
Английский язык. 8 класс [Videouroki]

Тема в разделе "Иностранные языки", создана пользователем Dmitrij11, 22 ноя 2016.

Цена: 1140р.-77%
Взнос: 260р.

Основной список: 14 участников

Резервный список: 3 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 22 ноя 2016
    Dmitrij11 ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: Английский язык. 8 класс [Videouroki]

    1. After rain comes fine weather
    2. After rain comes fine weather
    3. It’s or its
    4. Phonetics. Letters OU
    5. Comparisons of adjectives and adverbs
    6. Past Continuous
    7. State verb
    8. Expressing future action
    9. Countries and their сapital
    10. Definite article THE with unique objects
    11. Phrasal verb GO
    12. What do we know about our planet (I)?
    13. What do we know about our planet (II)?
    14. Natural disasters
    15. Break/ destroy/ damage
    16. Both, either, neither
    17. Space. Word building
    18. Space. Solar system
    19. Space exploration
    20. Quiz. Space exploration
    21. Famous people. Yuri Gagarin
    22. Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
    23. Past Perfect
    24. Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect (review)
    25. Past Perfect vs. Past Perfect Continuous
    26. Fire safety tips
    27. Definite article THE with geographical names
    28. Quiz. Geographical record breakers
    29. Australi
    30. The USA
    31. New Zealand
    32. England
    33. Phrasal verb BRING
    34. Uncountable nouns
    35. Quantifiers
    36. Order of adjectives
    37. Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous
    38. Have gone to/ have been to/ have been in
    39. Nature and ecological problems
    40. Quiz. Ecological problems
    41. Word formation. Suffixes – tion, -al
    42. Your contribution to environment protection
    43. Chernobyl disaster
    44. Waste disposal problems
    45. Conditional II
    46. Conditional III
    47. Mixed conditionals
    48. Used to, get used to, be used to
    49. Phrasal verb PUT
    50. What is the media?
    51. Abbreviations
    52. Types of British newspapers
    53. What is Internet?
    54. Wh-questions
    55. Relative pronouns
    56. Gerund vs. Infinitive
    57. Quiz. Food for thought.
    58. Famous people. JRR Tolkien
    59. Writing a formal letter
    60. Phrasal verb GIVE
    61. Direct Speech and Reported Speech (statements)
    62. Direct Speech and Reported Speech (questions)
    63. Direct Speech and Reported Speech (orders, requests)
    64. Phrasal verb SET
    65. Modal verbs
    66. The meanings of KIND
    67. Do vs. Make
    68. Means of transport
    69. Passive voice
    70. Causative form
    71. Sport
    72. Family holidays. Easter
    73. Phrasal verb TAKE

    Цена - 1140 руб.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 6 мар 2024
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