
Джеф Гловер Руководство по удушающим

Тема в разделе "Курсы по самообороне", создана пользователем Frankfurt, 16 мар 2017.


Какой взнос будет приемлем для Вас, т.к тема специфичная?

  1. 500 -1000 руб.

  2. 400-500 руб

  3. 300-400 руб

  4. 200-300 руб

  5. 100-200 руб

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Цена: 4500р.-56%
Взнос: 1936р.

Основной список: 3 участников

  1. 16 мар 2017
    Frankfurt ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: Джеф Гловер Руководство по удушающим

    Darcepedia 2 DVD set with Jeff Glover

    Product Description
    First he laid out his competition Deep Half Guard game. Now he's back to teach you about his favorite strangle method - the Darce choke. One of America's most talented and most charismatic grapplers - Jeff Glover - has laid out the most complete series on the Darce choke ever known to man. Features detailed instruction on the Darce and all of its variations - including the Marce, the Farce, the Starce, and the Slarce.

      • Actors: Jeff Glover
      • Directors: David Contreras
      • Format: Multiple Formats, NTSC, Widescreen
      • Language: English, Japanese
      • Region: All Regions
      • Number of discs: 2
      • Rated: PG Parental Guidance Suggested
      • Studio: Budovideos
      • DVD Release Date: March 23, 2012
      • Run Time: 190 minutes
    I went to one of Jeffs seminars and was awesome! Will be nice to have a DVD version of a lot of the techniques he showed. - Tommy Nakamura --Budovideos.com

    First he laid out his competition Deep Half Guard game. Now he's back to teach you about his favorite strangle method - the Darce choke.

    One of America's most talented and most charismatic grapplers - Jeff Glover - has laid out the most complete series on the Darce choke ever known to man. Features detailed instruction on the Darce and all of its variations - including the Marce, the Farce, the Starce, and the Slarce.

    Chapter listing:

    0 Intro
    1 Day 1 darce
    2 Boltcutter
    3 Boltcutter to guillotine
    4 Marce
    5 Short arm marce
    6 Short arm darce
    7 Seat belt grip to darce
    8 Farce
    9 Failed Heisman
    10 Pull darce
    11 Push farce
    12 Push darce 1
    13 Push darce 2
    14 Half guard darce 1
    15 Half guard darce 2
    16 Sprawl to marce or farce
    17 Single leg stuffer
    18 Starce
    19 Sim Go spin into darce
    20 Triangle to marce
    21 Mounted triangle to darce
    22 Mad darce
    23 Mad darce crank
    24 Mad darce to triangle
    25 Back escape to marce
    26 Bottom side control to marce
    27 Getting guard passed to marce
    28 Darce-o-plata
    29 Monoplata darce
    30 Arm drag darce drill
    31 Turtle darce drill
    32 Turtle marce drill
    33 Darce defense
    34 Marce defense
    35 Slarce

    0 Intro
    1 Failed marce to guillotine
    2 Guillotine to front headlock
    3 Guillotine from side control bottom
    4 Guillotine from monoplata
    5 Gloveatine
    6 Standing gloveatine

    Bonus Section:
    Rolled Up
    2 Glover fights

    Один из самых талантливых и самых харизматических мастеров в Америке - Джефф Гловер - выложил наиболее полную серию о Дарсе (удушающий прием), которая когда-либо была известна человеку. Особенности подробные инструкции по Darce и все его вариации - в том числе Марс, Фарс, Starce, и Slarce.

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    Цена идентична

    Цена 65,95 долларов + доставка
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