
Improve your Russian with New Year Movies [Udemy] [Svitlana Shkundina]

Тема в разделе "Иностранные языки", создана пользователем Топикстартер, 5 мар 2021.

Цена: 999р.-20%
Взнос: 793р.

Основной список: 2 участников

  1. 5 мар 2021
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба
    Improve your Russian with New Year Movies
    Understand native Russian speakers easily


    Welcome to “Improve Your Russian with New Year Movies” course. This course is designed to help you to improve your listening comprehension skills and to increase your vocabulary. All these will help you to sound more confident in your future communication with native speakers.
    Through years of practice, I noticed that most students face the very same problem in studying Russian language. Since at the beginning and elementary levels they are focused mainly on grammar and writing exercises, their speaking and listening abilities remain underdeveloped. All together it makes an impression that their level in Russian doesn’t rise and no matter how many new words and grammar rules they learn, they see no progress. Students continue struggling with communication, and they can barely understand native speakers.
    This course was designed for you to face your fear and to start listening to native Russian speakers effectively.
    I selected videos simple enough for students who have level A2 and higher. Besides, all the movies are related to the same topic – New Year - which will also help you to boost your winter vocabulary.
    For your convenience, the movies were divided into several parts, each 12-15 minutes long. Such length is optimal for watching. It is long enough to understand the plot, and at the same time it’s short enough not to get tired of it.
    Now let’s have a look at what you are going to do in this course.
    First, you will work with Vocabulary book. You will read new words and expressions for each episode of the movie. You will also watch video-lessons to listen and practice pronunciation of these words.
    Then you will watch the movie both with and without the script. Having a full script in front of your eyes gives you possibility to read it carefully in order to clarify the details of the video.
    Also, you will get a printable workbook for each movie. Various activities in the workbooks were prepared for you to practice using the new words and expressions and to help you to understand the plot better.
    Step-by step instructions will be given to you in the first video lesson.
    So, see you in “Improve Your Russian with New Year Movies” course.
    I hope you’ll enjoy it!

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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 5 мар 2021
    Pifagor МодерМодератор Команда форума
    @Sekhmet, напиши описание складчины на русском языке! Согласно правил:
  5. 5 мар 2021
    zapikali ШтрафникШтрафник
    Ну и кто сюда вообще запишется?
  6. 25 авг 2022
    Autumn666 ОргОрганизатор
    Тот, кто преподаёт русский, как иностранный : )