancient times — “I found you”, exclusivity and rescue / safety — full sensory detail of preparation — feminine beauty — infinite rehearsal of being hypnotized by me, rewarded with irresistible addictive Pleasure.

    — The whole point of infinite rehearsal is to provide a Trance Logic framework for new beliefs — any thought feeling or behavior can be made completely natural within a few minutes using this type of time distortion.

    — Touching the doors — she herself installs her new responses in all the years of her actual life.

    — Please note all the additional pleasure states I build into her obedient responses, and all the ways I can trigger obedience.

    — Conditional bind — when this is absolutely true for you, you can open your eyes….

    — Tell Me to reinforce the lessons.

    — “You’re still yourself, just with more wonderful stuff added.”

    — Having her affirm that her new responses are useful now — making her responses, her desires to please me addictive now.

    — Having her try to find ways to make my suggestions just as powerful in waking life as within Trance.

    — “Door” again — traveling with me throughout Europe in current time — infinite rehearsal of same obedient pleasing behavior — this time my commands result in instant wonderful responses from her in her waking state — the new lesson is learned within a fun desirable setting — context anchoring of full sensory pleasure responses, with wonderful outcomes — I use her surrender of control to make her “better”, so of course she accepts my authority and commands.

    — “Obey me now” — new instant compliance trigger.

    — Sidebar — “Obedience” sounds harsh to a lot of observers, but that’s because it’s a syntax trap — what I am getting from her is NOT absolute unquestioning obedience, but rather trusting compliance coupled with enthusiasm — It’s my responsibility to insure that her trust is not misplaced, and that every outcome is in fact good for her. With great power comes great responsibilities.

    — Again installing the new responses all throughout her “real” life.

    — Restating her lessons to clarify and reinforce the changes.

    — Conditional bind upon emergence.

    — Conversational Trance to rehearse real-life scenarios where she can exhibit her new responses.

    — Going forward in Time to set a clear path to keep the changes in a positive way.

    — “Obey me now and make this true!”

    — “It’s very erotic to give me complete control.”

    — Orgasmic Pleasure to overpower any possible inhibitions and force the changes into a reflexive response.

    — All the constructed versions of her Self are acting to urge her to obey and respond as she has rehearsed.

    — Orgasm with very little setup, to test the Obey Me Now trigger.

    — Yes, I’m pulling her hair to intensify her kinesthetic responses — I’m still giving her commands as she orgasms — relentless conditioning.

    — Conditional bind — making it natural and reflexive to be obedient and pleasing for me — I throw in suggestions to automatically remove obstacles to compliance.

    — Relentless, ruthless efforts to make her a Better Girl.

    — Note the framework I set for why she will have made a breakthrough, and what that breakthrough is.

    — Conditional bind for emergence, again.

    — “It’s all good, Emma. You want to take advantage… so you’ve chosen….”

    — Pay attention to her summation and responses!

    — While she’s in the twilight period of emergence, not in trance but not yet fully awake, I test her responses and rehearse real-life scenarios. In this state she remains highly suggestible while believing she has completely emerged from Trance.

    — Final test and re-framing, conclusion.

    Nice, yes? It should be obvious that anything can be rehearsed within constructed past Time, and can be made to seem ongoing and reflexive using future Time. Yes, anything.

    Session 5: Enhancing The Trance Experience

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    Summary: This session addresses two topics...

    1) The Nature of Control — Use and limitations within Trance work. Sometimes you will encounter people who have control issues. You'll see how to deal with that here.

    2) Enhancing The Trance Experience - Next we move to the technical process of enhancing the Trance experience. You'll discover how to guide them into a profound state of somnambulism — where whatever you say or do becomes their vivid reality.

