
[Html5] SmartAdmin - Responsive WebApp Theme (html шаблон) [Повтор]

Тема в разделе "Шаблоны и темы", создана пользователем Ashkeron, 25 сен 2020.

Цена: 3760р.
Взнос: 3760р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 25 сен 2020
    Ashkeron ЧКЧлен клуба
    SmartAdmin - Responsive WebApp Theme
    Обязательно посмотрите демо, влюбитесь в нее ))
    На эту тему уже была складчина в 2014 году,
    поэтому теперь предлагаю взять самую свежую версию с пожизненными обновлениями!

    Что это?
    - Админ тема, с набором иконок, стилей, виджетов, плагинов и прочее, которые можно брать и вставлять в любой свой проект.

    Что берем:
    - html версию, которую проще использовать на любом языке и верстке.

    14 вариантов дизайна:

    Полное описание получаемого пака с продажника:
    What you are getting:
    • One-time payment, lifetime licence
    • Full, Seed & Slim projects – Seed & Slim projects for HTML Flavor
    • Full Documentation – Access to full documentation, advanced usage, color manipulation tutorials, and Tips & Tricks
    • Regular updates – Proven by 5 years of consistent updates based on customer feedback
    • Video tutorials – We provide 'how to' videos on our youtube channel
    • Customer support – Dedicated team is standby to address all your concerns relating to the template
    • Infinite skins – Use our gulp build commands with the combination of SCSS variables to easily produce skins of your desire
    • Layout options – There are over 235 layout variations you can mix and match any layout options without breaking the design elements
    • Theme Modes – Light & Dark Modes layer on top of Skins layer
    • Extensible build tools – The template is built with HBS technology and various state-of-the-art automated gulp scripts to generate local assets in a flash
    • Unique plugins – We have produced several unique plugins catered for this template
    • FontAwesome 5 Pro - We were one of the few backers of Fontawesome Pro and have acquired unique perpetual rights to use FontAwesome Pro 5.0 library to be included within this product
    • Community Support Forum – By purchasing a copy, you become part of a large community base, SmartAdmin was first released in 2014, we have a strong community and many contributors who are always eager to help on our Support Forum.
    • Access to legacy release – Download link to SmartAdmin legacy version with all the flavors (seed and full projects) are included with in this package.
    • Feature Requests – Access for feature requests and voting polls
    • Full RTL support – Full RTL support for all computerate CSS and plugins
    Package contents
    For more information on the file structure, please refer to our Project Structure Page

    • HTML Full Project
    • HTML Seed Project
    • HTML SLIM Project
    • Ajax Seed (alpha)
    • Start.html
    SmartAdmin – an advanced UI Bootstrap 4 Admin and Dashboard – is built for the next generation. Its’ exceptional design contains vast collection of assorted reusable UI components integrated with latest jQuery plugins optimized to suit every modern web application project worldwide.

    • Comes with the latest Bootstrap 4.x UI Toolkit and all its improved features
    • Futuristic design and UI concept
    • Over 35 Layout Variations and 285 Layout Combinations . Mix and match layout options to create endless possibilities
    • Change few variables to generate your Unique Skin
    • Light & Dark Modes that sits on top of your skin layer. Uses state of the art CSS technology to create conceptual visual effects.
    • Layout settings are automatically stored to localStorage. You can also push these settings to your database
    • Documentation, well descriptive codes, and email support are included
    • All bootstrap components have been modified using 'non-destructive' method. You can change every aspect of the theme using variables.
    • The theme also features unique custom components that work flawlessly with bootstrap's core components.
    • All fonts and components uses REM values as opposed vs the PX outdated value. REM values gives you better control over your app's responsive behavior
    • Comes with over 2500+ premium Icons. FontAwesome Pro 5, a whopping $35 value, included with your purchase
    • Create your own stack icons with our built-in unique Icon Generator
    • The Table Generator provides you with an option to generate your unique table style.
    • All plugins are detachable. The plugins are separated based on importance and is not hard-coded to its core. Please see Plugins Page for more details.
    • i18n ready. The plugin is lazy-loaded using ajax to pull in any local files.
    • It has a heart and it beats. SmartAdmin comes with its own app.config.js file which can be customize to your fitting.
    • Supports the latest version of Datatables.
    • Added in our very own customized Datatable Alt-Editor
    • Supports all the latest chart plugins available on the market. All our Chart libraries are MIT based: Flot, Chart.js, Chartist.js, C3 Charts, Peity, Sparkline, Easy Pie Chart, and Dygraphs
    • Exclusive SmartPanel plugin lets you drag and drop panel position, change color, change state, refresh panels and a lot more, while utilizing localStorage to save all changes.
    • Many page views, we will update continuously
    • All pages are print friendly
    • Free updates for the life of the theme

    Что по деньгам?
    - цена $49 = +/- 3760, точная сумма будет исправлена на момент сборов

    Продажник: Скрытая ссылка
    Демо: Скрытая ссылка

    Повтор: https://v21.skladchik.org/threads/smartadmin-Адаптивный-шаблон-админ-панели.43086/
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 1 окт 2020
    1 человеку нравится это.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 25 сен 2020
    Ashkeron ЧКЧлен клуба
    Мое мнение, почему именно эта тема:
    - отсмотрел там кучу тем там, очень сбалансирована,
    и не олдскульная - ничего не имею против олдскул, но они однообразны,
    и не кричащий супер-пупер модерн, с хаосом цветов, от которых глаз режет, скошенные углы, где это не уместно и прочее

    - много layouts - под любой вкус и задачу. не надо будет самому рисовать или подгонять

    - куча плагинов и диаграмм

    - тема не заброшена, посотоянно развивается, пожизненные обновления интересны, мало ли когда она еще может понадобиться))
  5. 1 окт 2020
    Ragnar Lodbrok
    Ragnar Lodbrok АдминАдминистратор Команда форума
    @Ashkeron запрещено приглашать пользователей через упоминание, это приравнивается к спаму с вытекающими последствиями.
    1 человеку нравится это.