
BlackRain79 - The Micro Stakes Playbook

Тема в разделе "Покер, ставки, казино", создана пользователем coldglock17, 19 мар 2018.

Цена: 1740р.
Взнос: 1740р.

Основной список: 1 участников

Резервный список: 3 участников

  1. 19 мар 2018
    coldglock17 СкладчикСкладчик

    Складчина: BlackRain79 - The Micro Stakes Playbook

    Новая книга Натана Вильямса по прохождению микролимитов.
    Скрытая ссылка
    My name is Nathan "BlackRain79" Williams. I have played poker professionally for over 10 years now. I am best known for having some of the highest winnings in online poker history at the micro stakes.
    I am also the author of two of the most popular poker books ever written on these limits, "Crushing the Microstakes" and "Modern Small Stakes". And I have coached 100's more students to success at these stakes.
    But even after all this, something still didn't seem right.
    The problem is that I still receive emails and comments on a regular basis from people who are struggling to beat the micros. In some cases they haven't even managed to turn a profit at the very lowest limits yet!
    And often when I have a look at some of their hands I can tell right away why this is the case. They are making what I would consider to be the 2nd or even 3rd best decision in many key situations at the lower limits.
    So this is why I decided to write The Micro Stakes Playbook.
    But let me warn you right off the bat though that this is NOT a beginner's book.
    For instance, The Micro Stakes Playbook will not teach you what hands to play preflop, how much to bet and so on (although most of this is actually covered in the free bonus guides).
    If you are brand new to poker, or having trouble beating the very lowest stakes, then I would suggest picking up one of my previous books first, Crushing the Microstakes in particular.
    This is where every basic fundamental detail of the game is covered.
    The Micro Stakes Playbook is instead a pure strategy book. Each chapter is laser focused on the specific plays that are going to take your game to the next level at these stakes and finally get you winning big and crushing the games.
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