
Годовая подписка на журналы PenTest, Haking9, eForensics

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем Netwise, 14 июл 2014.

Цена: 22780р.
Взнос: 22780р.

Основной список: 1 участников

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 14 июл 2014
    Netwise ОргОрганизатор
    eForensics_06_2014-1.jpg Hakin9_EN_04_2014-1.jpg PenTest_07_2014-1.jpg
    Годовая подписка на журналы PenTest, Haking9, eForensics
    включая архивы за предыдущие годы.

    Haking Magazine - cтатьи и руководства: как взламывать сети, BackTrack 5, взлом программного обеспечения, анализ вредоносных программ.
    PenTest Magazine - единственный журнал, посвященный исключительно тестированию на проникновение.
    eForensics Magazine - журнал о цифровой криминалистике.

    Hakin9 is Your Source of Ethical and Unethical Hacker Knowledge

    You will find here the best technical solutions and latest trends in IT security and Insecurity. We wish to make this knowledge accessible to everyone, whether they are professionals or hobbyists.

    The ISSUES and WORKSHOPS we publish are written and prepared by well-known IT specialists who put theory into practice and show how to gain high level hacking skills.

    The Magazine and Workshop are the greatest one in its category.

    Hakin9 Magazine appears twice a month

    • Hakin9 is usually dedicated to a certain theme and is published at the beginning of every month. Inside you will find top trends in tools and techniques used to secure your system better. It focuses on defense and prevention methods, but also discusses ways of enhancing tools already available and how to use them to break into other computer systems, thus making it a versatile and informative publication.”
    • Hakin9 Extra is a child in Hakin9 family; the magazine is issued monthly and is totally devoted to a single topic. The thematic scope is extremely huge. So far, we have published on: Data Recovery, Honeypots, Botnets, Adobe Security, Cloud Forensics and many more. We strive to make each, and every issue as a sort of the ultimate guide to…, where a certain point is presented from totally different perspectives and approaches to the problem/solution are also varied. Each month, we grow in power in order to deliver you the highest quality content, and we are looking forward to what the future has in store for us!”
    Hakin9 Workshop appears twice a month

    • By participating in our WORKSHOP, You will have a chance to master various hacking techniques and learn how to become the ethical hacker with hands-on experience in hacking, exploiting the vulnerabilities and rooting the system and many others.
    • We will provide with the access to Hakin9′s Lab Environment to some of our workshops, which is fully equipped with cutting edge hacking tools for you to master your hacking skills.

    PenTest Magazine is a weekly downloadable IT security magazine, devoted exclusively to penetration testing. It features articles by penetration testing specialists and enthusiasts, experts in vulnerability assessment and management. We cover all aspects of pen testing, from theory to practice, from methodologies and standards to tools and real-life solutions. Each magazine features a cover focus, and articles from our regular contributors, covering IT security news and up-to-date topics.

    The magazine is available by paid subscription. It is devoted to the best penetration testing services providers, who will show you the pen testing world from their perspective. It’s an excellent opportunity to observe security trends on the market for the readers, and for companies – to share their invaluable knowledge.

    PenTest Magazine features 48 issues in a year – 4 issues in a month. Different title is published every week:

    • PenTest Regular – 1st Monday of every month
    • Auditing & Standards PenTest – 2nd Monday of every month
    • PenTest Extra – 3rd Monday of every month
    • Web App Pentesting – 4th Monday of every month
    Each week there is another leading topic of the issue. Whilst PenTest Regular is devoted to more general and overall topics, three remaining issues focus on certain problem.
    Purchasing PenTest Magazine, the only publication devoted exclusively to PenTesting, you get almost 200 pages of content every month.

    eForensics Magazine is a downloadable magazine focused on digital forensics. It features articles by digital forensics specialists and enthusiasts, experts in Mobile, Computer, Network and Database Forensics. We cover all aspects of electronic forensics, from theory to practice, from methodologies and standards to tools and real-life solutions. Each magazine features a cover focus, and articles from our regular contributors, covering news and up-to-date topics.

    It is devoted to the best digital forensics services providers, who will show you the digital forensics world from their perspective. It’s an excellent opportunity to observe trends on the market for the readers, and for companies – to share their invaluable knowledge.

    The magazine is available in two subscription options:


    Free subscription features 1 issue in a month, each containing about 90 pages of content.


    Annual subscription features 48 issues in a year – 4 issues in a month, each containing about 100 pages of content. Different title is published every week:

    • eForensics Computer
    • eForensics Database
    • eForensics Mobile
    • eForensics Network

    Прошу место организатора не занимать.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 14 июл 2014
    Netwise ОргОрганизатор
    Информация представлена на английском языке.
    К сожалению, не смогу провести данную складчину ввиду ограничения в 15 000 рублей.
    Администрация хранит тишину. Вполне возможно организую 3 дополнительные складчины с каждым журналом отдельно.
    И да - материал выкуплен и на руках
  5. 21 окт 2015
    Fuzum ДолжникДолжник
    всё затихло? новая подписка покупалась?
  6. 24 окт 2016
    Netwise ОргОрганизатор
    Всем привет.
    Коллеги, если вам интересно данные издания, могу провести складчину(если администрация даст добро.)
    Материал на руках.
  7. 16 мар 2017
    Ianuaria ЧКЧлен клуба (П)
    Актуально ещё?