
Fall Portrait Action Pack for Photoshop CS-СС

Тема в разделе "Съемка и обработка фотографий", создана пользователем Stilius, 26 авг 2014.

Цена: 1550р.
Взнос: 1550р.

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 26 авг 2014
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Fall Portrait Action Pack for Photoshop CS-СС

    Набор action для Photoshop CS-CC обработки портретов Fall Portrait Action Pack for Photoshop CS


      • Bold colors- An action that adds just the right amount of saturation and mid-tone adjustments to give your photo the perfect pop!
      • Perfect touch- This may be the only action you need! It gives just the right amount of pop you need!
      • Boho Vintage- This is bold, vibrant, and warm with a splash of vintage!
      • Warm and Bold- This is a very bold action that will warm up your photo. It can bring any photo back to life!
      • Summer- A matte action to make colors more vibrant with just the right amount of summer warmth!
      • Autumn- A great autumn tone that will make your photos more beautiful!
      • Brilliant Tones- This action gives amazing saturation without making skin tones too crazy!
      • Baby Blues- This is a blue booster with a little bit of haze!
      • Treasure Box- This action tones your photos with a little bit of crazy color to add some fun to your photos!
      • Matted Pop- This action brightens, adds haze, and lots of pop!
      • Bold and Beautiful- Lots of saturation without making skin tones crazy.
      • Soft and Pretty- A beautiful action that creates interesting tones, gorgeous color, and great contrast!
      • Sunset- A soft but warm action that will make colors pop!
      • Vibrant Haze- A boost of colors and a gorgeous haze!
      • Hazy Goodness- Another haze action that boosts colors, adds warmth, and adds the right amount of contrast.
      • Subtle Matte Tones- This is a very simple warming matte action that could be the perfect finishing touch to your photo!
      • Just a tone- This may have a simple name but it’s a super amazing tone that can really take your photos to the next level!
      • Lovely Tones- This action will boost and make the tones of your photos fun!
      • So very smooth skin!- A skin smoothing action to give flawless skin!
      • Skin tones- This action helps you fix skin tones. Having good skin tones is the staple to any photo!
      • Light It Up!- Just a little bump in exposure to brighten a dark photo.
      • Extra Contrast- Need more contrast quickly? This action is for you!
      • Extra Matte- Need more matte quickly? Then this is for you!
      • Vignette- Want a vignette? Look no further. Everyone loves a good vignette!
      • Finishing touches- A neutral tone to finish up any photo to perfection!
      • Defog- This is not a global sharpening, this action adds clarity by adding mid-tone sharpening. A great first step!
      • Flatten Image- A bonus shortcut to flattening layers!
      • Start over- A bonus action to revert photos to the way they were when you opened Photoshop!
      • **PSE ONLY** Make it Customizable!- A much wanted action for PSE so you can tweak and customize the layers in your photos!

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    Цена 1550 руб


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  4. 27 авг 2014
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