    First up is the nature of Control — it’s manifestation, use and limitations within Trance work. This is an issue that is highlighted working with Emma, as she has some serious issues caused by her earlier life experiences. It’s interesting how she maintains a conscious belief that she remains in complete control, even while she cheerfully offers me complete influence because of our history together. Perhaps “control” isn’t what we thought it was? Also note how the discussion takes place both consciously and within both overt and conversational Trance — this is what I have in the past referred to as the Hypnotic Interview.

    — How is it that you’re in control, yet open to offering control to me? Note the assumptions in that statement. I’m ALWAYS making suggestions.

    — “Who or what must a man be in order for you to open up to him?” — For Emma, opening up is code for surrendering control. If she gives me a list, that’s exactly what I must present to her in order to find my way in. A note to all you seduction guys — it’s actually easier to BE that man than it is to pretend to be him.

    — Notice how Emma insists that personality is fixed, even though she has admitted that she has made significant changes.

    — Emma recounts how her life is improving in all ways because of her sessions with me.

    — The difference between control and influence.

    — “Changes are occurring — you’re still You, just with more stuff now” — this is both true and reassuring, just one more example of how I’m consistently correct and moving her in a good direction. I’m uncovering and utilizing resources.

    — The importance of looking for a subject in life transitions, and of inducing/creating transitional states in order to make her more malleable. She’s got to be in motion, or you’ve got to get her to move.

    — Note: Her conscious explanations of the process and permanence of change contradicts the process she is experiencing — listen to the limits and/or parameters of her change process.

    Next we move to the technical process of enhancing the Trance experience, using what is commonly called “deepeners”. There is, of course, no “depth” in Trance. As we cover in The New Curriculum, there ARE Trance states that can be characterized by different types of responsiveness, but the old concept of depth is a semantic trap left over from a less experienced era. Having said that, as hypnotists we are trained to utilize everything useful that we encounter and so we use depth as a useful metaphor.

    — What is the nature and experience of trance “deepeners”?

    — Example and demonstration of using deepeners in order to guide Emma into a profound state of somnambulism — where whatever I say or do becomes her vivid reality.

    — Demonstration of eyes-open somnambulism — note her natural verbal responses even as her trance state “deepens”.

    — The utilization of normal circumstances to provide a plausible framework within which to experience profound Trance.

    — Deepening through direct suggestion and commands.

    — Actually, there is no “depth” in Trance, but we take advantage of Trance Logic to increase and enhance her responsiveness.

    — Designing the Perfect Pleasure Reward for Emma.

    — I’m teasing you — Yes, you can change their ethical and moral standards, but not in this session! These How To Hypnotize Humans sessions were shot for a general audience — see you in the forums for the rest!

    — Notice how often I affirm her responses in order to increase rapport and responsiveness.

    — Using vivid visualizations in order to increase her responsiveness — example: Unlocking her hidden secrets, giving me the keys to unlock the secrets of her mind.

    — Note: Using “blind therapy” techniques in this setting is not therapy, it’s unlocking resources for my utilization.

    — “The best lifestyle a girl could possibly choose, now…”

    — Total memory cleansing technique, coupled with a pervasive desire to be completely open and responsive to me.

    — Looping back, anchoring her complete happiness to her desire to be hypnotized by me.

    — Standard emergence with positive suggestions.

    Session 6: Cottage Of Memories

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    Summary: I designed this technique to remove all conscious and subconscious defense systems. So you have the opportunity to implant positive states that get installed throughout all their memories, through all their life. The crap in people’s past keeps them from enjoying you and what you can do, what you can offer, so with this technique you can remove all that negativity and replace it with positive thoughts.

    Note: This is the “safe” version of this technique. The other version will be discussed in the higher-level forums.

    Here's what you'll discover in this session:

    Casual conversational beginning — note how she will now complete the conversational commands herself without prompting — conditioning!

    — Explaining things to someone other than the subject, within earshot of the subject, is one of the most powerful influence techniques you can use — so use it!

    — Re-framing resources into new forms — utilizing skills learned in one context, extracting the most important aspect and using that in new contexts.

