
Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies [Tammy Coron]

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем Guska, 7 июл 2021.

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  1. 7 июл 2021
    Guska ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies [Tammy Coron]

    Новая книга от Тэми Корон затрагивающая множество аспектов написания 2D игр для устройств Apple на SpriteKit.
    Год издания: 2021.
    Язык книги: английский.
    Форматы книги:

    • PDF for desktop/tablets
    • epub for Apple Books, e-readers
    • mobi for Kindle readers


    In this book, you’ll discover how to…

    Design and develop rich 2D gaming experiences using Apple’s built-in game frameworks. Harness the power of SpriteKit using Xcode and Swift to create engaging player experiences. Use the visual Scene Editor to build complete scenes. Unleash the power of the Particle Editor to create amazing effects. Use GameplayKit to add advanced features to your games like pathfinding, artificial intelligence, and complex rule systems. Build larger, more complex worlds with tile maps and Xcode’s visual Tile Map editor. Bring people together using GameKit and Game Center, Apple’s social gaming network. Increase revenue with third-party banner ads and rewarded ads using Google AdMob™. Monetize your games with StoreKit and in-app purchases.

    So, grab your gear and get your game on—it’s time to level up your skills.

    Продающая страница книги.
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