
Fullstack JavaScript Developer course [iLoveCoding]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем Blink_182, 26 ноя 2021.

Цена: 7400р.-80%
Взнос: 1423р.

Основной список: 6 участников

  1. 26 ноя 2021
    Blink_182 ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: Fullstack JavaScript Developer course [iLoveCoding]


    Язык курса - английский (English)!!!

    iLoveCoding - платформа для изучения web-разработки, состоящая из 5 модулей, с упором на реальные проекты и совеременные подходы в программировании.

    Вы научитесь не только разрабатывать, но и думать, как программист, разбивать задачи на подзадачи и искать наиболее подходящее решение для существующей проблемы.

    Описание (оригинал):

    What is iLoveCoding?
    iLoveCoding is a platform that teaches you coding so well that you become a competent software engineer. The training is structured; the topics you learn are suited for todays job-market; and best of all, you get support from a mentor throughout your journey - From zero to becoming a highly-skilled software engineer.

    What will you learn?
    You will learn all the technical skills so you can call yourself a competent Front-End and Full-Stack JavaScript developer - who is job-ready and can build any kind of app.

    - Build simple and advanced websites
    - Build responsive-design websites
    - Build Modern Front-End Applications
    - Think like a developer
    - Problem-solving
    - Backend Development
    - Working with databases
    - Collaborate code with Git
    - Breaking features down into functions
    - Writing reusable code
    - Build mobile apps
    - Build password-protected websites
    - Working with third-party APIs (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)

    A Structured Way to Learn to Code:
    Write your own solutions confidently
    Understand code snippets of other devs & write code intentfully
    Read original documentation with ease
    Know how to breakdown problem and code in proper order
    Focus on building small projects for fun

    Technologies You Will Learn/ Технологии, которые Вы изучите:
    JavaScript: Beginner to Advanced
    ES6+: Modern JavaScript features
    HTML5 : Basic HTML and modern HTML Features
    CSS3: CSS basics to modern CSS features
    Node.js: Using JavaScript in the backend
    Express.js: Backend robust RESTful API
    MongoDB: The noSQL database
    React: Build modern web UI applications
    Redux: State management for modern apps
    DOM: Tame the browser with vanilla JavaScript
    jQuery: The defacto library for DOM manipulation
    NPM: Use third-party libraries
    Webpack/Parcel: Module bundlers for todays developer
    Babel: Write cross-browser compatible code
    ESLint: Improve code quality
    OAuth2: Standard protocol to secure applications
    RESTful: Standard protocol to structure web API

    What will you build? / Что Вы спроектируете в процессе обучения:

    Blog Design
    Simple To-do List App
    Snake game
    Calculator App
    Photo Slider
    Stop Watch
    Accordion Feature
    Tab Feature
    Location Finder (Powered by Google Maps)
    Song Search App (Powered by iTunes API)
    Book Search App (Powered by Google Books)
    Note Taking API (with password protection)
    Timer App
    Web Scraper
    Cryptocurrency Price Checker
    Scroll animation, and more

    Module 1:Fundamentals
    Learn the fundamentals of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This magic combination of three is the reason we enjoy using millions of beautiful websites.
    Time to completion:
    6 weeks (Focus for the first 6 weeks)

    Core Training
    The Perfect Path to becoming a job-ready developer
    Learn HTML & CSS Correctly
    Learn JavaScript Correctly
    Going Live: Putting Your Website Live
    Practice Projects
    Project: Create a blog design from scratch using HTML and CSS
    Build a stopwatch app with pure JavaScript
    Build a simple To-Do App with pure JavaScript
    Build a Rock Paper Scissor app with pure JavaScript
    Project: Build Your Own Snake Game with JavaScript
    Module Outcomes:
    Once you are done with this module you will be able to:

