
How make 500$ day on stock market ENG [Zed Monopoly]

Тема в разделе "Инвестиции и криптовалюта", создана пользователем Mart5, 5 дек 2019.

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Основной список: 3 участников

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 5 дек 2019
    Mart5 ЧКЧлен клуба
    How make 500$ day on stock market ENG [Zed Monopoly]

    • About me I had a 9-5 job in 2017, went through depression and got inspired to learn about day trading just like most reading this. Today I trade stocks & swing trade and also have my other passive income streams.
    • Made my first €100,000 in the stock market in 3 months before quitting my job.

    3 In 1 Stock Course - Platinum
    There is only one strategy that has proved itself to work throughout the ages and that is the strategy that we teach on my Youtube channel "zed monopoly", the 'bread and butter'. You will need the course if you decide to take my approach and trade the way I trade.

    What's Included

    • Penny Stocks Day Trading Strategy (Video lessons)
    • High Cap Day Trading Strategy (Video lessons)
    • Swing Trading Strategy (Video lessons)
    • General Trading Lessons
    • Discord chat with students & experienced traders (life time access)
    • Email support for Q & As regarding trading
    • PRICE €295 One time payment via PayPal ( price will increase again December)
    Email for further details if interested.

    Ask for the 3 in 1 course ( quick response time )



    У автора есть блог на ютубе, где он чуть ли не ежедневно выкладывает видео, в которых показывает на личном примере заработок в 500$

    2 пользователям это понравилось.
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