
Deep learning для машинного зрения[стартовый комплект]

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем chpok13, 26 май 2018.

Цена: 7400р.-80%
Взнос: 1424р.

Основной список: 12 участников

Резервный список: 3 участников

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  1. 26 май 2018
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Deep learning для машинного зрения[стартовый комплект]

    -- Внимание! Платежи в складчине будут приниматься только напрямую с кошельков вебмани или оплатой через баланс . Если Вы не сможете так оплатить, то пожалуйста - выпишитесь / не записывайтесь.
    Язык: английский
    Язык программирования: python
    Автор: Adrian Rosebrock
    Мотивация: прекратите собирать информацию из одноразовых статей и "выжимать" академические учебники. Сейчас - время ускорить свой прогресс, время научиться у профессионала и увеличить свои шансы на успех...
    Состав складчины: электронная книга, исходные коды, pre-configuredUbuntu VirtualBox virtual machine со всеми необходимыми библиотеками [starter bundle]
    PDF, epub, mobi
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 I Studied Deep Learning the Wrong Way…This Is the Right Way
    1.2 Who This Book Is For
    1.2.1 Just Getting Started in Deep Learning?
    1.2.2 Already a Seasoned Deep Learning Practitioner?
    1.3 Book Organization
    1.3.1 Volume #1: Starter Bundle
    1.3.2 Volume #2: Practitioner Bundle
    1.3.3 Volume #3: ImageNet Bundle
    1.3.4 Need to Upgrade Your Bundle?
    1.4 Tools of the Trade: Python, Keras, and Mxnet
    1.4.1 What About TensorFlow?
    1.4.2 Do I Need to Know OpenCV?
    1.5 Developing Our Own Deep Learning Toolset
    1.6 Summary
    Chapter 2 What Is Deep Learning?
    2.1 A Concise History of Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    2.2 Hierarchical Feature Learning
    2.3 How "Deep" Is Deep?
    2.4 Summary
    Chapter 3 Image Fundamentals
    3.1 Pixels: The Building Blocks of Images
    3.1.1 Forming an Image From Channels
    3.2 The Image Coordinate System
    3.2.1 Images as NumPy Arrays
    3.2.2 RGB and BGR Ordering
    3.3 Scaling and Aspect Ratios
    3.4 Summary
    Chapter 4 Image Classification Basics
    4.1 What Is Image Classification?
    4.1.1 A Note on Terminology
    4.1.2 The Semantic Gap
    4.1.3 Challenges
    4.2 Types of Learning
    4.2.1 Supervised Learning
    4.2.2 Unsupervised Learning
    4.2.3 Semi-supervised Learning
    4.3 The Deep Learning Classification Pipeline
    4.3.1 A Shift in Mindset
    4.3.2 Step #1: Gather Your Dataset
    4.3.3 Step #2: Split Your Dataset
    4.3.4 Step #3: Train Your Network
    4.3.5 Step #4: Evaluate
    4.3.6 Feature-based Learning versus Deep Learning for Image Classification
    4.3.7 What Happens When my Predictions Are Incorrect?
    4.4 Summary
    Chapter 5 Datasets for Image Classification
    5.1 MNIST
    5.2 Animals: Dogs, Cats, and Pandas
    5.3 CIFAR-10
    5.4 SMILES
    5.5 Kaggle: Dogs vs. Cats
    5.6 Flowers-17
    5.7 CALTECH-101
    5.8 Tiny ImageNet 200
    5.9 Adience
    5.10 ImageNet
    5.10.1 What Is ImageNet?
    5.10.2 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)
    5.11 Kaggle: Facial Expression Recognition Challenge
    5.12 Indoor CVPR
    5.13 Stanford Cars
    5.14 LISA Traffic Signs
    5.15 Front/Rear View Vehicles
    5.16 Summary
    Chapter 6 Configuring Your Development Environment
    6.1 Libraries and Packages
    6.1.1 Python
    6.1.2 Keras
    6.1.3 Mxnet
    6.1.4 OpenCV, scikit-image, scikit-learn, and more
    6.2 Configuring Your Development Environment?
    6.3 Preconfigured Virtual Machine
    6.4 Cloud-based Instances
    6.5 How to Structure Your Projects
    6.6 Summary