    1. Build simple websites
    2. Launch your own website yourname.com
    3. Start Freelancing: Make websites for small businesses and non-profits
    4. Build simple mini applications
    5. Start thinking like a software engineer
    6. Call yourself a web designer
    Module 2:Modern Front-End Development
    Learn how to make traditional and modern front-end applications. Learn the JavaScript frameworks which are in demand today, and learn the techniques used by high-tech companies to build modern websites. It's all within reach here.
    Time to completion:
    6 weeks (Focus for week number 7-12)

    Core Training
    Learn jQuery in 14 days
    Learn & Master Bootstrap in a Week
    Learn React JS in 14 Days
    Practice Projects
    Project: Create a Top Bar Widget with jQuery
    Project: Create Tabs functionality with jQuery
    Animate: Animating elements with jQuery
    Project: Create your own Image Carousel Slider with jQuery
    Ajax: Create a Single Page App with jQuery
    Ajax: Create a Location Finder App using jQuery & Google Maps API
    Build a Calculator App with jQuery
    Project: Building a Todo List App with React
    Project: Building a Timer App with React
    Project: Building a Song Search App with React
    Module Outcomes:
    Once you are done with this module you will be able to:

    1. Build modern and flashy websites
    2. Build interactive web app front-end
    3. Integrate your app with any sort of back-end
    4. Connect your app with any third-party API (whether it is Google, Facebook, etc.)
    5. Call yourself a Front-End Developer
    6. Market yourself as a Professional Developer and command a respectable salary
    Module 3:Back-End Development
    Learn how to make web application back-ends. Build Web APIs, security and authentication (i.e. Login Feature) and connect your app with the database
    Time to completion:
    4 weeks (Focus for week number 13-16)

    Core Training
    Learn Node JS in a Week
    Learn Express.js in 14 days
    Crash Course to Databases & MongoDB
    Practice Projects
    Create a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js
    Project: Create a Web Scraper to Gather Information from the web
    Creating a Simple Web App with Node.js
    Project: Build a Note Taking App with Express.js
    Module Outcomes:
    Once you are done with this module you will be able to:

    1. Build Full-Stack Web Applications
    2. Build traditional Web Applications
    3. Build Modern Web Application Back-end
    4. Build Web API
    5. Build login capability for your app
    6. Implement security and permissions in your app
    7. Connect your app with a database
    8. Call yourself a Full-Stack JavaScript Developer
    Module 4:Mobile Development
    Learn how to build Mobile Applications for iPhone and Android with JavaScript. Use the same technology used to build Instagram, Facebook, Airbnb and Walmart mobile apps.
    Time to completion:
    2 weeks (Focus for week number 17 and 18)

    Core Training
    Learn React Native & Build Mobile App (Android & iOS)
    Practice Projects
    Project: Create a Cryptocurrency price checker app with React Native
    Module Outcomes:
    Once you are done with this module you will be able to:

    1. Learn to build Mobile apps for Android & iOS devices
    Electives:Additional Training
    This is additional supplementary training. Choose the topic that sparks your interest in any order.
    Time investment
    Use 2 weeks to pick up additional skills by choosing from the training below (Focus for week number 19 and 20)

    Note: Be sure to read the prerequisite section under each training before starting the training.

    Core Training
    Learn to use any Web API - Part 1
    Learn to use any Web API - Part 2
    Getting Good with Git
    Learn Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript
    How to set a full cover background image on your website
    How to set fullscreen video in the background on your website
    Load Page Elements when Scrolled to that Area

    Продажник: Скрытая ссылка
  2. Последние события

    1. American Dream
      American Dream участвует.
      22 мар 2023
    2. rokudou17
      rokudou17 не участвует.
      20 янв 2023
    3. sibbora
      sibbora не участвует.
      19 янв 2023
    4. rokudou17
      rokudou17 участвует.
      18 апр 2022
  3. Обсуждение
  4. 22 мар 2023
    Mozgovik ЧКЧлен клуба
    У Брэда Треверси обновленный курс по JavaScript - 37.5 часов.
    На Udemy его курс в старой версии - 21.5 часов, не обновлялся с 2019 г.
    Можно ли купить на его сайте за $20 и вытащить все видео?
    Не возьмёшься?

    Может кто-то сможет оргнуть?