
From Newbie to Ninja with Node.js

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем Ostar, 7 фев 2017.

Цена: 2500р.-90%
Взнос: 248р.

Основной список: 25 участников

Резервный список: 2 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 7 фев 2017
    Ostar ЧКЧлен клуба
    From Newbie to Ninja with Node.js


    This course was designed to take you from zero to hero with Node.js. It's also the ideal course to take if you're a frontend developer wanting to venture into backend.

    Course Contents:
    • 30 Streaming videos
    • Source code files for every video

    You'll learn:
    • the super-basics of node.js
    - what is it? Why do I use it?
    • in-depth npm
    - beyond the basics and how it's used specifically for server apps
    • node.js web app development
    - using the amazing Express.js
    • hooking up to MySQL and MongoDB databases
    • how to correctly manage databases with Node.js
    - for development and production
    • authentication & authorization
    - logging in and accessing user data
    • OAUTH2
    - logging in with google/facebook/github, etc
    • caching with Redis
    • setting up a deployment server
    • deployment strategies
    • scaling to large traffic
    - multiple servers
    - with an Nginx load balancer
    • monitoring a node.js application in production

    Experience Required:
    Basic JS. These free courses are recommended as a prerequisite:

    The goal of this course is to take a developer with no Node.js experience and even no backend experience (or bad/misinformed/outdated backend experience) and teach them modern practices for backend web apps using node.js


    Последнее редактирование модератором: 26 апр 2017
  2. Последние события

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      Vasul2017 не участвует.
      6 июл 2017
    3. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      10 май 2017
    4. skladchik.com
      Складчина доступна.
      8 май 2017

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    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      10 май 2017
    2. skladchik.com
      Складчина доступна.
      8 май 2017
    3. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 124р.
      3 май 2017
    4. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      3 май 2017
Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.