    Chapter 7 Your First Image Classifier
    7.1 Working with Image Datasets
    7.1.1 Introducing the “Animals” Dataset
    7.1.2 The Start to Our Deep Learning Toolkit
    7.1.3 A Basic Image Preprocessor
    7.1.4 Building an Image Loader
    7.2 k-NN: A Simple Classifier
    7.2.1 A Worked k-NN Example
    7.2.2 k-NN Hyperparameters
    7.2.3 Implementing k-NN
    7.2.4 k-NN Results
    7.2.5 Pros and Cons of k-NN
    7.3 Summary
    Chapter 8 Parameterized Learning
    8.1 An Introduction to Linear Classification
    8.1.1 Four Components of Parameterized Learning
    8.1.2 Linear Classification: From Images to Labels
    8.1.3 Advantages of Parameterized Learning and Linear Classification
    8.1.4 A Simple Linear Classifier With Python
    8.2 The Role of Loss Functions
    8.2.1 What Are Loss Functions?
    8.2.2 Multi-class SVM Loss
    8.2.3 Cross-entropy Loss and Softmax Classifiers
    8.3 Summary
    Chapter 9 Optimization Methods and Regularization
    9.1 Gradient Descent
    9.1.1 The Loss Landscape and Optimization Surface
    9.1.2 The “Gradient” in Gradient Descent
    9.1.3 Treat It Like a Convex Problem (Even if It’s Not)
    9.1.4 The Bias Trick
    9.1.5 Pseudocode for Gradient Descent
    9.1.6 Implementing Basic Gradient Descent in Python
    9.1.7 Simple Gradient Descent Results
    9.2 Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
    9.2.1 Mini-batch SGD
    9.2.2 Implementing Mini-batch SGD
    9.2.3 SGD Results
    9.3 Extensions to SGD
    9.3.1 Momentum
    9.3.2 Nesterov’s Acceleration
    9.3.3 Anecdotal Recommendations
    9.4 Regularization
    9.4.1 What Is Regularization and Why Do We Need It?
    9.4.2 Updating Our Loss and Weight Update To Include Regularization
    9.4.3 Types of Regularization Techniques
    9.4.4 Regularization Applied to Image Classification
    9.5 Summary
    Chapter 10 Neural Network Fundamentals
    10.1 Neural Network Basics
    10.1.1 Introduction to Neural Networks
    10.1.2 The Perceptron Algorithm
    10.1.3 Backpropagation and Multi-layer Networks
    10.1.4 Multi-layer Networks with Keras
    10.1.5 The Four Ingredients in a Neural Network Recipe
    10.1.6 Weight Initialization
    10.1.7 Constant Initialization
    10.1.8 Uniform and Normal Distributions
    10.1.9 LeCun Uniform and Normal
    10.1.10 Glorot/Xavier Uniform and Normal
    10.1.11 He et al./Kaiming/MSRA Uniform and Normal
    10.1.12 Differences in Initialization Implementation
    10.2 Summary
    Chapter 11 Convolutional Neural Networks
    11.1 Understanding Convolutions
    11.1.1 Convolutions versus Cross-correlation
    11.1.2 The “Big Matrix” and “Tiny Matrix" Analogy
    11.1.3 Kernels
    11.1.4 A Hand Computation Example of Convolution
    11.1.5 Implementing Convolutions with Python
    11.1.6 The Role of Convolutions in Deep Learning
    11.2 CNN Building Blocks
    11.2.1 Layer Types
    11.2.2 Convolutional Layers
    11.2.3 Activation Layers
    11.2.4 Pooling Layers
    11.2.5 Fully-connected Layers
    11.2.6 Batch Normalization
    11.2.7 Dropout
    11.3 Common Architectures and Training Patterns
    11.3.1 Layer Patterns
    11.3.2 Rules of Thumb
    11.4 Are CNNs Invariant to Translation, Rotation, and Scaling?
    11.5 Summary
    Chapter 12 Training Your First CNN
    12.1 Keras Configurations and Converting Images to Arrays
    12.1.1 Understanding the keras.json Configuration File
    12.1.2 The Image to Array Preprocessor
    12.2 ShallowNet
    12.2.1 Implementing ShallowNet
    12.2.2 ShallowNet on Animals
    12.2.3 ShallowNet on CIFAR-10
    12.3 Summary
    Chapter 13 Saving and Loading Your Models
    13.1 Serializing a Model to Disk
    13.2 Loading a Pre-trained Model from Disk