    — Introducing “blind therapy” — forget the name, it’s just a technique you can use to rapidly improve her entire life. Building on the trust I’ve earned, and the pattern of obedience to me leading to Pleasure, this technique sets the stage so she will allow me to lead her through any change.

    — Discussing the possibility of memories she’s hidden from herself is making her very nervous. Yet she still follows my lead — why is that? How does she change her demeanor when I remind her of obedient Pleasure?

    — I’m doing a slow careful induction because I really need somnambulism for The Cottage Of Memories.

    — The Cottage Of Memories technique — this one was designed to remove all defense systems in a slow storytelling format. She is left with no conscious OR subconscious defenses, and I use the opportunity to implant positive states that get installed throughout all her memories, through all her life. This is the “safe” version of this technique. The other version will be discussed in the higher-level forums.

    — Why am I doing this? Emma loves control and fears losing it, yet the progression from unleashing her sexuality to changing her identity for me now seems to be natural and desirable. This is deep conditioning technique, and leads to her defending her desire to be molded by me. Anything I want, because I want it.

    — Yes, the neck touch at that precise moment anchors the entire experience as the ambiguous “this”.

    — Is this technique always 100% effective? No. Damned near though. In a clinical setting the remaining cleanup is straightforward. In the casual sessions, why do you care?

    — The “bad” memory persists because she misunderstands what removing negativity means — it should be that she remembers what happened and the lessons learned — note how she struggles to still do what I want, Good Girl! I keep reframing until she gets it.

    — The crap in people’s past keeps them from enjoying you and what you can do, what you can offer. “Blind therapy” fixes this. But it also forms an incredible emotional bond unless you have framed the interaction as training or, G%D forbid, “therapy”.

    — I offer her pure relaxation because she is unsettled, it turns out that she released a genuinely bad memory and its loss was a threat to her identity. Screwed up, but people do this all the time. Plus she’s now very open to deep imprinting because of the loss of her traditional values.

    — We’ve recaptured deep relaxation — “at the beach” — and explained how to trigger it at will.

    — Now we harvest and re-purpose her ecstatic response to performing well and being seen to perform well.

    — Emma gets to feel ecstatic at the thought of tens of thousands of people seeing her obey me and feel Pleasure.

    — Yes, this seems very overt and structured — it’s an instructional video! Now imagine that I’m doing this conversationally over coffee — same thing.

    — “It makes me feel less neurotic” — Win!

    — Heal The Wounded Heart technique – this one is like Crack On Steroids for women. Watch her eyes and facial expression — it’s what we used to call the “Doggy – Dinner Bowl” look. Unless you want her to love you forever, be careful how you frame going into this one.

    — It turns out that opening up and becoming connected to me in a warm loving way makes her a more valuable “gift” that she can give to someone who deserves it — oddly enough!

    — Emma’s almost done and we’re nearly done demonstrating technique. She’s sexually responsive, stronger and smarter, beautiful and feminine, and happily obedient to me — and you’ve been watching it in slow-motion. Just one more session to go.

    Session 7: Building A Better Girl

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    Summary: I strongly believe in leaving them better off than you found them. So I like to help women feel smart, sexy, & confident. And I want them to have goals in their life so they are not just focused on me, so in this session I set her up to succeed in goals important to her. And give her the tools to do this anytime in the future.

    You should do this with all your subjects. No matter if they are clients or lovers. This is a gift you can give to help make people's lives better.
    + порядка 90 записанных сессий с 13 девушками.
    + порядка 60 роликов от автора:
    The Renegade Hypnotist Project

    Session Progression
    Session Progression

    How to Get Started
    How to Get Started

    The Two Approaches to Working with Women
    The Two Approaches to Working with Women

