
Беглый язык за 3 месяца - распродажа 2018 года [Benny Lewis (Бенни Льюис)]

Тема в разделе "Иностранные языки", создана пользователем Топикстартер, 19 ноя 2018.

Цена: 16500р.-84%
Взнос: 2632р.

Основной список: 7 участников

Резервный список: 2 участников

  1. 19 ноя 2018
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Беглый язык за 3 месяца - распродажа 2018 года [Benny Lewis (Бенни Льюис)]

    Benny’s Bootcamp and The Fluent in 3 Months Black Friday Collection – 75% off


    Автор сайта - Бенни Льюис, "ирландский полиглот", свободно говорит на 8 языках.
    Автор известной на Складчике книги "Fluent in 3 Months" (Беглый язык за 3 месяца).

    Язык: английский

    Продажи: 1 неделя (19 - 25 ноября 2018)

    Benny’s Bootcamp LIVE — My New 3 Month Language Hacker’s Program (value: $297)

    My all new 3 month language hacker’s bootcamp with LIVE weekly webinars. Benny’s Bootcamp is my biggest and most in-depth video course for language learners – and you can join to learn any language.
    • 12 weekly LIVE Benny’s Bootcamp webinars – I will guide you step-by-step through your very own 3 month language mission ($297 value)
    • The exact language hacks I use to learn new languages – I’ll show you how to make these work for you
    • Weekly missions and worksheets, so you can apply what you learn
    • “Learn with Benny” Case Studies - I’ll explain my hacks with in-the-field footage of me during my many language missions
    Plus Black Friday bonuses: LIVE Q&A sessions ($97 value) and Travel Hacking bonus modules ($77 value).
    • EXCLUSIVE BONUS ($97 value): LIVE Q&A sessions after every live webinar, so you can ask me your questions as you go through your mission (I’m not planning to offer this in my future Bootcamps)
    • BONUS MODULES ($77 value): “Travel Hacking” and “Speak with the Locals”
    Conversation Countdown – Your First Conversation in 7 Days (value: $97)
    Conversation Countdown is the perfect launchpad for Benny’s Bootcamp. With this 7-day video course, you’ll have your first conversation with a native speaker in just one week – even if you’re a complete beginner!

    "Thanks for making Conversation Countdown! I've been studying Spanish for exactly 1 week and I braved a Spanish conversation this morning. I surprised myself by keeping up with the conversation pretty well... for two hours!
    “I lived in San Antonio for 5 years and never learned how to have a simple conversation in Spanish, and here I am studying it for 1 week and it's really not hard at all! I'm so excited and I think I actually can be fluent in 3 months if I keep at it!"

    - Maggie A.​

    Fluent in 3 Months Premium – Lifetime Membership (value: $97)
    Fluent in 3 Months Premium is my classic guide to learning a language fast. It’s packed to bursting with resources you’ll find essential on your 3 month mission with Benny’s Bootcamp.
    • My 8-module Speak from Day 1 video course
    • 10 masterclass interviews with some of the world’s greatest polyglots
    • Conversation Connector Packages for 24 languages
    • Immersion Resource Kits for 12 languages
    • A step-by-step language hacker’s roadmap.
    • Mini-missions and language challenges
    • Plus much more...
    My Complete Easy Language Package (value $234)

    This pack of 6 language guides is a fantastic resource even if you’re not currently learning the specific language in the guide. In each guide, you’ll learn hacks and tips that will give you a HUGE boost if you’re learning that language. Plus you’ll pick up hacks you can apply to any language. A pack of 6 guides for hacking Spanish, French, German, Italian, English and Chinese.

    Складчины автора:
    Без скидки: $899

    Цена (сейчас): 200-250$ (цена отличается, поправьте на дату покупки)

    Продажник: ссылка
    1 человеку нравится это.
  2. Последние события

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      В складчине участвует 10 человек(а).
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      Orbitous участвует.
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 19 ноя 2018
    alenka23 ЧКЧлен клуба
    А перевод с английского планируется?
    1 человеку нравится это.
  5. 20 ноя 2018
    rasswet ЧКЧлен клуба
    перевод тут скорее смысла не имеет. и дорого.
    такого рода материал рассчитан именно на просмотр в оригинале.
    1 человеку нравится это.