    13.3 Summary
    Chapter 14 LeNet: Recognizing Handwritten Digits
    14.1 The LeNet Architecture
    14.2 Implementing LeNet
    14.3 LeNet on MNIST
    14.4 Summary
    Chapter 15 MiniVGGNet: Going Deeper with CNNs
    15.1 The VGG Family of Networks
    15.1.1 The (Mini) VGGNet Architecture
    15.2 Implementing MiniVGGNet
    15.3 MiniVGGNet on CIFAR-10
    15.3.1 With Batch Normalization
    15.3.2 Without Batch Normalization
    15.4 Summary
    Chapter 16 Learning Rate Schedulers
    16.1 Dropping Our Learning Rate
    16.1.1 The Standard Decay Schedule in Keras
    16.1.2 Step-based Decay
    16.1.3 Implementing Custom Learning Rate Schedules in Keras
    16.2 Summary
    Chapter 17 Spotting Underfitting and Overfitting
    17.1 What Are Underfitting and Overfitting?
    17.1.1 Effects of Learning Rates
    17.1.2 Pay Attention to Your Training Curves
    17.1.3 What if Validation Loss Is Lower than Training Loss?
    17.2 Monitoring the Training Process
    17.2.1 Creating a Training Monitor
    17.2.2 Babysitting Training
    17.3 Summary
    Chapter 18 Checkpointing Models
    18.1 Checkpointing Neural Network Model Improvements
    18.2 Checkpointing Best Neural Network Only
    18.3 Summary
    Chapter 19 Visualizing Network Architectures
    19.1 The Importance of Architecture Visualization
    19.1.1 Installing graphviz and pydot
    19.1.2 Visualizing Keras Networks
    19.2 Summary
    Chapter 20 Out-of-the-box CNNs for Classification
    20.1 State-of-the-art CNNs in Keras
    20.1.1 VGG16 and VGG19
    20.1.2 ResNet
    20.1.3 Inception V3
    20.1.4 Xception
    20.1.5 Can We Go Smaller?
    20.2 Classifying Images with Pre-trained ImageNet CNNs
    20.2.1 Classification Results
    20.3 Summary
    Chapter 21 Case Study: Breaking Captchas
    21.1 Breaking Captchas with a CNN
    21.1.1 A Note on Responsible Disclosure
    21.1.2 The Captcha Breaker Directory Structure
    21.1.3 Automatically Downloading Example Images
    21.1.4 Annotating and Creating Our Dataset
    21.1.5 Preprocessing the Digits
    21.1.6 Training the Captcha Breaker
    21.1.7 Testing the Captcha Breaker
    21.2 Summary
    Chapter 22 Case Study: Smile Detection
    22.1 The SMILES Dataset
    22.2 Training the Smile CNN
    22.3 Running the Smile CNN in Real-time
    22.4 Summary
    Chapter 23 Your Next Steps
    23.1 So, What’s Next?
    Стартовый комплект подходит вам, если (1) вы новичок в мире машинного обучения / нейронных сетей или (2) нет денег на другие комплекты. Он начинается с неглубокого ознакомления с миром компьютерного зрения и машинного обучения, даёт основы нейронных сетей, а затем превращает их в полный курс глубого обучения и сверточных нейронных сетей. Вы даже сможете решить интересные и интересные проблемы реального мира, используя глубокое обучение на этом пути.
    Хотя это самый низкий уровень, вы все равно получите полное образование.

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    Складчина на следующий пакет: Deep learning для машинного зрения[Practitioner Bundle][Adrian Rosebrock]


    Последнее редактирование модератором: 22 июл 2018
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    3. Andrex9077
      Andrex9077 участвует.
      22 июл 2018
    4. QashqaiBY
      QashqaiBY участвует.
      19 июл 2018

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    2. skladchik.com
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 21 июн 2018
    chpok13 БанЗабанен
    @YuriiKyiv, там тяжело.
    ЧК, поставьте плз в подпись, и порекламируйте в смежных темах. Хочется,чтобы участников ≈ 30 было.
  5. 22 июл 2018
    Andrex9077 ЧКЧлен клуба
    А что будет в продолжении?
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