
How to Move to NYC – Тобайас ван Шнайдер

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем supahsavage, 5 апр 2017.

Цена: 2300р.-53%
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Основной список: 3 участников

Резервный список: 2 участников

  1. 5 апр 2017
    supahsavage СкладчикСкладчик
    How to Move to NYC – Тобайас ван Шнайдер


    Стоимость - $39
    Формат - PDF

    Книга от известного немецкого дизайнера о том, как переехать в Нью-Йорк.

    I moved to New York seven years ago. The process was painful and difficult. I learned most things the hard way: finding a job, getting a visa, calculating my cost of living, choosing an apartment. That's why I wrote this e-book, to tell you how I did it. No bullshit, no stress.

    You can find some information on the internet but it's either scattered, outdated or written in complicated and confusing language. This e-book puts it all in one place in simple, no-nonsense terms. All lessons are based on personal experience or collected from NYC friends and legal experts. Each chapter is designed to be one step in your journey. You'll receive a 110-page PDF you can print or read on your computer, your iPad, smartphone or Kindle. Easy.

    PS: This ebook is perfect for people moving from outside the United States. This isn't just a book about moving to New York, but also about moving to the United States. Please only purchase if serious about moving.
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