
Beginning iOS 8 Programming with Swift (книга + бонусы)

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем ForexExpert, 13 окт 2014.

Цена: 4000р.
Взнос: 4000р.

Резервный список: 4 участников

  1. 13 окт 2014
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Beginning iOS 8 Programming with Swift (книга + бонусы)

    A Practical Guide for Beginners
    If you want to create an app but don't know where to begin, this book covers the whole aspect of Swift programming and iOS 8 development and shows you every step from an idea to a real app on App Store. Most programming books start by teaching the fundamental programming concepts. At AppCoda, we believe programming should be fun to learn. Instead of just elaborating the theories, you'll learn 'by doing' right from the beginning. This practical learning approach has gained positive feedback from tens of thousands of our blog readers.

    This book features a lot of hands-on exercises and projects. It assumes you have little or even no prior programming experience. You will first create a simple app, then prototype an app idea, and later add some features to it in each chapter, until a real app is built. During the process, you will master Swift programming and iOS 8 app development.

    What You Will Learn
    We will build a food app from scratch. Starting by creating an app prototype, we will add one or more features to the app in each chapter and you will have an app after working through the book. During the course of the app development, you will learn:

    - New features of Xcode 6 and Swift Programming
    - Playgrounds in Xcode 6
    - Prototyping an app without writing a line of code
    - Table view programming
    - Table Cell Customization and Self Sizing Cells
    - Applying Blur Effect using UIVisualEffect
    - Auto layout
    - UIView animations and Image Manipulation
    - Working with maps
    - Accessing Photo Library
    - Using web view and sending email
    - Search bar integration
    - Working with Core Data
    - Creating tutorial screens using UIPageViewController
    - Integrating with CloudKit and build a social feature
    - Pull to Refresh content
    - Localizing Your App into different languages
    - Arranging beta test using TestFlight
    - Submitting your app to App Store

    Демо версия книги:

    Купить можно следующие варианты:
    1) Только книгу - $49
    400-page PDF ebook
    Source code included
    Free Update for 1 year

    2) 2 книги - $99
    400-page PDF ebook
    Source code included
    Intermediate Swift and iOS 8 Programming
    (200-page PDF ebook)
    3 Premium App Templates in PSD
    2 Bonus Chapters
    Free Update for 1 year

    3) 2 книги + бонусы - $249
    400-page PDF ebook
    Source code included
    Intermediate Swift and iOS 8 Programming
    (200-page PDF ebook)
    3 Premium App Templates in PSD
    App Icons and Launch Screen templates
    RSS App Code Template
    4 Bonus Chapters
    Free Update for 1 year

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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 13 окт 2014
    ForexExpert БанЗабанен
    есть желающий взять сейчас книгу со скидкой 20% и потом провести складчину? Сегодня до конца дня акция
  5. 3 апр 2015
    ArturKrasnyh БанЗабанен
    а Intermediate Swift and iOS 8 Programming тоже в комплекте будет?