    Setting the Pleasure Trigger
    Setting the Pleasure Trigger

    Acquiesence, Obedience, and Pleasure
    Acquiesence, Obedience, and Pleasure

    Moving Beyond Sexual Responsiveness
    Moving Beyond Sexual Responsiveness

    Harvesting the Past
    Harvesting the Past

    Remaining Calm During Rebellion
    Remaining Calm During Rebellion

    Harvesting Her Desire to be a Good Wife
    Harvesting Her Desire to be a Good Wife

    Documenting Your Work
    Documenting Your Work

    Designing Your Training Program
    Designing Your Training Program

    Your Self-Training Regimen
    Your Self-Training Regimen

    Incremental Self-Development
    Incremental Self-Development

    Moving From Covert to Proudly Overt
    Moving From Covert to Proudly Overt

    Dominants Need Complex Active Lives
    Dominants Need Complex Active Lives

    Are You Submissive or Just Still Confused
    Are You Submissive or Just Still Confused

    Making Yourself Unique in Her Eyes
    Making Yourself Unique in Her Eyes

    Social Death
    Social Death

    Managing Multiple Subjects
    Managing Multiple Subjects

    How To Work In Difficult Circumstances
    How To Work In Difficult Circumstances

    The Sadder But Wiser Girl
    The Sadder But Wiser Girl

    The Perils of Personal Imprinting
    The Perils of Personal Imprinting

    Attentiveness and Awareness
    Attentiveness and Awareness

    Sensation Beyond Imagining
    Sensation Beyond Imagining

    From Biker to Boardroom to Bedroom
    From Biker to Boardroom to Bedroom

    Identify Your Drug
    Identify Your Drug

    Integrating The Physical Into Your Conditioning Program
    Integrating The Physical Into Your Conditioning Program

    No Normal Days
    No Normal Days

    Scripts Are a Trap
    Scripts Are a Trap

    The Nature of Hypnotic Influence
    The Nature of Hypnotic Influence

    Wealth is Infinite and Available
    Wealth is Infinite and Available

    What Happens When You Head Down the Wrong Path
    What Happens When You Head Down the Wrong Path

    Which Parts of Yourself Will You Bring Into Your New Identity
    Which Parts of Yourself Will You Bring Into Your New Identity

    Why We Fight – The Renegade Revolution
    Why We Fight – The Renegade Revolution

    Working With Subjects Who Are Not Your Type
    Working With Subjects Who Are Not Your Type

    You Begin Where You Are and Thats Okay
    You Begin Where You Are and Thats Okay

    Your Limits Really Are What You Think They Are
    Your Limits Really Are What You Think They Are

    Exit Strategy
    Exit Strategy

    Getting Into State Yourself
    Getting Into State Yourself

    Maintaining Your Frames
    Maintaining Your Frames

    Not Being Needy
    Not Being Needy

    Project Overview
    Project Overview

    The Necklace
    The Necklace

    The Troubled Submissive
    The Troubled Submissive

    Turning Yourself Into Crack
    Turning Yourself Into Crack

    When To Do Negativity Clearing
    When To Do Negativity Clearing

    When to Blur the Line
    When to Blur the Line

    Women Love Boundaries and Structure
    Women Love Boundaries and Structure

    How to Build a Perfect Girl
    How to Build a Perfect Girl

    The Importance of Being Mentally Clear
    The Importance of Being Mentally Clear

    Body Shape and Changing Costume
    Body Shape and Changing Costume

    Don’t Rush Into Any Major Decisions
    Don’t Rush Into Any Major Decisions

    Stop Drugging Yourself
    Stop Drugging Yourself

    Get Out of the House
    Get Out of the House

    Nurture a Complex Lifestyle
    Nurture a Complex Lifestyle

    Sex Bucket List
    Sex Bucket List

    What Are You Grinning About
    What Are You Grinning About
  18. 1 мар 2017
    Interprete МодерМодератор Команда форума
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  19. 6 мар 2017
    RealDevilFish ДолжникДолжник
    Добрый день. У меня есть данный курс на английском помогите грамотно организовать складчину опытные господа форумчане.